Australia should heed Britain's Brexit meltdown

Nobody is even clear on what the best Brexit deal might be.
Nobody is even clear on what the best Brexit deal might be. Bloomberg

Even struggling with a bare one seat majority, Malcolm Turnbull could still offer his former fellow Oxford student Theresa May some tips last week on how to govern from a position of political weakness for one basic reason. In Britain, the people's rebellion disrupting western political systems has gone so far as to upend the core national strategy of the past four decades.

Last year's shock referendum vote to divorce the European Union followed by Theresa May's loss of majority government in last month's general election have disoriented and destabilised the entire political system.

In comparison, Australia looks almost politically sane. Here, there is no serious political disruption of Australia's central national strategy of exporting more to China's rising middle classes while clinging to America's security blanket.

Yet, with our common political and legal institutions – but differing strategic constraints – Britain should serve as a cautionary tale given that the underlying forces driving Brexit and Donald Trump are operating here also.

Britain should serve as a cautionary tale given that the underlying forces driving Brexit and Donald Trump are operating ...
Britain should serve as a cautionary tale given that the underlying forces driving Brexit and Donald Trump are operating here also. David Rowe

The nightmare of Brexit

Britain's populist revolt has come despite a jobless rate that has now fallen to 4.2 per cent, the lowest since 1975, two years after it joined Europe's common market. As in Australia, however, the globalised iPhone and Uber economy – or something – has ground down wages growth and squeezed household income. To hold up economic growth, the Bank of England's ultra-loose monetary policy has inflated property prices and squeezed the young out of the housing market. In both Britain and Australia, households are saving less and borrowing more to maintain consumption.

The nightmare – or liberation – of last year's 52:48 Brexit vote ended the former imperial power's strategy of remaining outside the euro currency bloc while being steadily absorbed into Europe's deepening political union, open internal migration market, and protectionist trading bloc. Business investment in global supply chains – from Japanese car makers to the City of London – had taken this as a given, just as business assumes Australia's "Asian century".

Riding high after a big 2015 Conservative election victory, David Cameron called the June 23 referendum to appease the anti-EU right in his own party and to counter the populist anti-Europe UK Independence Party. Like John Howard's calling of Australia's 1999 Republic referendum, Cameron counted on a Remain vote to quell the anti-European Tory dissidents.

This assumption did not count on the combination of a Pauline Hanson-style battler protest against uncontrolled immigration and a Cory Bernardi-style cultural backlash against the wider loss of national sovereignty.

Succeeding Cameron, erstwhile Remainer Theresa May vowed to follow the will of the people, insisting that "Brexit means ...
Succeeding Cameron, erstwhile Remainer Theresa May vowed to follow the will of the people, insisting that "Brexit means Brexit". WPA Pool

A humiliated Prime Minister

Succeeding Cameron, erstwhile Remainer Theresa May vowed to follow the will of the people, insisting that "Brexit means Brexit". She cursed the cosmopolitan elites who thrived in a borderless world, calling them "citizens of nowhere". She moved further than the "sensible centre" promoted last week by Turnbull, backing union representation on company boards and avoiding big business.

And, as the apparently unelectable Jeremy Corbyn took British Labour to the far left, May broke her vow not to call an early election. Now she needed the people to strengthen her bargaining hand with Brussels, she declared.

After a poor campaign, the people – and especially the young – instead delivered a Brexit counter-reaction. The new Prime Minister was left humiliated and wounded. To secure a minority government she had to throw taxpayers' money at securing the support of a right-wing unionist Northern Ireland party.

David Cameron counted on a Remain vote to quell anti-European dissidents.
David Cameron counted on a Remain vote to quell anti-European dissidents. Christopher Furlong

Weakened even more are the Labour centrists and Blairites. They had planned to throw out Corbyn and reclaim the party from the radical activists who have exploited new membership rules to stack and capture it. In an inherently unstable situation, it is conceivable that the quasi-Marxist IRA and Hamas sympathiser could win any new election, backed by the GetUp!-like activist group Momentum and buoyed by the generation war popularity of his promise to abolish university fees. It would be as if the Greens Lee Rhiannon became Australian PM.

