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Hamburg: Anarchical action week ahead of G20 from 28.06.-04.07.2017

Books * Education * Barricades /Anarchical action week ahead of G20 from 28.06.-04.07.2017

The Call

To be against figures of fun like Donald Trump, the manic Retro-Sultan Erdogan and bulging muscle dude Putin is quite easy. In gratifying the world almost daily with unexpected neologism and fake news fantasy or strange fantasy uniforms and slightly grubby fotos of superheros they behave like idiots.

With crackpots of this kind the line of argument to repeal capitalism can be easily shortened.
Unfortunately these freaks are not to be neglected. They and their slightly less freaky collegues presides an apparatus that is armed with jails, the military, all kinds of police and sleuthhounds. And behind Putins and Trumps backs there are swivelling strange vassals who carry the bags with a red button. And in case one of the two bonzai-neros is pushing it – it gets pitch-black.

The 20-strong chamber of horror ,consisting of the Donald, Wladimir, Recep Tayyip and their collegues from so called developed nations will visit Hamburg on the 7th of July.
They will, in ordert o finetune the global situation have a chit chat all weekend long about world-economics, territorial claims, proxy wars and so on. As well as about the good old human-rights, that´s for sure anyway. One or another deal to create jobs will be finalized so that the social partners are satisfied.

We think this ganging up is a pretty fine event to express our gratidue for poverty, hunger, massacers and a devastated nature. With friends and comrades we will do this for two days.
A week in advance, at the 28th of June, of this summit we will start our anarchical week of events. We will receive guests and speakers from all corners oft he world and will discuss, watching movies and have some readings going on.

So when the powerful meet up here to coordinate their terror even better we unite in order of network and to solidarize. Nice to see you!

Anarchical Initiative


The schedule is not completed and changes can not be excluded.
All panels will be held in german and english language. In case people can translate in other languages – you are very welcome!

(All lectures will be hold in Hamburg.)

Wed., 06.28.:

Kick off:

Film „Black Block“

06:00 pm

3001 Cinema

Schanzenstrasse 75 / Schanzenstreet 75

Public Transport Lines S11, S21, S31, and U3, Stop “Sternschanze“

Thurs., 06.29.:

Jens Störfried


Lecture + Discussion

7 pm

Barco Liberado

Meiendorfer Straße 47

from Central Station, exit Rahlstedt, then bus 24 to Schneehuhnkamp

Friday, 06.30.:

The Anarchist Black Cross:

Anarchical anti-repression: the anarchist black cross

Lecture + Discussion

05:30 pm

Cafe Knallhart

Von-Melle-Park 9 (at Hamburg University Campus)

Public Transport Lines S11, S21, S31 and R70. Stop “Dammtor“

Samstag, 01.07, Sat. 07.01.

Andreas Blechschmidt: Repressionen im Zusammenhang mit dem Gipfel

Lecture + Discussion

03:00 pm


Hein-Köllisch-Platz 11

Public Transport Lines S S1, S2, S3, Stop “Reeperbahn“

Sonntag, 02.07./Sun. 07.02:

Chrimethink: Resistance in the Trump Era

Lecture + Discussion

03:00 pm

Centro Sociale

Sternschanze 2

U3, Stop “Feldstraße“, or

Public Transport Lines S11, S21, S31, and U3, Stop “Sternschanze“

Mon. 07.03.:

Rob Evans: How to deal with snitches

Lecture + Discussion

07:00 pm

Centro Sociale

Sternschanze 2

U3, Stop “Feldstraße“, or

Public Transport Lines S11, S21, S31, and U3, Stop “Sternschanze“

Dienstag, 04.07./Thurs. 07.04.:

Anarchistical Initiative Ljubljana

The role of autonomous spaces in social fights

Lecture and discussion

Place will be announced

By the way:
during the summit there will be different zones in the city where you only can move limited or even zero. Where the exact line of the borders are, especially the so called blue zone, is not known by now. Could be possible that some of our venues are in these zones.
We dont know by now when these zones will be in effect but it can be possible that some panels will not take place in the announced venues due to some boys in blue who are pushing people around. For this case we have alternative venues wich will be announced as soon as we know more about the different security zones.

Moving around:
best thing is to grap a bike or use the public transport system. Stations for S and U-Bahn have no security turnstiles. Ticketholder will be check randomly by the S-Bahn security or by ticket inspectors in plain clothes. On very rare occasions there are blocking of subway station entrances. If they step up these controlls we really dont know. To be certain is that there will Police at important interchanges. During the last OSZE summit in 2016 the police presence was spread out into some far-off suburbs. And keep in mind that all bus, train and other railway stations got CCTV systems, so you will be monitored.

International Days of Action: G20 Hamburg 2017

International anti-capitalist demonstration against G20 summit:

G20 Welcome to hell.

Thursday, 6 July 2017 4 p.m., St. Pauli Fischmarkt, Hamburg

When the heads of government of the world’s 20 most powerful countries are arriving on 6 July and the assembled world media are waiting for news from the crisis zone around Hamburg’s exhibition halls, we’ll be already in the streets.

