Hiustyöpaja / Hair workshop

Lisäys viikonlopun ohjelmaan: Hiustyöpaja järjestyy tänäkin vuonna. Ajelukoneet laulaa Hirvarin pihassa lauantai iltana klo 18-20. / Addition to the festival program: Hairworkshop will be held on Saturday 6pm-8pm at Hirvitalo yard.


Mustassa Pispalassa on tänä vuonna myös lapsiparkki, johon voi tuoda lapsensa hoitoon työpajan ajaksi. Infoteltalle tulee lista, johon voi merkata (mahdollisimman paljon etukäteen), mihin aikoihin tarvitsee lastenhoitoa. Jos tiedät jo nyt, minkä työpajan ajaksi haluat lapsellesi hoitajan, voit laittaa viestiä osoitteeseen mustapispala [at] riseup.net  Lapsiparkkiin voi myös ilmoittautua hoitajaksi paikan päällä koko viikonlopun ajan. Pidetään huoli toisistamme, myös pikkutyypeistä!

Ennakkoilmoittaudu työpajoihin / Sign up for workshops

Huomioithan, että joihinkin työpajoihin tulee ilmoittautua ennakkoon sähköpostilla. Ennakkoilmoittautumista on pyydetty Tietorvallisuuskulttuuri-työpajassa sekä Antirasistisessa stencil-työpajassa.

Pay attention that to participate some workshops you are asked to sign in beforehand by sending a mail. These workshops are Infosecurityculture workshop and Antifascist stencil-työpaja workshop.

Tervetuloa Mustaan Pispalaan

Musta Pispala 2017 on arjen ja anarkismin juhlaa

Pispalanharjun ympäristössä Tampereella 21.-23. heinäkuuta
järjestettävän anarkistisen vastakulttuurifestivaalin tämän vuoden
teemana on arki, mikä tarkoittaa herkullisen runsasta ja monipuolista
valikoimaa työpajoja, keskusteluja ja luentoja. Tätä festivaalin kovaa
ydintä täydentävät Vastavirran ja Kujakollin keikat sekä yhdistetyt
levy- ja kirjamessut. Perinteisen jalkapalloturnauksen sijasta
festivaali päätetään sunnuntain rentoon leffailtaan Hirvitalolla.

Festivaali startataan tuttuun tapaan jo torstaina 20. heinäkuuta
aloitusdemolla ja -bileillä. Ystävyyskaupunki Turku on hengessä mukana järjestämällä
samana päivänä antifasistis-metallisen aloitusklubin Kirjakahvilassa.
Perjantai 21. heinäkuuta ja lauantai 22. heinäkuuta on pyhitetty
työpajoille ja keikoille. Vastavirta-klubilla on entiseen tapaan
molempina päivinä luvassa tiukkaa punkkia, kun taas Kujakollissa
kosketellaan lauantaina asteen verran herkempiä sielun säveliä.
Musiikkia kuullaan vielä sunnuntaina 23. heinäkuuta Pub Yläkerrassa
levy- ja kirjamessujen yhteydessä.

Arki-teema näkyy festivaalin työpajoissa laajana ja rikkaana. Taloutta
käsitellään peräti kolmessa työpajassa, joissa suunnitellaan
yhteisöllisiä taloudellisia ratkaisuja, puhutaan rahan ja häpeän
suhteesta sekä mietitään, miten tehokkaimmin vastustaa kapitalismia
uuvuttamatta silti itseään. Tietoturvasta on kaksi työpajaa, keskustelu-
ja käytäntöpainotteiset. Hampurin kuulumisia jaetaan niin ikään
parissakin eri työpajassa. Vanhemmuus-työpajoissa keskustellaan
sukupuolinormien tunkeutumisesta lapsiarkeen sekä aktivismin ja
perhe-elämän yhdistämisestä. Lasten omissa työpajoissa keskustellaan
muun muassa erimielisyyksien ratkaisusta sekä tehdään puutöitä.

