Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah). (EPA)
Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah). (EPA)
The decision by Sens. Mike Lee (R-Utah) and Jerry Moran (R-Kan.) to oppose the latest effort to overhaul the U.S. health-care system leaves the legislation short of the support it needs to pass and could end the months-long effort to make good on the long-standing Republican campaign promise to repeal the Affordable Care Act.
Steven Mnuchin’s struggles to win support in Congress or the White House for his strategy to raise the federal debt ceiling are casting doubt on whether the political neophyte has the Washington clout to win approval of a measure that could be necessary to avoid a historic, market-rattling default on U.S. government debt.
Justine Damond, a yoga and meditation teacher, called police late Saturday to report what she thought was a sexual assault near her home. Two officers arrived to investigate, and the encounter turned deadly. The case renews scrutiny of officers in the Twin Cities, the site of two previous controversial shootings that set off waves of protests.
Here’s every total solar eclipse happening in your lifetime. (Denise Lu/The Washington Post)
Mike Kentrianakis has missed work, strained relationships and drained bank accounts to witness 20 solar eclipses in his 52 years. But it’s the Aug. 21 eclipse, the first in a century to cross the entire continental United States, that he says he’s been waiting for all his life.
The attorney general said he would issue a new asset-forfeiture directive this week aimed at increasing police seizures of cash and property, a practice curtailed by his predecessor, Eric Holder Jr.
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Those close to the president’s son-in-law say the omissions on his national security questionnaire were simple errors, but the document warns that those who submit false information could be charged with a federal crime and face up to five years in prison.
Kris Kobach in November told the Trump transition team of a proposal to change federal law to allow stricter requirements on voter registration.
Fact Checker
Trump said he “thinks” he’s signed more bills than any president ever. He’s way off the mark and actually falling behind in terms of legislative output.
More than a third of U.S. exports flow to Canada and Mexico, and the announcement was being closely watched for clues as to how the administration might renegotiate the far-ranging trade pact.
The one-time increase in H-2B visas — which would be available to workers taking temporary jobs in the seafood, tourism and other industries but not to farm laborers — is a seeming about-face from President Trump’s “Hire American” rhetoric and follows heavy industry lobbying.
Canoes, kayaks, stand-up paddleboards, sailboats, jet-skis, motorboats and anglers will be periodically cleared off the roughly two miles of waterway along Trump National Golf Course as part of the new “security zone.”
A speeding vehicle somehow launched Sunday from the curb and landed on a house, crushing the structure and baffling St. Louis authorities and residents alike.
A researcher studying cognitive psychology said her findings about our ability to recognize doctored photos are “a bit worrying.” Using some of the photos from her experiment, we’ve created a short version of the test. How do you fare?
Fact Check: Has President Trump signed more bills than any other president?
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A brief history of Ann Coulter's controversial comments
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How a Trump steel tariff may affect your sweet desserts
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Her current students are the grandchildren of her former students. An educator retires after nearly 70 years.
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In February 2016, presidential candidate Donald Trump promised $6 million in donations, including $1 million from his own pocket, to charities along his campaign trail. Months later, he had donated far less than he pledged. Post reporter David A. Fahrenthold went in search of the missing money and found a bigger story than he ever expected.
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