Archiv für September 2011

New Releases from Rogue Steady Orchestra, Pyro One, Cobretti, and more..

After months of silence, quite a bit has been happening on the Fire and Flames site recently. From new releases, to some new shirts and re-stocks, to finally getting the antifa flags (in both black and red) in after months of being harassed by you all, to new books and magazines, and so on and so forth. Heres a quick summary for now. Some newer news (about Argentine football, about interesting events taking place at „Flaming Star“ in Göttingen, about upcoming shows, and so forth) will be coming soonish…

*Weve just added the latest Twisted Chords releases to the site, and would like to take the opportunity to suggest them to you, as there are definitely some great ones among them.

First and foremost is the latest release of Göttingens own skapunk combo Rogue Steady Orchestra, titled „Liveticker zum Aufstand“ and available as CD and LP. For those of you unfamiliar with the band, here is a song from their previous CD, featuring Chaoze One…

In the category hip-hop, Pyro One is back with a new release, „Irrlicht.“. Also very suggestible…

Still in the hip-hop vein Kobito (probably better known from Schlagzeiln) has just released „Zu Eklektisch,“….

Besides that, also releases from Cobretti (CD /LP) and a 7″ from Tackleberry.

Also, no longer exactly new and in the category „this is a great band and a pretty good CD, its strange that we havent sold any in months……ooooohh, we never put it online“ is 8 6 Crews „Old Reggae Friends.“ First full length in over 12 years from this absolutely excellent Parisian skareggae combo.

*Two new t-shirt designs from Catarrhini Clothing recently arrived as well…

If you scroll through their section of the site, you will also notice that other designs are now again available in more sizes.

*We presented the book „Work“ just the other day, and have also added the latest issues of Plastic Bomb, AIB, and Lotta in the last few days.

On the Occasion of the Popes Visit…

…some thoughts eloquently summed up:

And at the risk of appearing crass and commercial, this t-shirt from Partisano is also not irrelevant:

The rough translation would be „the only pope that illuminates is a burning one.“

Crimethincs Latest Book… „Work: Capitalism. Economics. Resistance“

Its difficult and probably unwise to summarize or review a book one hasnt read, but well give it a shot anyway. „Work: Capitalism. Economics. Resistance“ is the latest production of the Crimethinc Ex-Workers Collective. This means chances are that you will find it inspiring and groundbreaking, or scandalous and insulting. Or possibly both. Whatever the case may be, it will very likely be interesting. Whatever the case, it is definitely refreshing to see Crimethinc tackle the issues of work and economics so squarely, laying once and for all to rest the absurd concept of escaping this totality through individual actions (which they will claim they never argued for, possibly correctly, yet the fact remains that they were often interpreted this way). The book opens by presenting us with the view of our lives as occupied territory. „Our lives are occupied territory. Who controls the resources in your community, who shapes your neighborhood and the landscape around it, who sets your schedule day by day and month by month?“

In usual Crimethinc fashion, this 368 page long book is very well laid out, profusely illustrated, and filled with possibly cliched but nevertheless inspiring snippets and quotes. You can see the table of contents as well as more images by following this link.

Finally, here is what people who have not only read it, but indeed even wrote it themselves, have to say about it:

„After so much technological progress, why do we have to work more than ever before? How is it that the harder we work, the poorer we end up compared to our bosses? When the economy crashes, why do people focus on protecting their jobs when no one likes working in the first place? Can capitalism survive another century of crises?

Our newest book, entitled Work, addresses these questions and a great many more. To answer them, we had to revisit our previous analysis of employment and develop a more nuanced understanding of the economy. We spent months studying obscure history and comparing notes about how we experience exploitation in our daily lives, slowly hammering out a grand unified theory of contemporary capitalism.

In addition to distilling our findings in this book, we’ve also prepared a poster to diagram the system it describes. The poster is based on the classic illustration of the pyramid of the capitalist system published in the Industrial Worker in 1911. With the assistance of Packard Jennings, we’ve created a new version, much more detailed than the original and updated to account for all the transformations of the past one hundred years.

In combination, the book and poster explore the positions we occupy within this pyramid and the mechanics that maintain it. From the industrial revolution to the internet, from the colonization of the Americas to the explosion of the service sector and the stock market, from the 2008 financial crisis to the upheavals taking place right now across the globe, Work offers an overview of how capitalism functions in the 21st century and what we can do to get beyond it.“

12 Years of Waiting… Atlanta vs Chacarita

Its been 12 years since weve seen each other. While they were in first division, Atlanta was making the tours of the forgotten stadiums and neighborhoods of the greater Buenos Aires area in third division. Tomorrow, they meet again the middle. And even though, thanks to River Plates recent relegation, away fans are now allowed again in the Argentine second division (after four years)…it was decided that this game is too dangerous to involve away fans. Unfortunate for the folklore, and definitely dissappointing considering the irrational hatred most of us feel towards Chacarita fans, but probably a wise decision since these were usually quite violent affairs.

One of the last Atlanta-Chacarita games, Atlantas first victory against them in 17 years, and also the last one since. A memorable day in my life:

1992, in Villa Crespo, as of ca. the 4th minute the cops and Chaca scum fighting each other…win/win, and all this to the sound of excellent Argentine rock n roll!

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