Siirtolaisuus-työpajassa etsitään ja löydetään keinoja tukea käytännössä
esimerkiksi paperittomia siirtolaisia ja muita vaikeissa tilanteessa
eläviä. Oma työpajansa järjestetään myös valkoisen aktivistiskenen
lähestyttävyydestä ja valkoisen antirasismin sudenkuopista. Työpajan
tarkoituksena on muuttaa omaa toimintaa käytännössä helpommin
lähestyttävämmäksi. Hieman toisenlaisista käytännön muutoksista puhutaan
liikkujan kasvisruokavaliota koskettavalla luennolla ja myös, kun uusi
stadilainen urheiluprojekti esittelee itsensä.

Festivaaleilla kuullaan myös kuulumisia Hampurista, näkemyksiä Bolivian
autonomiasta sekä peräänkuulutetaan luovuutta barrikadeille. Lisäksi
jaetaan neuvoja ja kokemuksia tapahtumien järjestämisestä sekä siitä,
miten toimia median kanssa tai ilman. Luvassa myös kiipeilyä,
stencileiden tekoa, tanssityöpaja, itsepuolustustyöpaja,
femme-tapaaminen, effigy-työpaja, utopia-työpaja… Tänä vuonna jaetaan
ensimmäistä kertaa myös skenen sisäisiä “pikakuulumisia” omassa
työpajassaan! Tsekkaa tarkemmat tiedot ja aikataulut ohjelmasta:

Festivaalilla pyritään noudattamaan turvallisemman tilan periaatteita.
Vaikka festivaaleilla on mukana myös oma turvaryhmä, ovat kaikki
festivaaleille osallistuvat yhdessä vastuussa häiritsevään käytökseen

Nähdään arkisen Mustassa Pispalassa!

Mustan Pispalan avajaismielenosoitus & aloitusbileet / Musta Pispala opening demo & party

Kesän kuumimmat festarit laitetaan taas ryminällä käyntiin! Anarkistinen vastakulttuurifestivaali Musta Pispala alkaa torstaina 20.7. klo 17.30 Keskustorilta lähtevällä kulkueella, joka juhlistaa vastarintaa pitkin Tampereen katuja. (Mielenosoituksesta lisää alempana.)

Demottamisen jälkeen alkaa armoton tykittely kovasta menosta kuuluisien aloitusbileiden merkeissä!

The summer’s hottest festival is again starting with a bang! Anarchist counter-culture festival Musta Pispala starts on Thursday 20.7. at 17:30 when a demonstration celebrating resistance leaves from Keskustori. (More info about the demonstration below.)

After the demo celebration continues in the notorious opening party!


Mon-sala ( HKI)
MC Rebella ( TRE)
Mato (TRE)
Mäjiströn (TRE)
Deep throat suicide ( TRE)
Poliisi-TV ( LAHTI)
Naispyy ( TRE)

For english, see below

Anarkian puolesta, kapitalismia vastaan! 

Sortavat valtahierarkiat ovat rakentuneet kasautuvasti toistensa päälle ja toisistaan riippuen. Siinä missä kansallisvaltioiden harjoittama järjestelmällinen väkivalta edellyttää patriarkaalista sukupuolisortoa ja sen määrittelemiä ahtaita sosiaalisia normeja toimiakseen, kapitalistinen talousjärjestelmä vaatii keinotekoisia nationalistisia väkivaltamonopoleja pitääkseen työväenluokan alistettuna ja porvariston vallassa. Kapitalismi on se meidän ajassamme sortohierarkioista nouseva lopullinen tyrannian muoto, joka tuomitsee meidät vieraantuneeseen ja merkityksettömään elämään pääoman palkkaorjina ja uhkaa jo nyt planeettamme elinkelpoisuutta ja omankin lajimme eloonjäämistä. Kaikille kapitalismi ei tietenkään suo edes oikeutta elämään edes nykyään, kuten näemme loputtomista imperialistisista sodista, ympäristötuhoista ja niiden kodeistaan ajamien pakolaisten epäinhimillisestä kohtelusta. Meidän on löydettävä keinoja taistella kapitalismia ja sitä ylläpitäviä sorron muotoja vastaan kaikilla elämämme osa-alueilla, joihin se tunkeutuu.