We are mobilizing internationally to turn Hamburg into a location and an exclamation mark of resistance against old and new authorities of capitalism.

A demonstration at the G20 summit’s eve will express protest and resistance, radical critique and practice against the patriarchal and capitalist state of affairs. We are resisting the discursive priority of receptions and fireside chats during the days to follow.

G20 is creating a temporary state of emergency and its political bias stands for everything we are fighting against. The police and military are present on the roofs of Hamburg during the summit, and they are perpetuating capitalist regimes all over the world. Neo-liberal and protectionist capitalist models are both similarly part of global exploitation, walling-off and impoverishment.

Whether this cynical violence is going to be obvious or rather superimposed by grand receptions and beautiful pictures is also at stake during Hamburg’s hot days. We are opposing the summit as well as any effort to include political critique and resistance as a part of the summit’s orchestration as a democratic institution. Summits like G20 and institutions like IMF, WTO or the World Bank being instruments of peace, human rights or climate policies is one of the great lies and illusions of the powers-that-be.

When the pieces of global politics are picked up after the summit on 9 July, capitalism and exploitation will still exist. At the end of the day, there will be final statements and success-oriented resumes of the assembled bodies politic and the public. Crises and wars are part of the capitalist system, likewise protest and scandals are part of the summit orchestration. It’s up to us to open a new page and new resistance perspectives.

The apparently unchallenged triumph of capitalism has left behind a trail of devastation. War is prevalent not only as military conflict, but as well in more and more people’s minds. A racist mob is mobilising in Germany, around Europe and all over the world. Racial and nationalist ideas are getting acceptable again. Among others, right-wing populists and fascists have managed to accomplish a shift of society’s discourse to the right.

Strong states and closed borders are being called for more and more forcefully. Proxy wars for spheres of interests – instruments of world order created in the century before last and the one before that – appear more than ever to be legitimate means to achieve political ends. We are living in a time of rising nationalism and hate towards minorities. Pogroms against refugees and other population groups beyond majority, attacks on homosexual, trans* or inter* people as well as the significance of fanaticism of whatever persuasion are increasing dramatically.

Migration and flight will be focal points of the summit and of the protests as well. It’s not freedom of movement for all, not even safe flight corridors to prevent mass death in the Mediterranean, to be established. Rather, borders and the flow of goods are being safeguarded. Cynicism and fishy deals prevail, while the summit is taking its course.

The logic of capitalist value is supposed to expand into the last nooks in the metropolises as well as in rural regions‘ periphery. Yet, world-wide capitalist penetration is also connecting the terrain of resistance. For instance, resistance against mining projects in Columbia is linked to urban-political struggles against the coal power station Moorburg in Hamburg harbor which is using Columbian coal as a resource.

Devastation and migration due to global warming are related directly to the struggle for the right to stay. Connections of capitalist exploitation interests can be demonstrated, criticized and confronted politically. G20 resistance is supposed to focus on these inter-dependencies on a local and global scale and to develop mutual relations and resistant practices.

Various and unpredictable mass resistance will disrupt the smooth proceedings of the summit’s performance. Many people will stand up against this staging of power – politically and practically. Unlike civil opposition, we are not going to suggest alternatives in order to keep the capitalist system alive. We are going to oppose oppression, exploitation and exclusion with collectivity and solidarity.

Organise yourselves, be creative and contribute vociferously, angrily and powerfully to the international anti-capitalist demonstration on 6 July. Let this demonstration be a first expression of our resistance and our unconciliatory antagonism towards the prevailing conditions and the summit spectacle. Up with social revolution!

We will start on 6 July at 4 p.m. with a great opening meeting. Cultural, musical and political contributions will be held. From 7 p.m., the demonstration will be approaching the red zone and the final meeting will be held a stone’s throw from the summit’s location in the exhibition halls.

Don‘t let capitalism get you down – live resistance!

Autonomous and anti-capitalist alliance “G20 – welcome to hell!”

Thursday, 6 July 2017 4 p.m., St. Pauli Fischmarkt, Hamburg

[J11] Thessaloniki, Greece: Responsibility claim for placement of incendiary device

We perceive anarchist and antiauthoritarian spaces as structures in which we organize struggles and live collective moments outside the authoritarian relations that the State and capitalism would like to impose on us daily.

Lately, the State has carried out various attacks against squats and hangouts in Athens, Thessaloniki, Agrinio and Larissa.

In response to these attacks, during the night of 11th to 12th June 2017, we placed an incendiary device in a van belonging to AKTOR company on Makedonikis Amynis Street in Thessaloniki.

We know that this company constructs the enemy’s structures, such as the Skouries mine in the Halkidiki Peninsula, that destroys the earth for the benefit of capitalists, or the Thessaloniki metro, intended to support and strengthen the flow of capital.

We chose June 11th, international day of solidarity with anarchist prisoners facing long sentences, to express our solidarity with all captive comrades worldwide.

Fire to all prison cells.

Death to the State and Capital.

Direct action for anarchy.

source: athens imc

Santiago, Chile: Sealed the padlocks of a Teletrak

Members of the Anonymous Band for Sabotage in the early hours of June 18 made a sealing of two padlocks from a Teletrak betting office located in Santiago. Earlier we harassed their customers with an undesirable noise, this time we went by their locks.

“…We will continue breaking your windows, we will continue painting your walls, we will continue fucking your locks, we will continue shouting in front of faces… We will continue in foot of war!” –Ekkaía.

Anonymous Band for Sabotage
Animal Liberation Front / Earth Liberation Front

received also in spanish

London: Benefit Event in Solidarity with Tasos Theofilou – This Friday

“I am an anarchist communist. I love life and freedom​.​

Let’s fight to tear down the prisons which bury inside them thousands of living people.

Let’s fight for the vision of social liberation.

Let’s fight for the liberation of our class from the authority of the capital”

– Tasos Theofilou

Join us this Friday 23rd of June for a benefit event in solidarity with the anarchist communist Tasos Theofilou, who is currently in prison, after being sentenced on the basis of forged and non existent evidence. He was convicted just because he is an anarchist. He was convicted because he didn’t lose his smile even when the court announced his sentence.

Case updates, projections and phone call interventions from Athens.
​For more info about the case here​.

Starting at 19:00 at L.A.R.C. (62 Fieldgate Street E1 1ES London)
Live music will follow…
Bar will run throughout the evening.
Entry on free donation.

Feel free to spread the word!!!

See you all there!

in German

[Hamburg] G20-Streetmedics/First-Aid-Groups

we like to use the chance to introduce us. We will coordinate autonomously acting first-aid groups during the conference days of the G20 in Hamburg. There will be a telefon number you can call if you need non-bureaucratic help or information about, how you can help (yourself) in case of injuries.

We are part of the protests and the anti-repression structure. In other words, we are not working with the police or other governmental institutions.

If you have any further questions feel free to write us an e-mail. You can find our e-mail and our public PGP key on our Blog:

Otherwise keep on checking the blog, our phone number will be announced later there!

If you know about first-aid groups, joining the protest against g20, please let them know, that we would be very happy, when they contact us!

Please give all this information to other groups you stay in contact with.

Take Care! And see you soon!

Yours Autonome Sanikoordination G20 / Coordination of First-Aid Groups

UK: Fortnight of Action against IPP Sentences 9th – 23rd July 2017

As part of the 2017 Year of Resistance against IPP Sentences, Smash IPP have called for a Fortnight of Action this July 9th – 23rd 2007.

More than 3989 people are serving IPP (Imprisonment for Public Protection) sentences in British prisons. Five years since the sentence was legally abolished, thousands still languish in jails with no release date. Parole board delays, prison overcrowding, and sheer neglect is leading to unprecedented rates of prisoner suicides and self-harm. 80% are over tariff and desperate to be free. THIS FORTNIGHT IS FOR THEM.

The time is now to escalate and generate unrelenting pressure on the government, prison profiteers and the parole boards who are all complicit in ripping families apart, ruining lives and killing working class young people who have died as a result of the mental strain of being an IPP.

This fortnight of action is dedicated to Charlie Noakes, an IPP prisoner who died on the 23rd July 2016 as a result of prison neglect and the despair of this sentence. Let’s make this an amazing fortnight of action in honour of the life HMP stole.
What You Can Do

Smash IPP is asking people to organise actions in their area. Suggested actions may include:

* Noise demos at prisons where IPP prisoners are imprisoned
* Days of action at local Probation Offices. Find your nearest office in the directory here.
* Organising actions against HMPPS (Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service), the replacement to NOMS (National Offender Management Service)
* Organising communication blockades against the above organisations integral to the prison service continuing this injustice
* Demonstrating at the Houses of Parliament
* Targeting the Justice Secretary who has the power to turn these sentences into determinate sentences and end this nightmare
* Demonstrating and pressuring the Parole Board
* IPP Prisoner letter writing events
* Smash IPP fundraising events
* Organising info nights, workshops & awareness raising events about this brutal sentence
* Doing stalls at local prisons to connect with prisoner families
* Demonstrating in your local town centre to raise awareness about IPPs
* Banner drops
…. The options are endless!

Not connected to anyone locally? Get in touch! Smash IPP may be able to connect you with local contacts and prisoner families.

Know an IPP prisoner who would benefit from some solidarity actions as part of this campaign? Or would like to have letters from people showing support? Let us know!

Smash IPP can help with leaflets, stickers and other materials. We are also available to do talks and workshops about IPP if needed or can link you up with people that can.

Please contact us with your any of your publicly advertised plans so we can help promote them, otherwise don’t forget to send us your action reports.

