Archiv für April 2015

Manchester 0161 Festival

Last orders, please! Just one week left until the tremendous 0161 Festival will take place in Manchester. So don`t miss the chance to see our friends and comrades from Moscow Death Brigade and Los Fastidios and furthermore cracking bands like Suspenders, Doom, The Bois, Aggressors B.C.. And if you‘re looking for the right outift at this weekend, just come around to the stall of your trusted dealer for revolutionary music and clothing. See you there!

April 18th 2015: Solidarity with Bückeburg antifascists!

Antifascist comrades from the contemplative town Bückeburg in the german north-west who had to carry hard confrontations with the local nazi scene within the last years are now facing mass court cases for their engagement. The state wants to blame the young activists for successfully resisting the nazis. Next saturday a demonstration takes place in their hometown to support Bückeburg antifascists and their struggle against the nazi menace and state repression.

Antifascist self defense is legitimate and necessary!

2pm / Bückeburg / Train Station


Save Mumia!

On March 30th Mumia Abu Jamal, political prisoner of the US black power movement since 33 years, lost consciousness and was moved to hospital. He’s not receiving the care he needs Help to raise the urgently required money for lifesaving medical care. Free Mumia now!

>> Directly help here!

April 13th/14th 2015 / Lübeck: Trouble the meeting of the G7 foreign ministers!


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