Archiv für April 2012

Berlin: Brixton Cats Live at Revolutionary May Day Demonstration (+Hamburg and RASH Festival Stuttgart)

Brixton Cats will be playing before (and during) the Revolutionary 1st of May demonstration in Berlin. They will be playing together with Drowning Dog and Neues Glas aus Alten Scherben. The live performances and „gathering“ begin at 17:00 at Lausitzer Platz, with the demonstration planned to begin at the classic time of 18:00. Click the poster for more information (in German)…

A little mobilization video…

For those of you in Hamburg, we suggest the following evening entertainment option…

Finally, neither in Berlin nor Hamburg, nor even on the 1st of May for that matter, but certainly featuring good bands for a very good cause, the RASH festival in Stuttgart…

The Classics Are Back!

While we are unfortunately still not finished with some important new projects (like the new Brixton Cats release, or new designs, or the new website…) we have gotten around and finally re-printed a lot of the much loved classic Fire and Flames designs, many of which have been sold out in quite a few sizes for at least several months. Here they are, all of the below listed are available again in sizes S-XXL, and most „girls cut“ sizes as well. Enjoy!


Alerta Antifascista

Stop Control ( also in Black )


Kick Fascism and Nationalism

All Power (also in Red)


Flaming Star
(also available in Red and Purple)

And finally, a couple of re-prints that are so classic, there are even still real live human beings modeling them…

Transparent Magazin #1

TRANSPARENT – das neue Magazin für Fußball und Fankultur.

Fußball bietet mehr als 90 Minuten Sport – durch eine gewachsene und beeindruckende Fankultur sind in den letzten Jahren viele Facetten hinzugekommen, auf die sich ein genauerer Blick lohnt. Im TRANSPARENT-Magazin zeigen wir deshalb den Fußball aus allen Perspektiven.

Neben den Fans kommen bei uns alle möglichen Menschen rund um den Fußball zu Wort – Spieler, Funktionäre, Journalisten. Wir zeigen den Fußball, wie er ist: vielfältig.

Besonders nahe wollen wir dabei aber den Protagonisten der Fankurven sein, den Fans und Ultras. Sie sorgen für das Leben in und um die Stadien. Dabei gibt es positive und negative Aspekte, die wir aufzeigen und kritisch hinterfragen möchten.

Im TRANSPARENT-Magazin reden wir also über die gesellschaftlich relevanten Themenbereiche rund um den Fußball. „Football, Culture & Politics“ – das ist das TRANSPARENT-Magazin.“


Die wundersame Ruhe am Rhein
Muss ich meinen Gegner wirklich hassen?
Interview: Sebastian Prödl

Ansgar Brinkmann

Abriss Tivoli-Stadion Aachen

Feine Sahne Fischfilet

Rivalen für immer

Paris und London

Ultras gehen neue Wege
Interview mit einem Organisator
Kommentar von Gerd Dembowski

Ein populistischer Reflex
Schöner Strafen mit Frauen

Muss das Sein?

„Subway Art“ 25th Anniversary Hardcover Edition

We just got our hands on two (yes, just two!) copies of this great classic. An essential work for any collector, 70/80s urban art nostalgic, or general fan of graffitti, boming, or street art in general. The book is hard cover, in huge A3 format (!) and of course end to end full with color.

During the 1970s and 80s, photographers Martha Cooper and Henry Chalfant captured the environment and the imagination of a generation by documenting the burgeoning New York City graffiti movement. Now 25 years and more than a half a million copies later, their bestselling book Subway Art is available in a large-scale, deluxe format heightening the visual impact of their classic images.

With 70 additional photographs, and a fresh introduction and afterword, this collector’s edition illustrates the passion, creativity and resourcefulness of unlikely kids inventing an art form destined to spread worldwide and spawn the present-day street art movement.

„Der Rote Wedding Marschiert“ Remix by Konecho

Our good friend Konecho, who we recently presented to you, has just released the following remix of this classic song, as part of the mobilization for a pre-1st of May demonstration in Berlin. Enjoy and spread!

Stoppt die Vorratsdatenspeicherung! Jetzt klicken & handeln!Willst du auch bei der Aktion teilnehmen? Hier findest du alle relevanten Infos und Materialien: