Archiv für August 2012

Racing 2 – 0 Independiente

Short story short, if you have been keeping up, you should know we dont like these people (if not, see aehnliche beitraege, to the right of your screen please). Today, we won on the field…

And off the field…

Celebrate 30 Years of the Juzi Goettingen, with No Respect and ZSK!

There cant be much question about tomorrows entertainment choices. We will be there, and so should you!

Goettingen 13.8: Info und Mobiveranstaltung Antifa Camp Dortmund

The antifa camp in Dortmund is only two weeks away, and for this reason there is an info and mobilization meeting at Goettingens Flaming Star on Monday evening.

Not only is Dortmund, and especially the Dorstfeld neighborhood of Dortmund in which the camp is to take place, a Nazi stronghold, but the camp is also scheduled to coincide with one of Germanys largest yearly Nazi demonstrations. The turnout is expected to be massive, and you should all come. Fire and Flames will also be present, and even the Nazi shops are mobilizing for the camp:

Historic. Weekday. Away Game. 1200 KM distance. 10 000 Fans. Only Racing Club.

You might be wondering why we are showing you a blurry picture of some busses on a rainy Argentine country road. Its because these busses are part of an historic mass mobilization, once again protagonized by the fans of Buenos Airess great and glorious Racing Club. Tonight is the final of the „Copa Argentina,“ between Racing Club and Boca Juniors, taking place in San Juan, 1200 KM from Buenos Aires. Just how massive is this mobilization?

The caravan of Racing fans is ***111*** sold out busses, ***21*** chartered airplanes, plus all those travelling in cars or normal flights.

This not being enough, the club has installed cinema screens at its social centers in Avellaneda and Villa del Parque. Tickets to both are sold out as well.

A Racing Lo Hace Grande Su Gente.

Match starts at 1 30 am, and you can watch it on, and here are images from the semi-final, where Racing dramatically eliminated River Plate in a penalty shootout:

(For you Europeans who only are aware of footballers who have played over there…you will notice one of the most recent additions to Racings roster…Mauro Camoranesi.)

Bones and Metal, The Collected Works

After my most recent surgery, I feel the need to share the collected works. The Doctors were obviously worried that I might be getting bored of the routine, so this time they decided to present me with something new. Enjoy further below.

For the record, after a lifetime of family and friends warning me of the dangers of radical politics, all my injuries are from playing futbol or ice hockey.

The one and only original masterpiece, right ankle, 2009…

The middle child, right foot, 2010…

The most recent addition, right hand, 2012. Yes, those are large screws coming out of my finger. My first thoughts when I saw it were „oh my fucking god, what have they done to me…Im in „Saw“" but Doctors call it a „dynamic external fixator.“

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