Banking - ACTU Australian Unions


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“Australian unions support ME Bank because we share the same values. ME Bank grew out of the union movement — our hard fought principles of fairness and collective benefit are at its very heart. It is a bank that is committed to delivering a fairer deal for working people.”

Dave Oliver, former ACTU Secretary



ME is a bank but one with a difference. To ME it’s very simple. The banking world is cumbersome and complex, more obsessed with themselves than their customers. At ME we are working hard to move on, to reinvent and to really do the things that will liberate Australians to help them get ahead. We want to make things easier, put their dreams within reach, and enable them to live the lives that they really want.

That’s why we run a dedicated program of offers for members of unions and industry super funds.

Check out our exclusive offers visit or call 13 15 63

ME is a trademark of Members Equity Bank Pty Ltd. ABN 56 070 887 679. Australian Credit Licence 229500.





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