Archiv für November 2015

Love Fire and Flames, hate the games of the capital !

As you might already know some neoliberal urban planners who not even shy to drag our label’s name in the mud, have the woolgathering to organise the Olympic Games 2024 in Hamburg and Kiel, what actually means more displacement, more repression and more redistribution from the bottom to the top. Tomorrow we‘re called to vote „NO“ at the referendum and we‘ll surely do so, what doesn‘t mean that we wouldn‘t still prefer the „NO“ of the streets of course …

So say NO to fuckin‘ Olympia !

Spread it to the world: #‎pkknaklar‬

23 years ban of the PKK in Germany are 22 years too much. Neither imperialist wars nor fundamentalist and state terror – but social revolution for the Middle East and beyond.

Stop the criminalisation of the kurdish liberation movement!


Let the art continue – the future still belongs to us !

We are happy to announce that we‘ve just startet a little collaboration with our comrades of the time-honoured antifascist artist initiative Kunst und Kampf („Art And Struggle“). For the beginning we‘ve got some of KuK activist Bernd Langer’s books as well as a selection of beautiful KuK posters in stock. KuK was developed in the 1980s as part of the autonomist movement. It is a conceptual idea for a cultural-political initiative. The project KuK is based on the idea to use resistance culture as an instrument in the political struggle.

Just Another Los Fastdios Video …

So rude and lovely band, song and ambience … Also available on CD!

Smash AfD racists in Hanover next week end


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