Le Monde in English

Emmanuel Macron à Paris, le 10 mai.
Point de vue

Tony Blair : « What Emmanuel Macron grasped »

In an op-ed, United Kingdom’s former Prime Minister hails Emmanuel Macron’s victory. Tony Blair also explains what he learnt on the way to conduct reforms and why he believes that the progressive centre is the only way to defeat populism.

Tony Blair (Prime Minister of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from 1997 to 2007)


Emmanuel Macron et Marine Le Pen sont arrivés en tête du premier tour de la présidentielle, le 23 avril 2017.

« Le Monde » editorial : Rejecting the National Front

Far-right National Front leader Marine Le Pen’s advance to the second round of the French presidential elections, and the stinging defeats of both the centre-right Les Républicains party and the centre-left Socialists, pose a new threat to France.

Jérôme Fenoglio (Director of "Le Monde")


Kim Kardashian West, May 16, 2016. REUTERS/Mike Segar
Compte rendu

Kim Kardashian : “I thought they were terrorists who had come to kidnap me” 5

Le Monde has had access to the hearing of the American reality TV star before the French investigating judge in charge of the inquiry into the hold up of which she was a victim. She confirms the hypothesis of a ‘stitch-up’, probably an ‘inside job’, and gave a detailed account of the night of 3 to 4 October when she was robbed of jewellery worth almost 9 million dollars.


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