No gain without anxiety: the flip side of fitness trackers

For some users, fitness trackers can lead to compulsive behaviour and feed anxiety.
For some users, fitness trackers can lead to compulsive behaviour and feed anxiety. Supplied
by Helen Hawkes

Researchers are predicting the evolution of a new species called homo cyberneticus – humans who are increasingly told what to do and how to behave by technology.

Right now, for those who are concerned about their health and fitness, god and master is the fitness tracker.

Increasingly we use these devices as personal trainers and health experts. They measure the kilojoules we consume, the steps we take, our heart rates, our sleep patterns and more. Soon, this technology may become even more sophisticated, with biometric wristbands that can measure oxygen, C0₂ or hydration.

Latest devices include the Alta HR ($249.95) from market leader Fitbit. It boasts sophisticated sleep tracking. Competitor Samsung has the popular Gear Fit 2 ($289), a hybrid smart watch/tracker.

Andrew Hoyne says a wearable fitness device helped inspire him to take up running four years ago. Today, the City2Surf ...
Andrew Hoyne says a wearable fitness device helped inspire him to take up running four years ago. Today, the City2Surf and half marathons are part of his life.

There are wearable fitness gadgets tailored to most sports, too. If you're a golf fan, there's a wide choice of devices from Tom Tom, Garmin and others that include fitness features such as heart-rate tracking as well as swing sensors, shot trackers, score keepers, GPS info on courses, and more.

The Garmin Approach X40, for example ($389), doubles as an all-day fitness tracker and offers GPS tracking, 24/7 heart-rate tracking, data on 35,000 courses, shot tracking and on-watch scoring.

For many, the benefits of wearable fitness devices are undeniable. Take Andrew Hoyne, director of Hoyne Design Melbourne and Sydney, who says having a fitness tracker inspired him to start running in 2013. He now competes in the City2Surf and half marathons.

For some users, however, the devices can be addictive (compulsive checking of fitness goals, kilojoules and sleep patterns) and feed anxiety – either about being without the device or about having every waking moment of their lives recorded.

Personally, attaching a fitness tracker to my wrist resulted in an instant spike in my pulse rate as I waited for it to deliver a verdict on my resting heart rate. For a friend, the revelation that she was not getting the serene eight hours of rest she believed she had been enjoying became an ongoing obsession.

TomTom's colourful Touch Range.
TomTom's colourful Touch Range.

For Hoyne, the only anxiety he suffers over his One Tracker (a clip-on fitness device) is when he loses it.

"Then it can be days before I buy a replacement and that means multiple days with no recorded step number, reducing my overall average daily step count," he says. "I now have several back-ups in case that happens."

Anxiety factor

"While accuracy is a minor issue of wearable fitness, anxiety can be a major problem," says peak performance coach Mark McKeon.

Trackers can be valuable to set your goals and monitor your progress.
Trackers can be valuable to set your goals and monitor your progress. Supplied

McKeon, whose clients include senior executives and fitness buffs, says knowing you've only walked 1000 steps by lunchtime might motivate you, "but it can also make you stressed and set off a series of physiological changes that are more detrimental than an inactive morning."

If you feel like you've slept well but your tracker tells you you've had less than five hours, you might suddenly feel tired and be more prone to insomnia that night, he says.

A 2015 study of 200 women who wore an activity tracker found there were benefits. More than 90 per cent of participants increased the number of steps they took and the amount of weekly exercise they did, according to Rikke Duus, a senior teaching fellow in marketing at University College London, and Mike Cooray, professor of practice at Ashridge Business School in the United Kingdom.

Most of the women also increased their walking speed and changed their dietary habits to consume healthier food and smaller portions.

As for the feelgood aspect, almost all said reaching daily targets created feelings of happiness and motivation.

But 79 per cent of the women felt under pressure to reach their daily targets and 59 per cent felt their daily routines were controlled by their device. Almost 30 per cent admitted their trackers made them feel guilty.

Approached by Life & Leisure on the psychologically healthy use of the devices, Fitbit and Samsung did not provide comment.

Winnie Kwan, senior marketing manager of Tom Tom, said: "Research suggests that nearly 84 per cent of people do not achieve the fitness goals they set. Our philosophy at Tom Tom is to encourage people to set realistic goals, and to look for the right fitness product to provide relevant and credible information."

The Tom Tom Touch ($179) measures body composition, counts steps and monitors heart rates.

Kwan emphasises it's important not to become too fixated on the numbers because "for most of us, it's difficult to have a perfect balance of regular exercise, diet and lifestyle all the time. But by continuing to track your results over time, you're empowering yourself to move more and lead a happier and healthier life."

McKeon believes trackers can be valuable to set your baselines and monitor your progress but advises: "Wear them for one training session and one night a week to monitor your activity levels and sleep quality and quantity.

"For the other six days, go old school and train and sleep without the data. This will help you get more in touch with your body and become more intrinsically aware of what's happening. You'll be better able to estimate your heart rate, the distance you have covered, your intensity levels and your sleep by mixing self-awareness and actual data. Then use data to adjust your training."

Follow that advice, and homo cyberneticus will be back in control.