Contact Us

Greece, Albania, Italy: The struggle against the construction of the Trans Adriatic Pipeline

The struggle against the construction of the Trans Adriatic Pipeline
(TAP) through Greece – Albania – Italy

Pamphlet, A5, 48 pages

“They protest against the energy that flows under their house, but inside of the house they want it!” yells the stuffy national-popular bourgeois in the spring of 2017 seeing what’s upsetting a small village in Puglia and spreading out to the rest of Italy. Fights erupted between police and opponents in front of the future construction site of the TAP
(Trans-Adriatic Pipeline), the new gas pipeline which will link up Europe with the endpoint in Turkey of the Trans-Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline that’s connectect with the gas fields in the Caspian Sea. The new gas pipeline will cross the north of Greece into Albania, where it will continue through the Adriatic Sea to finally reach the shores of
Lecce in Italy, where it will connect with the existing gas transport network.

The TAP project, as most other energy projects, are considered of utmost “strategical” importance by power. A fair enough reason for enemies of power to have a look at the ongoing struggle against this TAP, put together this collection of texts from anarchist comrades active in the conflict and broaden up the horizons as to favour direct intervention
against everything that keeps the energy of power flowing.

You can download the pamphlet here

[J11] Komotini, Greece: Solidarity with long-term anarchist prisoners – “Sean Swain Was Here”

On Monday, June 12th 2017, we hung a banner at the Old Law School in Komotini as a small sign of solidarity with all long-term anarchist prisoners. We do not forget the comrade Sean Swain.

Utopia A.D. anarchist squat

in Greek

[J11] Exarchia, Athens: Banner drop in solidarity with Michael Kimble, anarchist prisoner in the U$

On Sunday June 11 2017, international day in support with long-term anarchist prisoners, we dropped a banner from Themistokleous 58 squat in solidarity with the comrade Michael Kimble, incarcerated in Holman prison, Alabama.

Michael Kimble is a gay black anarchist serving a life sentence for taking out a white homophobic racist. Even though he has been held captive for three decades, Michael keeps resisting the everyday imprisonment by all means necessary, and also propagates violent rupture with all Power.

With this banner we send him back some of the strength we get whenever we read his incendiary texts. Hold strong, comrade: your ideas and determination reverberate to the other side of the ocean.



in Greek

Madrid, Spain: Incendiary attack against the Cavalry Unit of the National Police

Received on June 1st 2017:

The night between the 24th and 25th March 2017, after months of preparation, we jumped over the fence in the premises of the Cavalry Unit of the National Police in Madrid and placed an incendiary device under one of their off-road vehicles.

We carried out this action against the G20 summit and we dedicate it to all anarchist prisoners.

in Greek

Bristol, UK: Animal liberation gathering [9-11th June]

A gathering aimed at rebuilding and progressing the animal liberation movement. It will be coming from an anarchist perspective and will be especially looking at animal exploitation as a result of capitalism and domestication and how best to challenge it in this context.

Read more on the blog of Liberation! collective

Athens, Greece: Molotov attack against the Ministry of Culture

On Monday night, May 22nd 2017, a group of comrades attacked the Ministry of Culture in Exarchia with Molotov cocktails. We carried out this symbolic action for two reasons:

To honor the memory of Mauricio Morales, who lost his life on May 22nd 2009 in Santiago, Chile, when the bomb he was carrying to strike the jailers academy exploded prematurely.

To send strength to the anarchist Eric King, who is serving a 10-year sentence in the US for attacking a government building with Molotov cocktails in Kansas City in September 2014. We support the international call in solidarity with Eric on June 28th.

Combative memory – incendiary solidarity!

in Greek, Spanish

Vienna: Italian embassy attacked – solidarity with imprisoned anarchists in Turin!

Received on 25 May 2017:

Last night, to express our active solidarity, we have attacked the Italian embassy with colour bombs.

For the immediate release of Antonio, Antonio & Francisco, who have been in prison since May 3rd.

For the repeal of the house arrest of Giada, Fabiola & Camille.

They are accused of resisting a police raid in their neighbourhood in February.

in German

Ecotopia Biketour: Summer 2017

Ecotopia Biketour is a self-organized, international community that has been organizing a yearly bicycle tour in different regions of Europe since 1990. During the tour we visit environmental and social projects and practice forms of activism and sustainable living. We follow a vegan diet, practice consensus decision making, and share skills by doing workshops. Ecotopia Biketour is for anyone interested in travelling by bike, community life, DIY, environmentalism, and learning by experience.

Usually 20–40 people cycle with us at the same time. Most people join for somewhere between 2 weeks and 2 months and participate in the tour for the first or second time. We rarely cycle all together, usually some people go ahead in the morning and mark the route with arrows on the road. People then follow in small groups in their own speed and rhythm. We keep distances at a level where no particular fitness or experience is necessary.

We try to create a non-hierarchical environment by rotating responsibilities, sharing skills and respecting personal needs. People can sign up for daily tasks (cooking, pulling a trailer, marking the route, etc.), but everyone can decide individually how much they want to do. We meet up every couple of days to talk about how it is going and to collectively make decisions. It is one of our core values to create a non-discriminatory environment.

