Baby Boomer chairmen make way for Gen X

OZ Minerals chairman Rebecca McGrath.
OZ Minerals chairman Rebecca McGrath. Dan Schultz

Baby Boomer chairmen are finally handing over the reins of our largest companies to Generation X leaders, heralding a new agenda for the business community.

Twelve of our top 100 company chairman, including BHP Billiton’s Jac Nasser, Woodside Petroleum’s Michael Chaney, Commonwealth Bank’s David Turner, AGL Energy’s Jerry Maycock and Coca-Cola Amatil’s David Gonski, have already passed the baton this year. It’s a lot of change considering the role is often held for over a decade.

Another five, including Rio Tinto’s Jan du Plessis and Santos’ Peter Coates have signalled their intention to soon retire. Business insiders say several other chairmen are also likely to step aside as activist investors ramp up pressure on the quarter of top-100 chairmen with more than 10 years’ service and an average 68 years of age. Lendlease chairman David Crawford, APA chairman Len Bleasel and Qantas chairman Leigh Clifford are among those in investors’ sights.

Epitomising the switch is the appointment of 52-year-old Ken MacKenzie last month as BHP chairman, over board veterans Lindsay Maxsted and Malcolm Broomhead.

Ilana Atlas has taken over the chairmanship of Coca-Cola Amatil.
Ilana Atlas has taken over the chairmanship of Coca-Cola Amatil.

Other Gen X chairman in their late 40s to mid-50s include Gonski mentee Ilana Atlas at Coca-Cola Amatil, Aurizon Holdings’ Tim Poole, REA’s Hamish McLennan, AMP chair Catherine Brenner, Macquarie Atlas’ Nora Scheinkestel and Tabcorp’s Paula Dwyer.

Generational shift

Long-time director Rebecca McGrath is another younger power chair who has become chairman at Oz Minerals and Investa Office Management Holdings.

“Anecdotally it feels a bit like a generational change,” says McGrath. “For ASX100 directors there was a fairly big gap; you tend to have a significant majority who are quite a bit older and then a 10-, 15- and maybe 20-year age gap in some cases to the rest. A significant change was going to come and when it came it was always going to be a generational shift.

“A generational change implies [a change in] attitude, style and behaviour; they don’t always go together because there are plenty of 70-year-olds who have a very contemporary style, but you also have people becoming chairman who are much more recently out of big executive jobs and that brings a different style and rhythm and creates its own change.”

Ken Mackenzie was appointed chairman of BHP over veterans Lindsay Maxsted and Malcolm Broomhead.
Ken Mackenzie was appointed chairman of BHP over veterans Lindsay Maxsted and Malcolm Broomhead.

Socially progressive

Investors hope the changing of the guard marks a shift on key business issues including executive remuneration, digital disruption and a different approach to the anti-business sentiment flourishing among politicians, the public and influential stakeholders.

Studies show Gen X leaders are more altruistic, ambitious and socially progressive drivers for change than Baby Boomers. Observers points to Wesfarmers’ recent 33 per cent cut to the pay of new CEO Rob Scott and the outspoken support by business leaders for chief scientist Alan Finkel’s report on the energy sector.

McGrath believes these younger boards are more dynamic and informal in their approach.

Heidrick & Struggles' Guy Farrow.
Heidrick & Struggles' Guy Farrow. Daniel Munoz

“There isn’t such a significant gap between the management and board, it is perhaps less rarefied, less formal and more dynamic; that is a trend I am starting to see [with boards],” McGrath says. “Directors need to be so tuned into market dynamics and pragmatism is prevailing on issues like [remuneration] with boards saying the era of entitlement is over.”

The approach of the new chairmen is also expected to flow through to the appointment of a more dynamic generation of CEOs and executives. This is a primary task of the board and it typically occurs in the years after a change of chairman, experts say.

“There is a strong interplay between chairman succession and CEO succession,” Heidrick & Struggles Sydney managing partner Guy Farrow says. “One of the first things a new chairman does is get comfortable with the performance and tenure of the current CEO. [They then] form a view on how strong the internal candidates are and [look at] the timing for them to be CEO-ready, [as well as increasing] their knowledge of the external market so that they are prepared and can proactively manage succession.”

Directors’ club

AHRI National President, Peter Wilson.
AHRI National President, Peter Wilson.

The shift is still glacial and not widespread: other new chairman appointments have been drawn from the established directors’ club.

The transition from West Australian oil and gas player Woodside’s Chaney to fellow West Australian and former Wesfarmers CEO Richard Goyder was described as cosy by investors. The new Graincorp chairman Graham Bradley and new CBA chairman Catherine Livingstone are also considered doyens of the boardroom club.

“Usually, it’s pretty obvious whether any existing director should be chairman and pretty obvious when no existing director should be chairman,” Chaney tells BOSS. “Usually the chairman would wander around and get the other directors’ views and a consensus would emerge and if it doesn’t, there is a lot of activity going on to find an external candidate.

“At both NAB and Woodside there was an obvious candidate, we got Ken [Henry] to come on [to the NAB board] with a view to becoming chairman.”

Chairman of the Australian Human Resources Institute Peter Wilson also cautions against hoping for a revolution in thinking, claiming that in the midst of the current scandal-ridden climate, boards are opting for safe chairmen and CEOs, which presents its own risks. “Ken [MacKenzie] is a risk-averse choice [at BHP] because the board didn’t want to be associated with past problems. However, in this role he will be facing [activist shareholders] Elliott and the barbarians at the gate despite his lack of mining experience, so these seemingly risk-averse choices are a gamble in their own right,” Wilson says.

However, the broader directors’ club is also slowly being pried open. Our BOSSstudy this year showed that 33 per cent of the ASX’s 5222 directors are new since 2015, with 30 new faces on our 200 most powerful list.

Examples include Wendy Stops and intellectual property lawyer Mary Padbury, who have joined the CBA board; venture capitalist Trae Vassallo, who has joined Telstra, and PwC partner Anne Loveridge, who has moved to NAB’s advisory board. All were plucked from long-time advisory careers and catapulted into the ranks of top directors.

Fresh eyes

Jane Halton, former Commonwealth finance department secretary has joined the board of ANZ, and former AMP CEO Craig Dunn has joined the Westpac and Telstra boards. Rob Whitfield, the former Westpac banker and NSW Treasury Secretary, is also set to join the board of two top 20 ASX-listed companies.

“Sometimes the fresh eyes [of] people new to board work, fresh out of industry, come with a different perspective,” Stops told BOSS.

Progress is slow and comes amid continued debate over the value of independent directors, despite the push by proxy firms and investors for greater independence on boards. Controversial research in 2014 claimed independent directors destroyed between $30 billion to $50 billion in shareholder value at top-200 companies over the past decade.

Research by Professor Alex Frino of the University of Wollongong this year also found that companies with less than a majority of independent directors can outperform others.

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