Archiv für Juni 2014

This month’s „give a coin“ : Solidarity with Kavala antifascists!

After we collected some money for the Freedom March to Brussels last month, this time our new little give a coin campaign wants to give support to comrades from the greek city of Kavala. There a store run by an antifascist activist was attacked and partly destroyed by neonazis in liaison with the police on January 26th 2014. We call everyone who places an order in our online shop in the next weeks to use this easy possibility to show some international antifascist solidarity. We‘ll give the collected money to the comrade who was attacked afterwards. No pasaran ! You can find more information about the incidents and the situation in Kavala in this communiqué spread by the Griechenland-Solidaritätskomitee Kiel (only in german language at the moment, sorry!). ¡No pasarán!

Well dressed for the summer

In the last weeks we listed a blast of new clothes in our shop: As we already told you we now have the much loved HATE GERMANY shirt available in all sizes and varieties again as well as ANTIFASCIST ALWAYS shirts and the SUN, SEA, SOCIALISM motive in black on black and bordeaux. Again the MOB is back in black in all sizes but also gets dressed for summer in a shiny blue this time. Finally we also put up the hot shirts of our comrades FIRESTARTERS Copenhagen. And since we‘ve been to Paris this month we didn‘t just take some great music but also a wicked (and limited) ANTIFA PARIS shirt. And last but not least we shouldn‘t conceal at this point what everbody should know already anyway: There’s also a choice of the best motives of TRUE REBEL STREETWEAR available via FF since weeks. Phew – that’s it for the moment, check our online-shop!

A message to you Rudi!

We know we are a bit late with this because first we thought there really was no budget to reprint any more motives at the moment. But when all these fools in our neighborhood started to drape their cars, balconies, haircuts or whatever with their ugly black, red and piss-flags on the occassion of the world cup again (as „apolitical“ as the presenting of europes chief dictator Angela Merkel in the middle of the german team of course), we couldn‘t resist to answer this by restocking the popular „HATE GERMANY“-shirt. It shows the legendary scene out of the round of sixteen in 1990 when netherland’s punk of the pitch Frank Rijkaard spit at germany’s model-babbitt Rudi Völler. So today we kindly ask the upcoming opponents of the german team to kick it like Rijkaard and TREAT MÜLLER LIKE VÖLLER!

The shirt is now available in all sizes again for ladiez as well as for boiz. And because we still believe in „Vorrundenaus“ and we don‘t have any time to waste to spread them to the world yet before the last preliminary-match there’s also a little tombola running for all you facebook-victims at the moment until sunday to tell the world about it.

Never forget the victims of police violence : Remember Halim Dener!

We support the nationwide demonstration in remembrance of the 16 years old kurdish refugee Halim Dener, who was killed by the german police in 1994 while pasting posters with the symbol of the criminalised kurdish liberation organisation ERNK. 20 years later many antifascist, leftist and kurdish groups call to the streets of Hanover on June 21st 2014 to make a stand against police violence, the european racist regime, state repression and the continuing prohibition of the PKK, which actually means the oppression of every kind of political activity of our kurdish comrades. In the case of Halim it was even deadly.

There are organised journeys from different german cities, so there’s no reason left not to show up overthere because … REMEMBERING MEANS FIGHTING!

In remeberance of Clément Méric: Fight for a fortunate future!

Today one year ago, on June 5th 2013, our comrade Clément Méric was killed by neo-fascists in Paris. This year the Comité pour Clément calls for an antifascist demonstration in rememberance of Clément and the shift to the right in France and Europe on June 7th in Paris (2pm Bastille. There will also be a big memorial-festival the whole weekend. We hope to meet many of you there. For those who can‘t come to Paris there are several actions for Clément all over France and beyond too.

For all the countless victims of neo-fascist violence everywhere:
Noone forgotten – nothing forgiven!

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