We cook communally with wood, carry all our equipment ourselves and try to buy local and organic food and to dumpster-dive where possible. Participants are asked to donate 3–5 € per day to cover the food costs, but people who cannot give this donation are also welcome to join.

This year we will focus on skill-sharing and other forms of alternative education. We will have workshops regularly where we want to share abilities and knowledge within our group and with the projects we are going to visit. We will start at the end of June in Strasbourg in France and will cycle for 3 months via Nancy (Vélorution Universelle), Bure, Freiburg, Basel, Bern, Lausanne, Geneva, Grenoble, Toulouse to Barcelona and end near Tarragona. The exact route and dates are being announced on our website.

If you have some recommendations for projects, groups and events for us to visit on the way or would like to help preparing the tour, write to these principles – to make the Biketour experience an example of the social and political values we all share.

A call for solidarity actions on May 31st 2017

Dear Friends,

We have been waiting for over a year for the trial of the Warsaw 3. Today, we send this call out for solidarity actions on the first court sitting – the 31st of May 2017.

There is also a demonstration ‘WE ARE ALL TERRORISTS’ planned for that day in front of the court in Warsaw (adress: Marszałkowska 82).

The Polish government follows the international trend to see terrorist threat everywhere. There is no better reason to fuel war economy, enhance policing tools and prepare the ground for autocracy than the figure of the enemy. Either external threat – migrants (including kids ready to commit acts of terror), or the inside threat in the form of the domestic terrorism category is at this point commonly used in the whole EU to scare the population into obedience.

As it is for other countries in the EU, terrorist attacks have been the justification to introduce new security regulations that grant states greater powers and significantly limit those of the peoples. Polish authorities also want to seize their chance to secure their own position riding on the European anti-terror wave. In the wake of the introduction of the new anti-terrorist law in Poland, mainstream media were first reporting the wave of false bomb alarms across the country, when finally they have got what they were waiting for. In the night of the 23rd three anarchists were caught on a parking lot of a police station in an attempt to set a police car on fire.

For the authorities and their media the arrest posed a long awaited proof that there actually is a terrorist threat in Poland! The arrested three, after being beaten and tortured were thrown into the isolation cells for the most dangerous criminals to be held there for the next 4 months.

Media theater had begun and the introduction of the new anti-terrorist law was presented to the public as justified.

The word ‘terrorist’ was abused by the media to the point of ridiculousness. Since this category is so vague that two individuals labeled as ‘terrorists’ can have almost nothing in common, the authorities have quickly understood it’s usefulness in eliminating potential threat to the their power.

The polish state has imprisoned the Warsaw 3, but it wasn’t enough. It has passed 3 new anti-freedom bills, but it wasn’t enough. Then it’s thugs brutally deported a PhD student who didn’t agree to spy for them – we all remember Ameer – but that still was not enough. They also feel the need to keep blackmailing activists, deporting foreigners and criminalize anyone who dares to resist.

We are calling you to take solidarity action on that day.

We are calling you to come to your nearest polish embassy, and show the republic of Poland what you think of it!

Fire to prisons, courts and copshops!

(Here you will find a leaflet for the call for solidarity actions with wawa3 update)

In German

[Italy] For a Dangerous June

A summary of ideas expressed during the convergences on the theme ‘With our heads held high’

State repression is the most important part of the system of domination and one of its most disgraceful expressions; it doesn’t surprise us that those who are struck most are historically those who don’t let themselves be recuperated by the system of power, i.e. anarchist, revolutionary and rebel individualities.

The latter respond to the physical, psychological, moral, social and economic repression unleashed by all the components of democratic power and to the brutal indiscriminate violence of its armed hands and the judiciary. This they do with direct action aimed at those responsible for repression, with the creative and liberating destruction of the places of domination and the sabotage of its infrastructures, so as to put an end to, or at least hamper, the causes of exploitation and oppression by human beings against  other human beings, the earth and animals.

From the perspective  of total liberation, passively watching the reproduction of domination means being complicit with it, so there are those who continue to hold their heads high and rebel.

As a consequence, power activates all its strategies and the trials and proceedings still continue against comrades for actions, episodes of conflictuality and writings. Next month there will be an appeals trial concerning the so-called Operation Shadow, in which a number of comrades are accused, among other things, of criminal instigation following the publication of the paper KNO3. [1]

These judicial proceedings are an expression of the war that the authorities are waging against the bond between thought and action, which is the foundation of anarchism’s dangerousness. Beyond individual and specific struggles, this police operation aims at striking the cardinal concepts of antiauthoritarian ideas and methods such as direct action, refusal of delegation and solidarity.

Starting from these reflections during the meetings that developed after the arrests in Operation Scripta Manent, we felt it necessary to not reduce solidarity to the technical support of those who are in prison, not dwelling on the strategies of repression, but widening  the spectrum of our analysis.

