Archiv für Juni 2011

Termine, Termine, Termine….: Stockholm, Duisburg, Göttingen

Too many termine to and too little time to deal with them with the attention they deserve. But in the something better than nothing line, here they are…

On Saturday, Fire and Flames is here…. (yes, in Sweden)

In Duisburg…

Before all that, tomorrow:

Donnerstag, 16. Juni 2011, 9.30 Uhr, Amtsgericht Göttingen
Prozess gegen Martin R. („Meine DNA gebe ich nicht freiwillig her!“)

Hintergrund ist eine Solidaritätsdemonstration nach Hausdurchsuchungen in einem linken Wohnprojekt in der Roten Straße. Wegen eines vermeintlichen Böllerwurfs wurde Martin R. im Januar 2011zur Abnahme seiner DNA gezwungen. Er gilt der Polizei wegen seines „dunklen Teints“ als Verdächtiger im Verfahren wegen eines Feuers im Göttinger Kreishaus.

There is more, and there are also other entries (like photos, reviews, and thank yous in regards to the Solidarity shows in Göttingen last week, news about events in Greece, the tragic injury of a comrade in Chile, but sadly no time at the moment)….

The Rebel Spell: At Antifee (Göttingen, Again!), CD Release, European Tour

In case you missed the Rebel Spell in Göttingen on Thursday, and in case you *again* missed them in Göttingen last Saturday, or of course if you did catch them and are wishing to see them once more…they will be playing this Friday at 16:30 at Göttingens „Antifee Festival.“ If you are elsewhere, you can see their remaining tourdates by clicking here. The CD, „A Beautiful Future“ can finally be ordered online, and will be delivered sometime next week.

Before we continue, for those of you with short attention spans, but also because the music, the lyrics, and the video to this song are all excellent, we suggest:

A Beautiful Future in Review…
„A Beautiful Future is the latest sarcastically titled album from Vancouver, BC punks the Rebel Spell and it packs a hell of a punch. Carried by a driving rhythm section, It’s A Beautiful Future is nearly unmatched in its enthusiasm and execution. The lyrics are passionately political, but never preachy or pretentious, but if you‘re a „the medium is the message“ listener, the songwriting is outstanding, making it easy to put the politics in the backseat. It’s A Beautiful Future never stagnates and that’s partly because songs like „Uncontrollable“ and „It Can‘t Just Be Me,“ which feature violin and piano, respectively, work to keep things different and interesting. It’s A Beautiful Future is punk at its most coherent. Whether you‘re protesting or skateboarding, or skateboarding to protest, the album is uncompromising and the strongest Canadian punk album since Supporting Caste, which is no small feat for a band that clearly wear Propagandhi’s influence on their sleeves. Our political future may be bleak, but with bands like the Rebel Spell, punk rock’s certainly isn‘t.“

About the Band…
„Coming out of the Vancouver punk scene and with an unmatched desire to tour, you could say The Rebel Spell are a beacon of hope in an otherwise mediocre and draining environment. With the ability to remind you why we should „fight to win,“ the band raises hopes and gives you a great vocal work out in the process. A band that truly paved their own path, from constantly self managing their tours, manufacturing and releasing their own cds, and even supporting their fellow peers in order to ensure a steady supply of quality punk rock in the scene.

Having previously released 2 full lengths and 1 E.P. (notably having Propagandhi’s record label „G7 Welcoming Committee “ digitally release 2 of them) the band now presents their 3rd full length „It’s A Beautiful Future,“ which takes aim at „the problems down the road that we aren‘t thinking about right now“ and provides 12 insightful and inciteful anthems that deal with, among other things, the watchful eyes of Big Brother, environmental apocalypse and the pervasive talons of garbage media. The album is about dystopia and it’s about dissidence. It’s about fighting to make the world a better place, now, and every song is an impassioned clarion call to action or despair.“

You can read an interesting and comprehensive interview with Rebel Spell singer Todd here.

Presenting: Soundautistix (CD/LP)

Latest project from our good friend The Bunny Rabbit, aka Konecho, in this case together with „Caho.“ Catchy, vibrant hip-hop, with a healthy mix of inluences and dose of sampling.

The vinyl edition is VERY limited (50 copies), can be found here, and comes with a download code so that you can also enjoy it in digital format.

Should that be too much of an investment, there is always the CD option. For those of you in or around Göttingen, you can pick it up at Flaming Star.

In their own words:

„Auf der Suche nach Neuem sind die Soundautistix back to the roots angekommen, ohne dabei zu covern oder sich in Schubladen zu bedienen. Sie haben mit ihrer LP a kind of Old School neu erfunden; musikalisch feiner und facettenreicher, weil Genregrenzen nicht interessieren und sie HipHop mit Sound verbunden haben, der ihm per Definition eigentlich widerspricht.

Insgesamt ein mutiges Zusammenspiel das alle Erwartungen noch bei weitem übertrifft und zeigt, wie das simple Rezept aus Sample-Beats und Raps klingen sollte. Zwischen markantem Flow und deepen Lines, die zudem eine Message transportieren über die es sich nachzudenken lohnt auf der einen und einem grandios, perfekt gesampletem Sound auf der anderen Seite.

Der Name meiner neuen Lieblingsplaylist? Soundautistix! Auflegen, aufdrehen und genießen.

„If you don´t match those sounds that are in the air all I wanna know… why?!“
- Miles Davis in Soundautistix` „Revolution“ –“

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