Christopher John Arthur
(formerly of the University of Sussex)
This site contains a copy of my book Dialectics of Labour (Blackwell 1986); a list of my publications (which I hope to keep current); some papers not published elsewhere, English versions of some papers published in other languages, and news about forthcoming work.
- News
- Selected Publications
- International Symposium on Marxian Theory (ISMT)
- Towards a Systematic Dialectic of Capital [PDF]
- A Guide to Marx’s Grundrisse in English
- English translation of ‘Capital et méthode’ from Dialectiques aujourd’hui eds B. Ollman and L. Sève, Éditions Syllepse et Espaces Marx, Paris 2006.
- Dialectics of Labour
- Hegel’s Master-Slave Dialectic and a Myth of Marxology (also on Marx Myths & Legends site)
- The Myth of ‘Simple Commodity Production’ (also on Marx Myths & Legends site)
- Video of paper “The Concept of Money” at the “Congrès Marx International V: Altermondialisme/anticapitalisme. Pour une cosmopolitique alternative”, Université de Paris X, Nanterre.