The media vs Jeremy Corbyn

Murdoch and his papers hate Corbyn

Leeds SWP Public meeting – all welcome

The media vs Jeremy Corbyn – how can socialists challenge media power?

Thursday 1 June,  7pm, Swarthmore Centre 2-7 Woodhouse Square

Background reading:

Make June the end of May


Leeds TUC and Unite the Resistance Pre-election rally –

Make June the End of May!

Tuesday 6 June 5.30pm Leeds City Square

with speakers including

Mark Serwotka,

Ian Hodson,

Richard Burgon

and Jane Aitchison.

Can socialism come through parliament?

Image result for jeremy corbyn leeds

Thousands came down to Brudenell Social Club last week to hear Jeremy Corbyn speak in Leeds … but

Can socialism come through parliament?

Join the debate – Thursday 25 May, 7pm, Swarthmore Centre 2-7 Woodhouse Square
LS3 1AD – public meeting hosted by Leeds SWP all welcome

Upcoming dates for diary – No to return to Tory foxhunting – Saturday 27 May 1pm Leeds city square –

Saturday 3 June – Celebrate the Leeds Convention of 1917 – 10-4pm Swarthmore Centre – organised by the Ford-Maguire Society and Leeds TUC and eventbrite here:

Tuesday 6 June – Make June the End of May – Trade Unionists for Corbyn rally in Leeds at City Square from 5pm – more details soon.


Racism, resistance and revolution

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Toussaint Louverture – leader of the Haitian Revolution

Upcoming meetings of Leeds SWP – all welcome

Racism, Resistance and Revolution
Thursday 18 May, 7pm Swarthmore Centre, 2-7 Woodhouse Square
LS3 1AD hosted by Leeds SWP all welcome

Can Socialism come through parliament?
Thursday 25 May, 7pm Swarthmore Centre, hosted by Leeds SWP all welcome

Kick the Tories out – put Corbyn in

After seven years of Tory rule – seven reasons to end it

No To Austerity & Racism Kick The Tories Out Leeds Day Of Action

There will be an anti-Tory day of anger and action in Leeds on Saturday 20 May on Briggate – come down and act your rage – and if you are part of a campaign organising against Tory austerity and Tory racism please come down and bring your stall etc – the more the merrier!

Theresa May has called for a general election on 8 June—it means we have a chance to get her rotten Tory government out.

We can’t allow the Tories five more years to savage the NHS, destroy education, drive down living standards and whip up racism.

We need to create an anti-Tory atmosphere so that people feel confident to get out and vote for Corbyn’s labour policies.

Every organisation fighting for the NHS, for housing, for education and for improving the lives of ordinary working people should come together and show Theresa May what we think of her disgusting government. A mass gathering in Briggate of all the organisations fighting the Tories austerity will give people confidence to fight and to get out to vote.

The following will be there (so far):
Hands Off Our Homes
West Yorkshire FBU
Unite Community
Leeds Stand Up to Racism will have a ‘Kick Racism Out of the Election’ stall

May meetings


Le Pen in France – could a fascist win?
With Andy Stafford
Thursday 4 May, 7pm Swarthmore Centre, 2-7 Woodhouse Square
LS3 1AD – hosted by Leeds SWP – all welcome

Background reading:

The Politics of Science Fiction
Thursday 11 May, 7pm Swarthmore Centre, hosted by Leeds SWP all welcome

Racism, Resistance and Revolution
Thursday 18 May, 7pm Swarthmore Centre, hosted by Leeds SWP all welcome

Can Socialism come through parliament?
Thursday 25 May, 7pm Swarthmore Centre, hosted by Leeds SWP all welcome

Remembering the Leeds Convention of 1917:Saturday 3 June, Swarthmore Centre



Provisional timetable – Saturday 3 June – Swarthmore Centre :

10am – Welcome

10.15 – Michael Meadowcroft, ‘The Leeds Convention’

11.15 – coffee break

11.30 – John Newsinger, ‘Revolutionary Russia and the Dream of a New World’

12.30 – lunch break

1.15 – Jill Liddington ‘Leeds Suffrage Stories: Isabella Ford, Mary Gawthorpe and Leonora Cohen’

2.15 – Janet Douglas ‘Arthur Ransome, Leeds and the Russian Revolution’

3pm – Final Remarks (inc Steve Davison, Keighley TUC and Cyril Pearce) and Book Launch of ‘British Labour and the Russian Revolution – The Leeds Convention of 1917’ (Spokesman, 2017) and David Rovics leading us in singing ‘The Red Flag’ .

4pm close

7.30pm – Love Music Hate Racism gig with David Rovics at the Fox and Newt, Burley St – entrance £10 / £5

To help keep track of numbers please register via eventbrite in advance here:



Leeds May Day rally – Saturday 29 April


Assemble 11.30am Saturday 29 April –  Leeds City Art Gallery, Victoria Gardens – lets say no to austerity, no to low pay, no to racism, no to the Tories! Lets End May in June!

Can Corbyn win the election?

Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn Launches Their Local Election Campaign

Over 2000 people came to hear Jeremy Corbyn speak in Leeds on his last visit…

Public meeting – Can Corbyn win the election?

Thursday 27 April 2017 , 7pm Swarthmore Centre, 2-7 Woodhouse Square
LS3 1AD – All welcome – hosted by Leeds SWP – all welcome

Report of Corbyn’s election campaign launch:

Upcoming Public meetings

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Not Traditionally Submissive: Women and Islam

With Talat Ahmed

Thursday 6 April, 7pm, Swarthmore Education Centre, 2-7 Woodhouse Square
LS3 1AD – All welcome – hosted by Leeds SWP


Bad Medicine – how the pursuit of profit wrecks our healthcare

Thursday 13 April, 7pm,  Swarthmore Education Centre, 2-7 Woodhouse Square
LS3 1AD – All welcome – hosted by Leeds SWP

Martin McGuinness – from rebel to minister

Leeds SWP meeting on the politics of the late Martin McGuinness, Irish nationalism and socialism – Thursday 30 March, 7pm, Leeds Swarthmore Centre – all welcome – for some background reading see here

Marxism 2017 – ideas for a world in turmoil

View image on Twitter

Marxism Festival 2017 is a four day political festival hosted by the Socialist Workers Party involving debate, discussion and culture from 6-9 July 2017 in central London.

We live in a time of political turmoil: from the vote to leave the EU to the election of Donald Trump.

The election and re-election of Jeremy Corbyn as leader of the Labour Party pose new questions for the left.  Marxism festival is a place to debate how best to respond to the challenges we face.

Marxism 2017 takes place against a backdrop of continuing economic crisis, global instability and debates over immigration and freedom of movement.  We will seek to discuss questions raised by all of these issues: from resisting the racist backlash and Islamophobia to war and imperialism, from climate change to the role of nation states.

One hundred years on from the Russian revolution we hope to explore what we can learn from it today in order to better fight the Tories and challenge capitalism.

We will also explore many other issues at Marxism 2017 including oppression, science, Palestine, economics and much more.

If you would like to get a ticket for Marxism 2017, or for more info, you can call our office on 0207 840 5620 or book here

Why we need a revolution to end racism


March to Defend the NHS and say no to racism on 1 April in Leeds

Banner on the 30,000 strong March Against Racism in London, 18 March 2017 MIGRANTS MAKE OUR NHS – STOP RACIST SCAPEGOATING Join the Stand Up to Racism Anti-Racist Bloc on the Yorkshire March for our NHS Saturday 1 April – meet 11am, Victoria Gardens (Leeds City Art Gallery) Other upcoming Leeds SUTR events Leeds […]

via Migrants make our NHS – join the march to defend the NHS and say no to racist scapegoating — Leeds Stand Up To Racism

Leeds coach for the March against racism – Saturday 18 March

Coach leaves Leeds, 7am
West Yorkshire Playhouse
Bus Stop F1, St. Peter’s Street
Leeds, LS2 7HU

NATIONAL DEMO Saturday 18 March: #MarchAgainstRacism
#NoMuslimBan #StandUpToTrump #TheresaTheAppeaser#EUMigrantsHereToStay #RefugeesWelcome#BlackLivesMatter #NoToIslamophobia#NoToAntiSemitism #DefendFreeMovement#MigrantsWelcome #BridgesNotWalls#LoveMusicHateRacism

Supported by the TUC, Unison, UNITE, NUT, CWU, UCU, ASLEF, PCS, FBU, BFAWU, MEND, Love Music Hate Racism, UAF, Woodcraft Folk

UN Anti-Racism Day is a global day of action against racism in all its forms. There has never been a more important time in recent history to stand up to racism. There has been a rise in racist attacks and hate crimes following the election of Donald Trump in the US and the Brexit vote in the EU referendum in Britain. Now more than ever – we must stand up to and unite against this growing racist threat.

EU workers here to stay – Prime Minister Theresa May has announced she will trigger article 50 by the end of March 2017 in order to “have the freedom to choose the way we control immigration.” This will translate into a renewed whipping up of anti-migrant hostility and an attack on the rights of EU nationals. Polls have shown both leave and remain voters are united in refusing to accept cutting immigration at the expense of jobs and the economy. So let’s unite and make sure that the triggering of article 50 is not an excuse to scapegoat migrants.