In this respect, we discussed how solidarity is a fundamental element of our anarchist action and relations of complicity aimed at the destruction of domination. This form of solidarity goes beyond repression’s attacks, and is capable of not letting itself be suffocated by the specificity of the trajectories of struggle when we recognize ourselves in a common tension of attack. In particular, active solidarity is an essential instrument to respond to state violence, refusing to take its blows passively but maintaining a stance of attack, so as not to develop attitudes of victimization which is what repression wants. The risk of isolation can be reduced and one of the enemy’s most important goals can be made ineffective by thinking in offensive terms,
keeping in mind permanent and internationalist conflictuality beyond each one’s specific path.

To express solidarity with specific contexts and projects doesn’t mean one must conform to the discourses and practices of those who have been struck, nor does it mean to necessarily follow in the wake of a given struggle or practice: if we recognize ourselves in a common horizon we can act in solidarity according to our own individual tension. Creating of relations of solidarity on a local and international level is a strategic objective which we should give ourselves in order to face the strengthening of repression’s means and will against anarchist, revolutionary and rebel individualities

We think it necessary to address our proposals, projectuality and objectives towards the destruction of the system, which organizes social relations of domination by flattening dissent through recuperation, and wherever this is not possible, by eliminating it through repression.

In this respect, we recognize the importance of multiform actions and practices within anarchism. Precisely because the more differences that exist in a context, the stronger the possibility of not getting stuck on pre-arranged dogmatic positions, provided that any specific struggle and attack is part of the wider view of tension towards subversion. To recognize the value of this diversity also means to lay the foundations for opposing all centralizing and dominating tendencies within anarchism.

This is only possible through an attitude of constant self-criticism and critique between the different approaches, an attitude that moves towards qualitative  growth of both an  analysis of what surrounds us and of the various possible ways to organize the destruction of what oppresses us.

By refusing to classify or make it possible for others to classify our different tensions into identity categories, we think that any attack on authority interacts with social mechanisms and relations and at the same time acts against society itself.

From a strategic point of view the existence of multiform practices is useful for nourishing the complexity of the forms of organization and attack, and enhances the discussion on means and ends within the different anarchist projectualities of action. It is absolutely necessary to understand how to give value to this diversity without diluting its contents in the view of a common project of total destruction of the system of domination.

It is important to consider different proposals and projectualities not as being antithetical and static but as being instruments, resources and possibilities at anarchists’ disposal, provided that they have certain characteristics that we believe are fundamental, such as permanent conflictuality, attack, independence from institutional hierarchically-organized political structures, and informality as a tool of organization.

By permanent conflicutality, we mean a tension towards the irrecuperability of our practices and discourses, the refusal to submit our action to opportunistic evaluation. This doesn’t exclude the possibility of developing a strategy referring to modalities and objectives, but this cannot be a justification for wait-and-see attitudes or the watering down of our own content for the sake of a quantitative broadening.

From this point of view we reiterate the refusal of any collaboration with power or that lends itself to recuperation. By the latter we intend power’s strategy of absorbing experiences and behaviour that is potentially dangerous to itself and of directing them towards its goals. In democracies the mechanism of recuperation is complementary to the harshest face of repression and has the goal of perpetuating the system of exploitation and oppression: the attempt at inclusion and integration of some forms of dissent is meant to increase participation in the political game, thus creating divisions in order to more easily attack those who don’t want to participate in the spectacle of society. Anarchist action for the destruction of society and domination responds to the tension that refuses authority, and therefore doesn’t negotiate with the latter but wants to overthrow it with violence, and a wider strategy that starts off from the awareness that we will never live free by creating islands inside mass society.

It is therefore beyond question that the struggle, in order not to be reformist, has to contemplate direct attack as a practice. Following Operation Scripta Manent Alfredo, Nicola, Danilo, Valentina, Anna, Marco and Sandrone are being held in high security units, subjected to restrictions and censorship of communication with the outside.

Some anarchists find themselves in prison in Italy and in the rest of the world, while others here and elsewhere are undergoing various restrictive measures, such as house arrest and compulsory residence orders.

We call for mobilization in the month of June in solidarity with anarchist, revolutionary and rebel individualities struck by repression, as an occasion for coordination between initiatives and practices.

Rome, 30th April 2017

[1] Operation Shadow is a procedure based on article 270bis, which Perugia prosecutors started in 2008. The crime of association was dropped in the first grade trial, and in the 2015’s appeal trial it resulted in a sentence of 3 years against two comrades, a third comrade being investigated for article 302 with the aggravating circumstance of terrorism following articles published in KNO3, and sentences against other comrades for attempted sabotage on a railway line and car theft.

source: informa-azione | English translation by Act For Freedom Now, slightly edited by an unknown contributor

London: Solidarity info night 17th May

in German

[UK] SLAP! Squatters of London Action Paper Issue 7

Issue seven of Squatters of London Action Paper in A3 prints.

Vienna: Anarchist Book Fair, June 2 – 4 2017

From June 2 until June 4 an anarchist book fair will take place in Vienna at Yppenplatz. This is an invitation for everyone who feels like creating together a weekend full of anarchist literature, propaganda/agitation and an exchange with lectures, workshops and bookstalls.

