

Alexander Kerensky: from the Russian Revolution to Australia

The tumultuous events of a hundred years ago that we have come to know as the Russian Revolution were reported in the Australian press as strange, inexplicable events in a distant, foreign land – but one of the key figures in the drama of 1917 was later to forge a curious Australian connection.

Alexander Kerensky, one of history's intriguing transitional figures, took charge of Russia's tottering provisional government in July, 1917, succeeding the hapless Prince Lvov as prime minister.

Kerensky, a lawyer, socialist politician and gifted orator, occupied the post for just three months before being overthrown by Lenin's Bolsheviks. Aged just 36, he was to spend the rest of his long life (he died in 1970) explaining, arguing and teaching about the historical turning point at which he was briefly at the centre.

For a time, Kerensky attempted to rally supporters in opposition to the Bolsheviks, leading an armed revolt in Pskov, which was put down. He narrowly escaped by fleeing into the countryside where he managed to hide until finding an escape route that took him to France, where he lived among the émigré Russian community until 1940. He travelled frequently to the United States, mainly to raise funds for the anti-Bolshevik cause, many of whose supporters saw him as the leader-in-exile.

During his time in Paris, in the early 1930s, Kerensky crossed paths with a remarkable Australian journalist, Lydia Tritton, who was known as Nell. Brisbane-born Nell Tritton, the daughter of a wealthy furniture retailer, had sailed for London in 1925, becoming something of a Russophile after reading, while travelling in Italy, the memoirs of Marie Bashkirtseff, a 19th-century Russian émigré who had lived in France.

Her interest led to an involvement with expatriate Russians and a romance with a professional singer and former White Russian officer, Nicholas Nadejine, whom she married in London in 1928. She began learning Russian and brought her husband to Brisbane where he gave a recital. Returning to London, the marriage fell apart and the couple divorced in 1936.


Tritton, meanwhile, had begun working for Kerensky as his secretary, briefly returning to Brisbane in 1939 where she had a number of speaking engagements on the international situation. Kerensky obtained a divorce from his wife, Olga, later that year and asked Tritton to accompany him to the United States. On 20 August, the two were married at Martins Creek, Pennsylvania.

A report in Brisbane's Courier-Mail quoted the officiating justice of the peace, real estate agent Harry Stein, describing how "a man wearing a monocle and carrying a cane arrived accompanied by a pretty blonde".

He continued: "I was thunderstruck when I found out who the man was, and would not believe it until I saw his passport and divorce papers".

The report added that "M. and Madame Kerensky are expected to visit Brisbane next year, that Madame may introduce her husband to her parents, Mr and Mrs P. Tritton, of Clayfield".

The outbreak of war forced them to cancel their proposed visit to Australia. They took up residence in Paris, but the Nazi advance in 1940 forced them to flee the French capital, undertaking a hazardous road trip as they tried to reach safety in Spain. Kerensky was refused entry to Spain and they had to turn back, eventually leaving France on a British naval vessel.

Returning to the United States, they took up residence in a small apartment on Park Avenue until 1942 when they bought a farmhouse near the New York-Connecticut border, courtesy of Kerensky's lecture tours.

The pair did come to Australia eventually, but under sad circumstances. Nell Tritton had been in poor health, and in October, 1945, returned quietly to Australia, accompanied by Kerensky. The pair stayed at Tritton's parents' home in suburban Clayfield.

In February, 1946, Tritton suffered a stroke and died on 10 April. She was just 47. Under the headline "Madame Kerensky's Death in Brisbane," the Courier-Mail reported: "She was ill when she arrived, suffering from a strained heart as the result of trying experiences when she and her husband were forced to flee from Paris when the Germans entered the city in 1940."

Sleepy Brisbane in the 1940s would have been a strange experience for the cosmopolitan Kerensky, so fond of his monocle and cane. Just how he spent his time there is not known.

By all accounts, he was mentally shattered by Nell's death, and invited by a cousin of hers to recover his health at a family holiday at Surfers Paradise. It was revealed in an ABC television documentary in 2003 that at a party held in his honour there, Kerensky amazed his hosts by telling them that he expected to share Trotsky's fate, believing he was being stalked by assassins.

When someone disturbed him at night, he became so distressed that he immediately returned to Clayfield. He later travelled to Melbourne, giving lectures at the University of Melbourne, which were poorly received. Kerensky returned to America later in 1946 where he took up an offer to become a staff member of the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace at Stanford University in California.

Kerensky died at his home in New York City in 1970, one of the last surviving major participants in the turbulent events of 1917.