No appeasing racism and Islamophobia – May has refused to condemn Donald Trump’s Muslim ban. Instead she said: “immigration is a matter for the US government”. May is wrong. Trump’s Muslim ban is a matter for all decent people and must be opposed.

No to Europe’s far right and fascism – Front National leader Marine Le Pen could poll a high vote in the French Presidential election. Meanwhile refugees are being abandoned by Britain and Europe to destitution, drowning and exploitation.

Yes to a world free of racism, Islamophobia and anti-Semitism. Yes to a world where refugees and migrants are welcome. Yes to a world where black lives matter and we build bridges not walls.

We can turn back the tide of racism. Join us on Saturday 18 March and #MarchAgainstRacism – book your ticket now:

Russia 1917: Workers’ Revolution and the Festival of the Oppressed


Russia 1917: Workers’ Revolution and the Festival of the Oppressed
Leeds SWP Public Rally with speakers including Joseph Choonara
Saturday 25 March, 2pm, Swarthmore Education Centre, 2-7 Woodhouse Square
LS3 1AD – all welcome

A hundred years ago Russian workers and peasants overthrew the Tsar and went on to run society without bosses. They fought to create a socialist world based on human liberation and genuine democracy. The Russian Revolution was a truly momentous event. It transformed life in Russia and its empire, set off revolts that ended the First World War, and inspired millions across the globe. Women were at the forefront of these events, tearing up the deep-rooted oppression they faced. For the first time they were guaranteed the right to divorce, abortion on demand and the vote. It was both a workers’ revolution and a festival of the oppressed. Although it was ultimately defeated and replaced by Stalin’s dictatorship, its achievements still inspire. On the centenary of these events, come along and discuss what we can learn from them as we fight capitalism, war, oppression and climate change.

Yorkshire March for the NHS, Leeds 1 April

Postcards available from Leeds KONP and also downloadable versions

via Yorkshire March for Our NHS 1St April — Leeds Keep Our NHS Public

Socialism and women’s liberation / Upcoming SWP meetings

Image result for february revolution 1917

Women workers demonstrate during the February Revolution in Russia

International Women’s Day – Socialism and the fight for women’s liberation
Thursday 9 March, 7pm, Swarthmore Education Centre, 2-7 Woodhouse Square
LS3 1AD – All welcome

What do we mean by class?
Thursday 16 March, 7pm, Swarthmore Education Centre, 2-7 Woodhouse Square
LS3 1AD – all welcome

The Politics of George Orwell
Thursday 23 March, 7pm, Swarthmore Education Centre, 2-7 Woodhouse Square
LS3 1AD – all welcome

Russia 1917: Workers’ Revolution and the Festival of the Oppressed
Leeds SWP Public Rally
Saturday 25 March, 2pm, Swarthmore Education Centre, 2-7 Woodhouse Square
LS3 1AD – all welcome

A hundred years ago Russian workers and peasants overthrew the Tsar and went on to run society without bosses. They fought to create a socialist world based on human liberation and genuine democracy. The Russian Revolution was a truly momentous event. It transformed life in Russia and its empire, set off revolts that ended the First World War, and inspired millions across the globe. Women were at the forefront of these events, tearing up the deep-rooted oppression they faced. For the first time they were guaranteed the right to divorce, abortion on demand and the vote. It was both a workers’ revolution and a festival of the oppressed. Although it was ultimately defeated and replaced by Stalin’s dictatorship, its achievements still inspire. On the centenary of these events, come along and discuss what we can learn from them as we fight capitalism, war, oppression and climate change.

Defend Our NHS – Leeds transport for 4 March demo

Leeds TUC is organising transport to the #OurNHS national demonstration in London on March 4th. Places can be booked via calling Leeds Unison on 0113 2458442 (9am-5pm, weekdays). For more info, please see our facebook event. At our delegate meeting on November 30th, we passed the following motion: The NHS is in crisis – 25,000 […]

via Leeds TUC Organises Transport to #OurNHS demo, March 4th — Leeds TUC

Join the March Against Racism on 18 March


National Demonstration MARCH AGAINST RACISM Saturday 18 March 2017 UN Anti-Racism Day – London #Stand Up To Trump #Refugees and Migrants Welcome #Stand Up To Islamophobia & Anti-Semitism #EU Workers – Here To Stay #Black Lives Matter Called by Stand Up to Racism – Supported by the TUC
Leeds Coaches leave 7am, West Yorkshire Playhouse – £20/£10
Book your place now: Phone 07375703337 Email:

via Join the March Against Racism on Saturday March 18th in London — Leeds Stand Up To Racism