Just like Labour, the Tories are deeply split between the Remainers (the party's official position until June 24 last year) and the Hard Brexiteers. Yet May's election disaster has emboldened the Remainers outside the government too. From the Financial Times to key business lobby groups, the talk I heard during the past fortnight in and around London is of a "Soft Brexit".

Shush, but Brexit might never happen

In a longish transition period, Britain could remain within the European customs union (which would delay any free trade deal with Australia and others). Related to this, the people who delivered the Magna Carta could remain partly under the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice. If stretched out long enough, anything could happen to the national mood. Shush, but Brexit might never happen.

May's political weakness leaves the government struggling to hold the line on public spending restraint.
May's political weakness leaves the government struggling to hold the line on public spending restraint. Leon Neal

The conflicting messages from last year's referendum and last month's general election means that just about everything – and every political player – is now viewed through the Brexit prism. Government ministers publicly contradict each other as a more confident EU hardens its position. Even the National Auditor General complains the government has no clear plan for hard or soft Brexit.

Moreover, May's political weakness leaves the government struggling to hold the line on public spending restraint – particularly for nurses, police, fire fighters and other government workers. British voters accepted fiscal "austerity" when the budget deficit ballooned to nearly 10 per cent of GDP during the financial crisis. Like Australian voters, they're now resisting further measures to ensure that the government lives within its means, undermining the idea that Brexit would liberate Britain to become a global economic powerhouse.

The populist sweep is often portrayed as a losers' backlash against economic globalisation. Yet, as in Australia, there has been no marked increase in income inequality over the past decade or so.

In this context, one part of Turnbull's London remarks to the centre-right think tank Policy Exchange stood out. The Australian PM made much of the Coalition's tough boat people policies as necessary to maintain popular support for Australia's relatively high immigration program and "the most successful multicultural society in the world", in which one-in-four people were overseas born. "When you outsource your borders, you outsource your sovereignty," he said. That, of course, was what Britain has done with the EU, for better or worse.

David Rowe

The 'Somewheres and the 'Anywheres'

Straight after the address, Turnbull was the guest at a private dinner attended by a handful of May's ministers, including Brexit negotiator David Davis, trade minister Liam Fox, defence minister Sir Michael Fallon and leading Brexiteer Michael Gove.

Also at the dinner was the Policy Exchange's David Goodhart, previously the founding editor of Prospect magazine and director of the centre-left think tank Demos. Goodhart's new book The Road to Somewhere argues that the populist wave highlighted by Brexit and Trump is less driven by economics and traditional left-right divides and more by socio-cultural issues.

On this analysis, the populist wave reflects the cultural anxiety of the less educated and more socially conservative "Somewheres" over the rise of the more cosmopolitan "Anywheres" for whom gender and race identify politics trump concepts of national sovereignty.

This would help explain, for example, why Turnbull's early optimism over technological disruption and hipster startups fared so badly at Australia's election, just three weeks before the Brexit referendum, that reduced his majority to one seat.

Goodhart writes that the paramount reason for the Brexit vote was the seething discontent of a large slice of British public opinion to 20 years of unprecedented immigration, especially from the central and Eastern European countries admitted to the EU from 2004.

While the European project was about minimising the national identifies that produced the great bloodsheds of the first half of the 20th Century, "Somewhere" British voters were demanding their country back. The question is whether what's left of normal politics in Britain can follow Turnbull's advice to just focus on governing, given the rupture this has produced.

Michael Stutchbury is editor in chief

Note: Political junkies shouldn't miss the new BBC docudrama Theresa vs Boris: How May Became PM. Blending actual news footage, after-the-fact interviews and dramatic recreation, it covers the 20 days from David Cameron's resignation to May's unopposed election as Conservative leader and including the implosion of Boris Johnson's campaign. The BBC's iPlayer does not work in Australia. But the program is still accessible on YouTube.