Archiv für November 2010

Berlin: Silvio Meier Demonstration and Siempre Antifascista Festival

Very briefly because we are already in Berlin and have little time to computerify. Today…

Opcio K-95 „Reneix“ LP and Zartako „Primero Nosotros“ CD… Out Now on Fire and Flames Music

Opcio K-95, „Reneix“ LP

Zartako, „Primero Nosotros“ Live CD

In the case of OPCIO K-95, after over four years, Barcelonas longest standing, finest, and most engaged streetpunk/oi bands is back with another production! These are melodic, anthemic, and powerful songs played excellently. If you have somehow managed to not yet have heard of this band, which is after all by now one of the longest standing antifascist oi/streetpunk bands around, please dont take our word for it, listen for yourselves below. The vinyl LP comes with a printed sleeve!

ZARTAKO on the other hand marks a new addition to the Fire and Flames family, not only as a band, but also musically. This is yet another new direction, in the form of antifascist NYC style hardcore from Bilbao. This live CD excellently captures the power, intensity, and rage of this band. It is furthermore an excellent and clean recording, and the CD comes in a digipack case! For those who want to experience Zartako live not only on your stereo but also in person and for a good cause, they will be playing in Berlin on the 29th of December for RASH Berlin, and in Göttingen on the 30th of December as part of an evening in solidarity with antifascists from Russia (both shows supported by Enraged Minority).

Enough talking, meet the bands:

New AK Press Books in Literature Catalogue…

Our English literature section just got a whole lot bigger, thanks to the latest delivery from AK Press. You can see all the new additions here. While choosing favorites or highlights is of course a very arbitrary and subjective endeavor, here is an attempt…

„History of the Makhnovist Movement,“ by Peter Arshinov

An authoritative history of the Makhnovist movement, written by somebody with direct relation to Makhno himself. Excellent for mapping out the anarchist characteristics of the Makhnovist movement, and laying to rest some of the more stubborn propaganda claiming them anti-semitic.

„Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution,“ by Peter Kropotkin

One of the most classic and influential pieces of anarchist writing, relevant just as much today as when it was written. A scholarly refutation of social darwinism, and as the title clearly states, well reasoned argument for the importance of mutual aid.

„Paradoxes of Utopia: Anarchist Culture and Politics in Buenos Aires 1890-1910,“ by Juan Suriano

An excellent look at the insides of the vibrant cultural and political world that was the anarchist movement in Buenos Aires at the turn of the 19th century. An exciting and living insight into one of the worlds largest, and most forgotten, anarchist movements.

Here are the images of the other titles, click on them for the book descriptions:

Athens, 17.11: Largest Polytechnic Uprising Demonstration in Years

The 17th of November has a very special significance in Greek social movements, as it marks the date when, in 1973, the military junta massacred students during an anti-dictatorship uprising. For this reason, every year there is a demonstration, which is very often used by anarchists to eloquently make the point that the struggle is not over, and this often leads to clashes with the police and every few years to new Polytechnic occupations. A poster for this years demonstration makes it very clear, reading „Demonstration against the Junta“…

For me, the date has an even greater personal significance, as it marks my first „contact“ with modern anarchism. November 17th, 1995. Living in Greece, pre-internet times, barely a teenager, speaking little Greek. I had discovered anarchism, but not being able to find any present day anarchists, had reached the conclusion that it must be a dead movement, with no present day adherents. Until that 17th of November, when suddenly whatever I was watching on television was interrupted to show live footage of masked people clashing with police in front of the University. One couldnt make it all out, but they were chanting something about authority, things about the state, the word „anarcheia“ could often be heard. A Greek flag was burned…“revelation“ is probably the most appropriate term. The rest, as they say, is history…

This years demonstration, coming fresh on the clashes of the day before during an IMF visit to Athens, was attended by over 50,000 people. Occupied London reports:
It will take us a little while to comprehend today’s events in Athens – and surely, this is not the best moment to do so – writing these lines after a full twelve hours in the streets. But still, some first thoughts are of order. What happened today was important. First, today’s demonstration had a very peculiar feel to it. The largest Polytechnic uprising commemorative demonstration in more than a decade (30,000 according to the police, around double in real numbers). A very tense feeling in the air. Even before the demo set off, clashes with the youth branch of PASOK – the social-democrat party in power – who had the nerve to try join the demonstration. The police on the sides of the march, with their hands on the trigger of the tear-gas guns the entire time. People waiting for something to happen on both ends: our end, and on that of the police.

And something did happen. The most intense and populous demonstration Athens has seen since May 5th. The police charging ahead whenever they could, whenever they would isolate people off the main block of the demonstration. People fighting back, during the demo and then, late in the night, in Exarcheia. But that peculiar feeling hasn’t faded: we are still waiting something will happen… Tonight was the last day of a long summer. Tomorrow is the first day of a strange winter – hopefully, a beautiful winter.“

PS During the clashes earlier in the week, Greek cops can be seen, as in the image below, throwing chairs at anarchists outside the Polytechnic! A funny image, but really not all that rare in Athens, although usually it is rocks they throw, not chairs!

Feine Sahne Fischfilet, „Wut im Bauch, Trauer im Herzen“

This band is hands down of the most energetic and inspiring bands in the antifascist „scene“ today. Constantly touring, supporting all kinds of initiatives, and even carrying out inspiring actions such as hosting their release concert and party (attend by 350 people) in the town of Demmin (Nazi dominated area). For all these reasons, we are very happy to support them with their new tour posters…

Last week we recieved a packagr from Diffidati Records with the new Feine Sahne Fischfilet CDs, their t-shirts, and benefit shirts from Wasted Youth for an antifascist comrade.

All great stuff, which you should order either from them, or from us.

PS Ach ja…Fire and Flames Festival 2011….both Wasted Youth and Feine Sahne Fischfilet will be playing!

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