
Oz Blog News Commentary
The Australian Independent Media Network Tuesday, July 18, 2017 - 18:45 Source

Finally! Lunch time. I squeezed our basket shopping trolley between the seats to a table in the crowded Zuma’s Café at the Central Market. We come to this café for lunch every time we shop at the market, which is about once a month. It is always crowded at lunchtime … a popular spot ……

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Political Owl Tuesday, July 18, 2017 - 17:33 Source

File 20170718 21991 1fiswnq The reorganisation is a major win for Peter Dutton, a key conservative supporter of Malcolm Turnbull.

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MacroBusiness Tuesday, July 18, 2017 - 17:00 Source

by Chris Becker So there goes the Australian dollar, and what’s left of the RBA credibility as bank stocks are crunched on the ASX. The news is mixed throughout the rest of Asia with the safe haven bid strengthening as the USD is dumped on the back of the what looks like another Trump failure, as

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The Australian Independent Media Network Tuesday, July 18, 2017 - 16:54 Source

By Dr Binoy Kampmark It’s all well and good to huff at the current President of the United States, who has managed to get under more irritated skin than an army of dedicated leaches. The immersion of the White House into the reality television show of Trumpland has set people on edge, lighting volatile fires…

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John Quiggin Tuesday, July 18, 2017 - 16:32 Source

In a recent post, I made the optimistic argument that, despite all the obstacles thrown up by rightwing denialism, the world is on track to reduce CO2 emissions to zero by 2050, on a trajectory that would hold atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases below 450 ppm. On current models, that gives us a 67 per cent chance of holding the long term increase in global temperatures below 2 degrees. Warming of 2 degrees would not be cataclysmic for humanity as a whole but it would be a disaster for many people and also for vulnerable ecosystems such as coral reefs.

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MacroBusiness Tuesday, July 18, 2017 - 14:41 Source

Via The Australian: Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk’s support for the Adani coal mine has been attacked by one of her own MPs who says coalminers are “worried sick” about losing their jobs because of the project. During parliamentary Estimates hearings today, Labor MP for Bundamba Jo-Ann Miller challenged Ms Palaszczuk to model the impact on

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Renew Economy Tuesday, July 18, 2017 - 14:36 Source

New South Wales issues set of home battery storage guidelines, as industry warns against "jumping to an endgame" on safety.

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Renew Economy Tuesday, July 18, 2017 - 14:34 Source

Sydney start-up Everty launches P2P platform allowing electric vehicle owners to rent out their parking space, and home charger, to others.

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Renew Economy Tuesday, July 18, 2017 - 14:28 Source

Deputy PM says Sydney blackout could be end of road for renewables, although NSW Coalition minister earlier praised role of wind and solar in preventing blackout.

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MacroBusiness Tuesday, July 18, 2017 - 13:50 Source

By Martin North, cross-posted from the Digital Finance Analytics Blog: We know that household debt has never been higher in Australia, but I do not think the true impact of this, especially in a rising interest, low income growth environment is truly understood.  We have to look beyond mortgage debt. The latest RBA E2 –

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MacroBusiness Tuesday, July 18, 2017 - 13:47 Source

Immigration and globalism is suddenly killing the Greens: The Greens have lost their second co-deputy leader in less than a week, with Queensland senator Larissa Waters announcing her resignation as a result of holding dual citizenship. At a press conference in Brisbane, an emotional Senator Waters apologised to the Australian people saying she had discovered

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MacroBusiness Tuesday, July 18, 2017 - 13:27 Source

By Leith van Onselen Jessica Irvine’s latest spruik “Why I love a Big Australia, and you should too” (debunked earlier today), has been given short-thrift by SMH readers. Not only did most of the 200-plus comments disagree with Irvine’s position, but today’s Letters to the Editor have been overwhelmingly hostile: It’s disappointing that Jessica Irvine

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MacroBusiness Tuesday, July 18, 2017 - 13:21 Source

The Abbott assault is driving change with the elevation of Creepy Pete to anti-terror Tsar: The department of Home Affairs will bring together domestic spy agency ASIO, the Australian Federal Police, the Australian Border Force, the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission, AUSTRAC and the office of transport security and will be put together over the next year. And Mr Turnbull has also announced the

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MacroBusiness Tuesday, July 18, 2017 - 13:12 Source

From Bill Evans at Westpac: The most important result from the minutes of the monetary policy meeting of the RBA Board was to finally nominate the Bank’s estimate of the “new neutral real interest rate for Australia”. In other countries it has been recognised for some time that the neutral rate has fallen particularly since

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Renew Economy Tuesday, July 18, 2017 - 13:02 Source

GE says parts of Australia will soon get all electricity from renewables, at least for a few days a year, as utility business models disrupted.