Anarkistit vastustavat sortavia hierarkioita kaikilla tasoilla ja kaikissa muodoissaan. Me tahdomme kitkeä kapitalismin juurineen ja korvata sen instituutiot aidosti vapailla, tasa-arvoisilla ja solidaarisilla ihmisten yhteenliittymillä kaikkialla maailmassa ja omista yhteisöistämme aloittaen. Kukaan ei voi tätä välttämätöntä muutosta meidän puolestamme tehdä, eivät varsinkaan yksinomaan hallitsevan luokan etuja edustavat poliittiset päättäjät, vaan meidän jokaisen tulee tässä ja nyt kampailla konkreettisesti arjessamme raivataksemme vapaata tilaa kapitalistisen valtakulttuurin ulkopuolelle ja puolustaa tätä yhdessä rakentamaamme vapautta. Kapitalismi kiristää jälleen yhä fasistisemmin otettaan kaikkialla maailmassa, ja olisi helppo vaipua pelkoon ja epätoivoon. Me uskallamme kuitenkin nousta puolustamaan jokaisen tasavertaista vapautta ja oikeutta elämään kaikenlaista sortoa vastaan, kukin omalla tavallamme ja kykyjemme mukaan. 

Näytetään tämä Musta Pispalan jo legendaariseksi
muodostuneen anarkistisen vastakulttuurifestivaalin yhteydessä ja marssitaan yhdessä irvokkaan kaupallistuneesta keskustasta kohti kauniimpaa kaupunginosaa. Kuljetaan yhdessä poispäin kapitalismista, kohti anarkiaa!

For anarchy, against capitalism!

Oppressive social hierarchies have been constructed cumulatively upon each other and they depend strongly on each other. Just as the systematic violence practiced by nation states requires patriarchal gender oppression with its strict social norms in order to function, similarly the capitalistic economic system requires these arbitrary monopolies of violence in order to keep the working class subordinated and the bourgeoisie in power. Capitalism is the fatal form of tyranny arising from various oppressive hierarchies at our day and age, and it condemns us to an alienated and meaningless life as wage slaves of capital, and it already threatens the continuation of life itself on our planet and thus the survival of our own species among others. Of course capitalism does not even provide the basic right to life for everyone even now, as we can see from the never ending imperialist wars, ecological destruction and the inhumane way in which capitalism treats people who it forces to leave their homes as refugees. We have to find ways to fight against capitalism and all the forms of oppression maintaining it, in every part of our lives into which capitalism more and more intrudes. 

Anarchists are against oppressive hierarchies at all levels and forms. We want to entirely uproot capitalism and replace its institutions with truly free, equal and solidarity promoting associations of people everywhere in the world, beginning from our own communities. No one can implement this necessary change for us, least the political leaders who represent solely the interests of the ruling class. We ourselves, every single one of us, has to here and now take part in a concrete struggle in our daily lives in order to clear the way for free space outside the capitalist hegemony and to defend the freedom of our own making together with our comrades. Capitalism is once again tightening its grip all around the world in more and more fascistic ways, and it would be easy to give in to the fear or despair. We, however, do dare to stand up to defend everyone’s equal freedom and the right to live against all forms of oppression, everyone in their own ways and each according to their abilities. Let’s demonstrate this in connection with the already legendary anarchist counterculture festival Black Pispala!

Let’s march from the revoltingly commercialized city centre to the more beautiful part of the city. Let us walk together away from capitalism – towards anarchy!

Aikataulut / Schedule


Alkuinfo / 12:30-13:00 / Hirvitalon piha
Festival opening info / 12.30pm-13pm / Hirvitalo yard

Keskustelutilaisuus rahasta / 13:00-14:30 / Hirvitalo
Open dialog concerning money / 1pm-2.30pm / Hirvitalo

Lisää luovuutta barrikadeille / 13:00-15:00 / Tahmelan ranta (Pauhouse
Encouraging creativity on the barricades / 1pm-3pm / Tahmela beach
(Pauhouse if it rains)

Lasten työpaja: Lapset, valtasuhteet ja kommunikaatio / 13:00-14:00 /
Tahmelan ranta
Workshop for children: Children, power relations and communication /
1pm-2pm / Tahmela beach

Kuinka vastustaa kapitalismia / 14:30-16:30 / Hirvitalo
How to oppose capitalism / 2.30pm-4.30pm / Hirvitalo

Rumpuryhmän tanssityöpaja / 15:00-16:00 / Tahmelan ranta
Drum group’s dance worksop / 3pm-4pm / Tahmela beach

Liikkujan kasvisruokavalio / 15:00-16:00 / Vastavirta klubi
Vegetarian diet of athletes / 3pm-4pm / Vastavirta club

Käytännön neuvoja demon, keikan, tms. Järkkäämiseen / 16:00-18:00 /
Mahdollisuuksien tila
Practical advice on organizing ademo, a gig, a street event etc. /
4pm-6pm / Mahdollisuuksien tila

Tietoturva osana arkeamme / 16:00-18:00 / Vastavirta klubin alakerta
Information security as a part of our everyday lives / 4pm-6pm /
Vastavirta club, downstairs

Queervanhemmuus ja (anarko)feministinen vanhemmuus / 16.00-18:00 /
Queer parenting and (anarcho)feminist parenting / 4pm-6pm /

No nations, no borders // Oikeutta siirtolaisille / 18:00-20:00 /
No borders, no nations // Justice for immigrants / 6pm-8pm / Hirvitalo

Tee-se-itse-utopia-työpaja / 18:00-20:00 / Mahdollisuuksien tila
D.I.Y. utopia workshop / 6pm-8pm / Mahdollisuuksien tila

Keikat / Gigs

Vastavirta klubi, 21-02 / Vastavirta club 9pm-02am
Liput / Tickets 6e

Sister Disaster ( JKL )
Apathetics ( HKI)
Mörkt Moln ( SWE )
Nollasopimus ( TRE )
Harhat ( HKI )



Lasten puutyöpaja / 11.00-13.00 / Hirvitalon piha
Children’s wood workshop / 11am-1pm / Hirvitalo yard

Tietoturvallisuuskulttuuri / 12:00-15:00 / Vastavirta klubin alakerta
Infosecurityculture workshop / 12pm-3pm / Vastavirta club, downstairs

Effigy-työpaja / 13.00-16.00 / Hirvitalon piha
Effigy workshop / 1pm-4pm / Hirvitalo yard

Anarkistin mediastrategiat / 12:00-13:30 / Hirvitalo
Mediastrategies of anarchist / 12pm-1.30pm / Hirvitalo

Queer- ja transfeministinen itsepuolustustyöpaja / 13.00-16.00 /
Mahdollisuuksien tila
Queer- and transfeminist self-defence workshopn/ 1pm-4pm /
Mahdollisuuksien tila

Anarkismi ja aktivistikulttuuri lapsiperheiden näkökulmasta /
13.30-15:30 / Tahmelan ranta
Anarchism and activist culture from the p.o.v. of families with children
/ 1.30pm-3.30pm / Tahmela beach

Walk-in tatuointeja / 14:00-20:00 / Kuutin studio
Walk in tattoos / 2pm-8pm / Kuutti’s tattoostudio

Suuri G20 keskustelu / 14:30-16:00 / Hirvitalo
The great G20 discussion / 2.30pm / 4pm / Hirvitalo

Valkoisen aktivistiskenen lähestyttävyys, valkoisen antirasismin
sudenkuopat / 16:00-18:30 / Vastavirta klubin alakerta
Workshop over the approachability of the mainly white activist scene and
the pitfalls of white antirascism / 4pm-6.30pm / Vastavirta club,

Kiipeily / 16:00-19:00 / Tapaaminen Pispalan harjulla, Pispalan
portaiden yläpäässä
Climbing/ 4pm-7pm / Meeting on Pispalan harju, by the long stairs

Situation in Copenhagen – The recent repression and solidarity around it
/ 4pm-5.30pm / Mahdollisuuksien tila

Antirasistinen stencil-työpaja / 17.00-19.00 / Pauhouse
Antifascist stencil-työpaja workshop / 5pm-7pm / Pauhouse

Ilmoittaudu ennakkoon osoitteeseen: Stencilpaja_tre@protonmail.com /Sign up for the workshop: Stencilpaja_tre@protonmail.com

Kuulumisia liikkeen sisältä / 18:00-20:00 / Hirvitalo
News from inside the movement / 6pm-8pm / Hirvitalo

Queer femme -tapaaminen / 18:00-20:00 / Mahdollisuuksien tila
Queer femme meeting / 6pm-8pm / Mahdollisuuksien tila

Keikat / Gigs

Kujakolli, 19-21 / 7pm-9pm
Ilmainen/ Free of charge

Lifelong hangover

Vastavirta klubi, 21-02 / Vastavirta club 9pm-02am
Liput / Tickets 6e

Kansanmurha ( HKI )
Paratiisi ( HKI )
Kaïna ( TRE )
Hyggelig ( HKI )
Kohti Tuhoa ( HKI )


Keskustelu: anarkia, arki, urheilu / 12:30-13:30 / Vastavirta klubin
Open dialog: anarchy, everyday life and sports / 12.30pm-1.30pm /
Vastavirta club, downstairs

Bolivialainen autonomia: hallinnon myytit ja vastarinnan mahdollisuudet
/ 13.30-14.30/ Vastavirta klubin alakerta
Bolivian autonomy: myths of government and the prospects of resistence /
1.30pm-2.30pm / Vastavirta club, downstairs

A-kassa: yhteisöllisiä taloudellisia ratkaisuja? / 14:30-16:00 /
Vastavirta klubin alakerta
A-cash: communal solutions to personal finance? / 2.30pm-4pm /
Vastavirta club, downstairs

Anarkistiset leffafestarit / 12:00-16:00 / Hirvitalo
Anarchist film festival / 12pm-4pm / Hirvitalo

Levy- ja kirjamessut
klo 14-18, Vastavirta klubin yläkerrassa
Keikat ovat ilmaisia ja ikärajattomia.

Record and book fair
2pm- 6pm, Vastavirta club, upstairs
Gigs are free of charge and there is no age limit.

Bändit / bands

Duo Röyhkeys (15.00 / 3 pm)
Rue Morgue (16.00 / 4pm)

Levy- ja kirjamessut

Musta Pispalan yhteydessä levy- ja kirjamessut Yläkerrassa sunnuntaina 23.7. kello 14.00 – 18.00
Rue Morgue (16.00)
Duo Röyhkeys (15.00)

ei pääsymaksua

Kujakollin keikat

Mikäli et ole punk-musiikin suurin ystävä tai jäät ilman Vastavirran tikettiä, myös Kujakollissa ( Tahmelan viertotie 2 ) mahdollisuus nauttia live-musiikista klo 19-21!! Eikä maksa mitään! / If you aren’t biggest fan of punk-music or don’ t get ticket to Vastavirta, there is also gigs on Kujakolli ( Tahmelan viertotie 2) at 19 to 21!! For free!

Submission ( JKL ) https://submissionfin.bandcamp.com/
Lifelong Hangover (HKI) https://lifelonghangover.bandcamp.com/


Turvallisempien tilojen periaate / Safer spaces principles


Mustassa Pispalassa kävijöitä pyydetään noudattamaan turvallisemman tilan periaatteita. Näitä periaatteita ovat muun muassa jokaisen kokemuksen kunnioittaminen, tilan antaminen jokaiselle ja pyrkimys välttää oletusten tekemistä esimerkiksi sukupuolesta, seksuaalisesta suuntautumisesta, varallisuudesta jne. Häiritseväksi koettu käytös lopetetaan pyydettäessä. Kaikki festivaaleille osallistuvat ovat yhdessä vastuussa häiritsevään käytökseen puuttumisesta. Tämän lisäksi työryhmien järjestämispaikoilla toimii turvaryhmä, joka tarvittaessa voi olla mukana sovittelemassa, muistuttamassa periaatteista ja tarjoamassa keskusteluapua. Turvaryhmän tavoittaa festivaalin ajan puhelimitse numerosta 0469621724.


Participants of Musta Pispala areasked to stick to safe space principles. These principles include for example respecting everyones experience, giving everyone space and effort to not assume about anyone for example their gender, sexual orientation, financial situation et cetera. Behaviour that is found disturbing is to be stopped upon request. All participants of the festival are equally responsible to interfere with disturbing behaviour. In support of this, the locations that will host workshops shall also have safety teams to, if need be, aid in reconciliation, to remind participants about the aforementioned principles and to offer help in dialog. The safety team can be contacted during the festival by phone at +358 469621724.


Changes possible! Check out the schedule for the latest info!

The acknowledging and following of specific security patterns, by which we protect our privacy and cover the backs of ourselves and other operators in action, benefits us all. Let’s discuss these themes and go through some things, by which our operation in both our everyday lives and in political action, may be more secure in the face of repression and our avoidance of it.

A potluck picnic discussion for kids, in which the adult is only present to document the discussions the kids have for others to read. Children may analyse their role in their respective families’ decision making and their other everyday environments, such as kindergarten or school. How to make your voice heard? How are things settled, who makes the decisions, how are differences resolved? What kind of models do adults put out?


Bearing a child remains a strictly cis-heteronormative topic both in private experience as well as
in society. From pregnancy cissexism and a form of gender roling are strongly present. How do gender roles force their way into a life with children? How have participants tackled issues of raising a child into a predetermined gender? What kind of norms are forced upon one from outside the family and how to work with them? What kind of gender roles are expected from children and their parents and how are they tolerated – how do they affect ones life? Can one function as a parent if ones gender-identity isn’t normative? An introduction followed by open dialog.

Open dialog concerning the relations of activist culture, anarchist communities and families with children. What kind of things should we as a community consider so that those comrades who have children wouldn’t fall outside the circle of action? How to increase solidarity within the movement and support the conjunction of a life with children and activism? What kind of structures, culture of action and practices could we build to make it easier for those with children to partake in anarchist action? We may also share our experiences or thoughts concerning any joys, sorrows, worries and questions of the conjunction of parenthood and anarchism / activism. Notes will be taken of the discussion which we intend to publish later in some form (for example in takku.net or as a zine / as a part of a larger publication)

Let’s tinker up some form of an utensil to bring home. We’ll train some sawing, buffing, nailing, drilling and soldering depending on each kids’ needs.

SITUATION IN COPENHAGEN: The recent repression and solidarity around it
Some anti-authoritarian viewpoints on the situation in Copenhagen. A talk about the situation in Copenhagen, the recent repression and a new anarchist newspaper. This workshop will be held in English.

(Perceptions, shame, maintaining ones working order, everyday life, solidarity)
Aino-Maija Leinonen and Saara Henriksson are the authors of an in-the-works guide about the theme. Their previous published guide was about ecological housekeeping (with involved criticism of capitalism).

Are you tired of the never-ending marching at protests? Are you interested in festive or otherwise creative forms of action and making a difference? Bring yourself, your hula hoop and your crazy ideas into a workshop in which we’ll discuss performative forms of political action, share experiences and thoughts, as well as map out new opportunities for collaboration over festive, musical, performative or otherwise artistic action. After the discussion one may partake in the drum group’s dance workshop (see below).

How to deal with media or not to deal with it at all? In what kind of situations benefits come bigger than disadvantages and how can you measure it? How to use the power of media without becoming a part of it? Could we just ignore the media? Is there more options than choosing between “deal or not to deal” with media? In this workshop we will try to find answers to these questions. In addition we can also share our tips and experiences of dealing with media.


Festive dance adds a factor of unpredictability, flare and fun to any demonstration! In the workshop
we’ll go over 1-5 easy dance moves. If people have the motivation we may then organise to form a regularly practicing dance group. No previous experience or skill required.

Welcome to think tank over how we may support each other in financial management. I’ve for example considered the possibility of forming a small autonomously organised group, the participants of which would all deposit a small sum to a shared cashbox for members to lend in need. What kind of practical and principal questions does this arise? Would partakes be interested in trying this out in their own networks and what things should be considered beforehand?


Two anarchists and anarchopunks tell their lessons (learned from the school of hard knocks) on what to consider in organising a demo, a band night or a street event (such as The Street Is Punk). In addition we’ll work together to find ways to incite new people to take action in organising events and committing to action. The workshop is specifically targeted towards individuals who’ve less experience in organising events, but we do acknowledge that people have different views and
experiences, so do also feel welcome to come and trade advice and tips of your own.


Finland has a flagrant need for successful anticapitalism. Activism isn’t easy. One has no energy left after a hard days work, and full time activists are constantly out of money. How to solve these problems of activism? How to build a strong anticapitalist movement in Finland? Antti Jauhiainen and Joona-Hermanni Mäkinen from Parecon Finland discuss what anticapitalist action could look like in modern day Finland, what problems activists face in their daily struggles and reaching people, as well as what goals activism should have.

Group gathering for femmes! If it’s a part of your identity, feel welcome. We’ll get to know each other and discuss femme topics, especially the political aspects of femininity.


Sports are center aspect of many peoples lives. Many of us, too, spend a significant amount of their time in gyms, on running tracks, in combat or team training as well as just following sports. To many, sports are also an important form of social convention. In what ways may autonomous organisation that is centred around sports increase our collective, physical as well as political strength? In the workshop a new project from Helsinki area introduces itself, followed by discussion over how to organise this part of our lives in a way that is more fun, cheaper and more collective.

We’ll gather to discuss and share experiences over Hamburg’s G20 meeting’s protests. Hosted by TAL.

Together with the partakers of the workshop we’ll build a few large sized dolls. In constructing the dolls we’ll personalise them to specific figures with destroying the dolls in mind. We’ll transport the
dolls someplace out in the open where we’ll annihilate them. Partakers should bring materials to make the dolls. What’s more, we hope partakers would also bring musical instruments to play during the transport of the dolls. Maximum numbers of partakes: 20 people. Estimated duration of
construction: 3 hours. Duration of transport: 15-20 minutes. Duration of destruction: an estimated 5 minutes.


Free movement is a network of migrant activists that has been working since the 00’s. The network actively supports migrants – asylum seekers, mobile Roma, undocumented – in their struggles for their rights. The network campaigns, demonstrates, gives advice and practical support to migrants in difficult situations, and gathers and distributes knowledge on the controls and struggles around migration.
Free movement network of Tampere arranges in Musta Pispala a workshop and information event for those who are interested in the network’s activities and migrants’ rights. There will be a brief presentation on migrants’ situation in Finland and a discussion based on the participants’ interests. The workshop is directed especially for those who are interested in organizing practical support for migrants in difficult situations, such as undocumented, but participants are welcome to bring out other topics as well. The discussion is in English. Drop by to hear more and to ponder how we could together stand for all people’s rights – regardless of passport or place of birth! Read more about Free movement network: http://www.vapaaliikkuvuus.net/category/english/


Bolivia’s aimara-descendant president Eva Morales is known for his critique of capitalism and as a defender of native peoples’ rights. The government speaks of mother earth’s rights and in other ways development towards a good life that strives for a more comprehensive well being.
However, the actual politics are at a cross section with these rhetorics. Several native parks in Bolivia either have an ongoing or an in-planning project over stripping the resources. Alongside oil
companies also mining companies are aggressively spreading into the Amazonian forests. Communities that count as native people are bracing for conflict to stop a road project that would butcher the native park of Isiboro-Secure, and are hoping for more international coverage over
their situation. The introduction is intended to dissemble myths concerning Bolivia and critically ponder the aspects of societal change through national government. The host is working on a pro gradu-study on the topic.


Let’s do crafts and daydream. In dire times one may easily find themselves a mere reactionary with ones own goals pushed to the background. In the workshop we’ll turn out subjects of protest
into a resource and create our own utopias, towards which we’ll stride. Be a realist by demanding the impossible!

With the interest of the partakes we may try climbing up a lamp pole or a tree trunk using tools. We may also attach some ropes and climb them too. An outside workshop, so cancelled if raining. Meeting on Pispalan Harju, by the long stairs.

If you do a lot of sports and want to eat more plantbased food, is there something you should take into account? How to compose a vegan diet of athlete? You will find answer to these and many other questions during this lecture. Lecturer, Jussi Riekki, is an author of the book Liikkujan kasvisruokavalio (Fitra, 2017). Jussi has more than 10 years experience how to fit together training and vegetarian diet. He has a blog where he writes about vegan nutrition: www.puolikiloa.fi.

How to protect our data, our communications and ourselves in the digital age? Good practices and less good? What to encrypt, How, and Why? What applications and services?? What datatraces?!?? This workshop tackles these questions practically-focusedly and easily-understandably. Prior
knowledge not required. Subject broad, life short, so we will focus mainly on computers. Bring your own, thusly you will get something out of the workshop already on the spot! Pretty please enroll beforehand: tttpmp ÄT riseup DOT net but come along even if you don’t! (If you wish for info or help on some specific subject, that too you’re very welcome to email about in advance, and let’s see if it works out!)

The workshop is for groups/organizations who follow antiracist principles, but whose active members are primarily white. The focus of the workshop is to discuss and reflect on how the whiteness of the individual or the group might affect antiracist action, and make active roles less accessible for people of colour. The object of the discussion is to formulate strategies to make your activism more inclusive. Attached you’ll find some texts by POC activists we’ve compiled. We hope those who participate in the workshop will have the time to have a look at them. We’ll be using Finnish and English.

It is not necessary to read all the readings, reading couple of those you find the mst interesting is enough. Recommended readings are marked.

Recommenable: DiAngelo, Robin: White Fragility. PDF:
Didi Delgado: Whites Only: The Caucasian Invasion of Racial justice
Spaces. White antiracism and privileges.
Black Lives Matter: Macklemore’s white privilege and the role of white
Collier Meyerson/Fusion: Dear white friends: Here’s how to support BLM
without making it about you.
Recommenable: How to deal with being called out.

Why the anarchist movement needs privilege analysis.

Asam Ahmad: Dear White Fatties (and Other Socially Visible Fat
Recommenable: Interview of Poe Liberadon in Finnish http://voima.fi/blog/arkisto-voima/valkoisuudelle-kenkaa-2/
Recommenable: Colours of Resistance http://www.coloursofresistance.org

In the workshop we use feminist self-defence as a base and develop it into queer- and transfeminist workshop on how to protect ourselves mentally, verbally and physically. We try out to draw borders of how close somebody can come, different strategies to get out of difficult situations, and we learn to use the body’s full strength in hitting and kicking. The point of queer- and transfeminist self-defence is to think about and to learn methods to reclaim power and space, with friends and alone. The goal is to learn how to do gender in a way that is liberating and communal. Queer- and transfeminist self-defence is part of struggles for radical equality and to dismantle racist, homophobic, transphobic and sexist structures. Bring comfortable clothes and something to drink as well as something small to eat. The workshop is open to women, queer and trans peoples. Welcome!


In this workshop we’ll be cutting some antifascist stencils either by pre-provided or self brought pictures.

On the Saturday of Musta Pispala on July 22nd we’ll be doing walk-in tattoos from 14-20! Times available for other days as well, bookings at kuutti.kiperä AT gmail DOT com. Pictures either from flash or something you bring. Make an appointment for larger pictures! Any gross revenue will be used to support anarchist action in Tampere. Remember to bring cash! Address: Pyynikintie 62 (towards Varala at the football field)

The anarchist and antiauthoritarian movement is widespread and takes countless of different forms. It is important that we share each other information about different projects, benefit from the gathered tacit knowledge and support each other in our shared struggle. In this workshop we will share news from the past year in a somewhat fast tempo. You can join e.g. to tell about the activities of your group, about the political situation you’ve been following abroad or to ask advices for your actions. In the workshop each speaker can do a short (max. 15 min.) introduction which is followed by a chance for the audience to ask questions or to comment. After the quick round it is of course possible to continue networking with less facilitating! The time to share the news is limited so if you want to ensure your turn to speak you can send mail in advance to mustapispala (A) riseup.net.