Our intention is to bring anarchist ideas into public. Therefore we decided to organize the book fair at a lively public space and not in some closed established anarchist space. We hope for good weather, still, we have organized bad weather alternatives and there are indoor spaces for presentations or workshops.

To us, anarchism is not something codified in books but something that needs vivid exchange and discussions. That is what we aim to facilitate through the book fair.

In these ways you can contribute: bookstalls, lectures, translations, book presentations, workshops, music, discussions, help on the ground,…

If you would like to contribute, no matter how, write us:

Behind the organization there is not a commercial publishing house but individuals who came together to organize the book fair.

Athens, Greece: Banner drop in solidarity with Berkeley comrades

Banner drop in solidarity with the comrades who once again clashed with the patriotic mob that hit the streets of Berkeley on April 15th 2017. We don’t recognize any fatherland, we don’t kneel down before any national symbol, and we don’t dialog with any sort of fascists: we crush them!


Themistokleous 58 Squat, Exarchia

in Italian, French, Portuguese, German

June 11th International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners

Each year, June 11th serves as a day for us to remember our longest imprisoned anarchist comrades through words, actions and ongoing material support.

*Communication is a weapon*

By now it is a platitude to speak of the isolation and silence that prisons strive to impose. Every week another one of our imprisoned friends tells us that their mail is getting fucked with, the phones on their unit are “broken,” or that our publications are being rejected with no recourse.

For us, one of the most exciting elements of June 11, 2016 was the proliferation of words and ideas shared between and from anarchist prisoners.  Along with spreading material solidarity internationally and keeping the names of our comrades on our lips, our contribution to facilitating that communication is one of our most important tasks. While the starting point of our project was support for Marius Mason and Eric McDavid (the first of whom remains imprisoned in an extremely restrictive unit, while the latter has been freed!), it has been through a spreading web of communications that we have expanded the scope of our project to solidarity with long-term anarchist prisoners around the world.  This year, we are seeking to emphasize this communication.

Maintaining communication is a lifeline for those caught in the snares of state repression or locked in its dungeons. Prisons function to isolate those held within these dungeons, to remove them from human community, and to break their will. Receiving letters and publications, being able to connect with individuals outside of the walls, and being able to call upon the solidarity of comrades on the outside are all vitally important to retaining dignity in dehumanizing conditions. When Chelsea Manning attempted suicide, communication enabled her and those close to her to mobilize and act. For prisoners who seem to live under a microscope due to their rebellious activities, a constant stream of letters shows their tormentors that they have friends on the outside and that there will be consequences for any action taken against them. Throughout the September 9th US prison strike, the relationships built over years made it possible to know of work strikes and rebellions happening in prisons all over the country, allowing supporters to organize counter-repressive action.

We must not, however, confuse actual communication with the absentminded chatter of liberal democracy. In totalitarian societies, speaking out can be subversive to systems of power; in liberal democracies it strengthens them. History textbooks teach us to speak truth to power, allowing power to better understand our frustrations so it can then maneuver to undermine us – either by regurgitating and disfiguring our criticisms as popular appeals or otherwise attempting to sell them back to us through edgy marketing campaigns. The more we tell power what we’re mad about, the better the chance they can manipulate us. Ranting on the internet is a microcosm of the pressure valve function of free speech in neutralizing social unrest. We are encouraged to say whatever we want, as long as we don’t actually do anything about it. Free speech becomes a fetish. For people who have never experienced a moment of freedom in their entire lives, freedom of speech is taken for freedom itself.

When direct action actually does take place, it either is castigated as coming from “outsiders,” or framed to fit into democratic rhetoric around speech. After the uprising against police in Ferguson, Missouri, Martin Luther King Jr.’s quote that “riots are the language of the unheard” went viral because it was a way to frame the uprising as revolving around freedom of speech, as if the silencing of Ferguson residents’ voices is what caused the riots, or that their rioting was intended only to amplify their voices.

When we speak of communication, we are not talking about “freedom of information” – media attention and generalized knowledge of the horrific practices and conditions inside prisons will never result in public outrage, nor will they cause a wave of shame that will wash over the authorities and affect them to the point where they’ll change what they’re doing. While trying to bring attention to issues sometimes has it place, we don’t expect anything from the authorities (or the “public”) and we know all too well that, especially in democracies, public opinion usually does very little to affect the policies or practices of the state. We’re talking about something different: that finding and speaking with our comrades is vital to attacking power and living full lives.