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Renew Economy Tuesday, July 18, 2017 - 13:02 Source

GE says some regions in Australia will soon get all their electricity from renewables - at least for a few days a year - and utility business models will be severely disrupted.

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MacroBusiness Tuesday, July 18, 2017 - 12:57 Source

The world’s crappest bourse knows a policy error when it sees one. As the Aussie flies on RBA wings today: The ASX200 is down firmly and still sporting a nasty head and shoulders topping pattern with a neckline around 5600: Bond yields are getting hosed: Dalian is going nuts: Big Iron is mostly up but

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Renew Economy Tuesday, July 18, 2017 - 12:48 Source

AGL adds pressure to Turnbull government, saying CET needs to be adopted, and needs to reflect Paris climate targets.

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Your Democracy Tuesday, July 18, 2017 - 12:34 Source
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Drag0nista's Blog Tuesday, July 18, 2017 - 12:24 Source

Analysis for The New Daily.Filed under: Politicians, Politics Tagged: Malcolm Turnbull

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MacroBusiness Tuesday, July 18, 2017 - 12:20 Source

By Leith van Onselen The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) today released new motor vehicle sales for the month of June, which registered a 1.2% seasonally adjusted rise in the number of sales over the month and a 3.6% rise over the year: Five jurisdictions reported increases in new car sales in June whereas three

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MacroBusiness Tuesday, July 18, 2017 - 12:17 Source

It is Australia’s enduring curse to have a central bank that has no idea what to do about it’s currency. Pretty much every time it speaks the bank drives up the battler and it is no different today in the minutes: Domestic Economic Conditions Members commenced their discussion of the Australian economy by noting that

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Renew Economy Tuesday, July 18, 2017 - 12:05 Source

A $10 billion clean energy investment boom in 2017 could quickly fade without longer term policies. Labor tries to wedge Turnbull on climate policy, just as it did in 2009, while the Greens also say they would look at a Clean Energy Target.

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Renew Economy Tuesday, July 18, 2017 - 12:05 Source

A $10 billion clean energy investment boom in 2017 could quickly fade without longer term policies. Labor tries to wedge Turnbull on climate policy, just as it did in 2009, while the Greens also say they would look at a Clean Energy Target.

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MacroBusiness Tuesday, July 18, 2017 - 12:05 Source

Chinese house prices are out and show an on ongoing steady stagnation in June. Prices were up 0.7 month on month and 10.2% year on year: Top tier cities are now dead in the water and falling towards zero year on year fast. Lower tiers are keeping on keeping on, supporting the headline number: Still,

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Renew Economy Tuesday, July 18, 2017 - 12:03 Source

It is no surprise that, regardless of the fickleness of environmental politics, smart investors are buying into the businesses that are redefining how we live.

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Renew Economy Tuesday, July 18, 2017 - 11:57 Source

US energy department debunks Trump attack on renewables, shows ageing fleet of coal and nuclear plants not economic to operate anymore.

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Renew Economy Tuesday, July 18, 2017 - 11:30 Source

The political fight for coal power in Australia is already lost. Meanwhile, we are missing all the clean energy opportunities that have fallen into our lap.

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MacroBusiness Tuesday, July 18, 2017 - 11:25 Source

By Leith van Onselen The 2016 Census painted a nasty picture for Melbourne’s renters. First, the Census showed that immigration-fueled population growth has overwhelmed the number of dwellings built, despite Melbourne’s epic construction boom: Second, the Census revealed that the number of households in rental and group accommodation has soared in Melbourne, as it has

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MacroBusiness Tuesday, July 18, 2017 - 11:00 Source

Yesterday Domainfax reported: Four out of five businesses advertising Australian jobs on Chinese, Korean and Spanish language websites are offering illegal pay rates as low as $4.20 per hour, a new audit has found. Two separate audits conducted this year and last year found 78 per cent of 200 job advertisements examined were offering pay rates below minimum award rates.

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