May Day Call-Out

May Day 1M Poster

From the 1m Collective:

As part of our call-out for an Anti-Capitalist May Day we would like to provide some information about an event we will be holding, as well as some general information and ideas surrounding the initial call-out.

We are an initiative made up of various individuals who are working towards organising an Anti-Capitalist themed May Day event in Armidale, which is situated on Anaiwan land (an area in so-called Australia). The aim of the event will be to bring people together to hold discussions on our conditions and experiences as workers; to devise strategies for improving our lives; and to build support for all sectors in struggle, whether worker, unemployed, local or refugee.

Our initial call-out was a general call to action, and for those who would wish to, or are interested in, an encouragement to organise their own events wherever they are. Here, in so-called Australia, yearly we see a sombre march made up of political parties, bureaucratic trade-unions walking the same set-out route with no feeling, inspiration, or general opposition to the status-quo. What is worse, is that at the end, it usually culminates in a speech from a labor party leader.

From many anarchists/anti-authoritarians/anti-capitalists, we here the same arguments year after year: that is is a great opportunity to get our information out, that we need to be involved with those who are already involved in a union or want to take part in a march. While this may be true in the smallest way, the fact we walk passively behind a contingent of labor, liberal and greens party members is really enough to chuck any argument in defence of this misery out the window. How can we really demonstrate a shift from the perspective of beautifying an exploitative system when we are only tagging along to a procession that has long forgotten the need to struggle against capital and state? We do not condemn those who take part in these rallies, we just envision and hope for more; we desire a movement that can point to, and address the disasters of capitalism. This one day won’t amount to that, but it can highlight so much more than a march made up of political parties/supporters of this cruel system.

We take inspiration from our comrades in Montreal – as well as those throughout the world – who have in determined fashion continued to remember and demonstrate the anti-capitalist and subversive spirit May Day emanates from.

It may not be much, it may not be taken up everywhere or even elsewhere, as we desire, but it will not prevent us from trying. To start somewhere is all we can attempt.


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