AACD Membership

Dedicated to Advancing Excellence in Cosmetic Dentistry
AACD Membership

AACD APEX Student Scholarship 

APEX Scholarship Recipients 2017
2017 APEX Scholarship Recipients
Giving dental students a chance to learn from the best...

"The AACD conference was an extremely interesting and stimulating experience. I was exposed to a variety of novel techniques and materials. Meeting dentists from around the world and discussing modern methods was very beneficial for me. The speakers at the conference were inspiring and willing to share their expertise in a manner that was applicable to all interested dentists. I will definitely be going back next year and plan on becoming an active AACD member during my professional career.”
—Wassim El Awadi, fourth year dental student at University of Michigan and 2017 APEX Scholarship recipient.

“The AACD Annual Scientific Session is by far one of the best conferences I have ever attended. To be surrounded by the best in restorative and cosmetic dentistry has motivated me to take my skills to the next level.”
LaJoi Wiggins, fourth year dental student at East Carolina University School of Dental Medicine and 2017 APEX Scholarship recipient.
. . . and be inspiried!
"The Apex Scholarship is a phenomenal opportunity for dental students to learn from the best. Attending the AACD Scientific session exceeded my expectations of what was possible at a dental meeting. What I was able to learn at this conference changed the way I will approach dentistry for the better.” —Omar Nijem, third year dental student at the Stony Brook School of Dental Medicine and 2017 APEX Scholarship recipient.

About APEX

Valued at more than $2,300, this scholarship will send select students to AACD's renown Annual Scientific Session to learn from the cosmetic dental world's finest educators. The AACD APEX award includes conference registration fees, air travel, four nights hotel accommodations, an annual membership in AACD, and more.


Dental students are eligible to apply for the AACD APEX Student Scholarship on an annual basis. Criteria for the applicant eligibility will be based on their demonstrated academic achievement, along with their understanding of and commitment to the future of cosmetic dentistry.  Applications will be accepted and reviewed by an AACD assigned review committee for consideration.


  • Completed scholarship application.
  • Two letters of recommendation.
  • Essay approximately 750 words on the social or scientific value and benefits of cosmetic dentistry.
Essay Criteria:
  1. Importance of ideas about social or scientific value and benefits of cosmetic dentistry.
  2. Clarity and organization explaining the importance of cosmetic dentistry.
  3. Indications of educational and career plans regarding cosmetic dentistry.
  4. Support for the applicant in the two letters of recommendation as an indication of likely career promise.
  5. Indications of cosmetic dentistry academic history.
Based on reviewers ratings and discussion, scholarships are awarded to the top applicants.
The AACD APEX Student Scholarship includes:
  • One year of AACD membership ($60 student)
  • Registration fees to the annual scientific session ($275 student)
  • Round-trip coach-class air travel (up to $500 value)
  • Four nights hotel accommodations (April 18 - April 21, 2017) for the annual scientific session ($1,000 value)
  • Breakfast and Lunch included for 4 days ($485 value)

Full Scholarship Value = $2,320/student

Application Deadline: February 1, 2017 - 2017 Submissions closed

Click here to apply


AACD APEX Scholarship - not just an opportunity for dental students.

Invest in the future of cosmetic dentistry by sponsoring an APEX Scholar. 

"I'm happy to support the next wave of talent to our wonderful profession. We can all learn from the past while building great futures." -- Hugh Flax, DDS, AAACD.

Click here to sponsor an AACD APEX scholarship for a promising dental student.

A special THANK YOU to our APEX Scholarship Sponsors for AACD 2017 in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Mickey Bernstein, DDS, AAACD

George Tysowsky, DDS, AAACD



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