Archiv für April 2014

Watch out: FF’s back in black on may 6th!

New stuff arrived! We can‘t await to introduce you to the content of this mystical box, so we‘re glad to pronounce the official date of our comeback: On may 6th 2014 we‘ll proudly present you the relaunch of our website and online-shop! But please excuse the interruption, now we‘re off for the international day of struggle against exploitation and oppression. See you in the streets!

Comrades, friends, family members!

We‘ve got great news for you: Although the last year has been quiet without question, we are delighted to tell you, that the fire is still burning and the flames will go as high as you‘ve been used to in the past in the very near future! Yes: Within the next weeks we‘ll be back with a highly motivated new collective, a brandnew website and online-shop, a well restocked headquarter and of course the good old spirit of rebellion, revolt and resistance against the fuckin‘ system.

So watch out for more upcoming updates and check back constantly!

Stoppt die Vorratsdatenspeicherung! Jetzt klicken & handeln!Willst du auch bei der Aktion teilnehmen? Hier findest du alle relevanten Infos und Materialien: