Joan WalshOverený účet


National Affairs Correspondent for The Nation; MSNBC political analyst; author, What's the Matter With White People? A great spokeslady for our race -

New York, NY
Na Twitteri od: marec 2007


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    pred 3 hodinami

    Republicans are just 1 vote from decimating our health system and leaving millions to go broke or die Time to call & share! 202-224-3121

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    pred 12 hodinami
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    Someone asked me if Republicans are wearing people out on Trumpcare. I really don't think so...

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    16. 7.
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    pred 13 hodinami

    If a sheriff had a chance to allow someone to die brutally in one of his jails and DIDN'T? I'd be all over him. It's called JUSTICE.

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    In case you missed this. HHS has a shameful, backwards, cruel, unscientific view of public health & women.

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    . "No Mr. Cheetolini, you cannot grab me for I am feral and will bite thee."

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    pred 14 hodinami
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    pred 13 hodinami

    Lots of anger about AB398, the CA cap and trade bill which gets a Senate vote tomorrow. But you know what it is? A gut and amend bill!

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    pred 13 hodinami

    "I don't plan on knitting by the fire while men fight for me." Lady Mormont is the feminist hero I need in 2017.

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    July 11, 2017, Dr Jill proudly posts the photo of her chillin with Flynn and Putin. Because they're still the only political pals she's got.

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    pred 13 hodinami

    Let's go get 'em. I'm ready to go!

  16. Retweetol používateľ
    pred 13 hodinami

    Priceless look on your face on MSNBC today when the topic turned to Trump's "accomplishments."

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    V odpovedi používateľom

    Hairy MacLary and Hercules Morse

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    I don't have a dog, but... Chauncey is a red, white, and blue Siamese-American Fighting Fish ready to attack trolls!

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    Don't worry, Buffy is on the case, signing on pro kitty-o...

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    pred 13 hodinami
    V odpovedi používateľom

    Here's another Grand Lake, CO pup - small, but fearless with dreaded PuppyTeeth! - at the ready for

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