Within liberal democracies, prison functions to isolate those who do not take the bait of the democratic illusion.  We amplify the stories of those anarchists serving time in prison who have chosen active revolt against any regime of power rather than played into democracy’s games.  In February 2017, Eric King received sanctions – including loss of phone, visits, and commissary; increase in security level; and loss of “good time” – for writing poems and drawing cartoons depicting violence towards the Bureau of Prisons and the government in general. In early 2017, Sean Swain went on a successful 50-day hunger strike demanding the restoration of his email and phone communications, which had been cut off years ago due to his alleged threats of outside direct action against prison officials. In 2014, Bill Dunne received a 15-year “hit” to his parole, with the parole commission citing his “continued association and affiliation with anarchist organizations” as evidence he “still harbor[ed] anti-authoritarian views that are not compatible with the welfare of society.” Marius Mason is currently being held in the intensely-restrictive federal prison in Carswell, Texas, which surveils and controls his communication with the outside world and imposes harsh limits to his ability to connect with struggles on the outside. The comrades arrested in Italy under Operation Scripta Manent have seen their mail restricted, including a permanent seizure of all material from Croce Nera Anarchica [Anarchist Black Cross].

Despite the state’s best attempts to fetter our comrades’ tongues, imprisoned anarchists continue to contribute to struggles inside and outside of prison. Sean Swain’s Final Straw segments, Marius’ art and poetry, Jeremy Hammond’s incendiary tweets, and prison writings crossing borders and oceans show the innumerable and diverse forms communication can take in the belly of the beast.

That said, we want to share specific news of Marius’ struggles on the inside.  This year was filled with new heartbreak as the Bureau of Prisons developed means of isolating him further.  Beginning last summer, Marius began to see huge gaps in the mail he received, sometime going weeks without personal mail, with movement newsletters even more scarce. It was finally revealed via a phone call with a friend that FMC Carswell had been cutting off all communication about the National Prison Strike and thus any personal mail mentioning the strike was destroyed.

Even with these more obvious events Marius is going into his 10th year of incarceration, friendships and supports on the outside have been pushed to their limit, consistently thwarted in their attempts to get mail past Carswell’s complex and unexplained regulations.  Aside from the few close friends and immediate family he has left, Marius receives very little mail. Mail is his lifeline to the outside world. He needs supporters to recommit to correspondence, and to visits, for those of us who knew him before his arrest (a requirement of the BOP).  Know that letters which mention political actions will not make it through the tight censorship.

On the outside, new projects which seek to break down the barriers imposed by prison have flourished. Comrades all over the US and elsewhere have started publishing prison newsletters, giving wings to the ideas of our imprisoned comrades, enabling them to spread seeds in the “free world” and in the prison cells. Individual support websites, counter-information websites, zines collecting prisoners’ writings, the Certain Days calendar, the new Black Bridge website, and other efforts keep our comrades behind bars connected with us, and us connected with them – through creative expression, mutual contribution to theory, and strategizing for continuation of struggle.

This extends also to the realm of action, with solidarity rooting itself in the spirit of combative, internationalist struggle against prison and its world. Following the arrest of Pola Roupa and Konstantina Athanasopoulou and the detainment of Pola’s six-year-old child Lambros-Viktoras, diverse and combative actions took place, resulting in Lambros-Viktoras’ grand-mother gaining custody of her grandchild. The actions taken all over the world in solidarity with the US prison strike in September 2016 offer a clear vision of how words and deeds can mix in the cauldron of revolt. We also want to mention the upcoming Fight Toxic Prisons convergence in Texas, drawing the important connections between ecological devastation and prison society and rooting both in active solidarity with imprisoned comrades.

This year we challenge ourselves to weaponize our words and gestures to one another, to give them teeth. Let’s find ways to fight the censorship of those sending messages from the inside, and those sending strength and support from the outside. Let us not be satisfied with merely expressing our desires and ideas to whoever is listening, but really live them, and develop them together. The state wishes to crush our comrades by separating them from communities of struggle. We will not let it succeed!

[PDF for reading]          [PDF for printing]

More information:

Istanbul, Turkey: Banners and Stickers against referendum in Turkey

Nor Dictatorship nor Democracy Revolt, Revolution, Anarchy

Find each other, organize, fight! YES to Revolt, NO to State

Revolt won’t be like your ballot box

State produces war revolution, not election. commune, Not war.

Don’t do servitude to servants. There is no representive other than yourself

We will solve all problems of the City! down left) No living being will be captived in cages, prisons, schools, aquariums top right) Not the traffic, but motorized transportation is the problem, votes to anarchy down right) We support tsunami, not the humanity

Nor Dictatorship Nor Democracy Revolt, Revolution, Anarchy

Nor republic nor khalifat, for freedom, revolt

top one ) We won’t allow anybody to be a president down right) People will not think about rents anymore, people will live in caves

1st) Now all Your banking transactions are on internet banking! 2nd) A world that to be destroyed 3rd) We will not end unemployment, we will end employment. Votes to Anarchy

in French, Portuguese, German

Callout: May Day 2017 – We are poor because they are rich… and it’s right to revolt!

As part of our call-out for an Anti-Capitalist May Day we would like to provide some information about an event we will be holding, as well as some general information and ideas surrounding the initial call-out.

We are an initiative made up of various individuals who are working towards organising an Anti-Capitalist themed May Day event in Armidale, which is situated on Anaiwan land (an area in so-called Australia). The aim of the event will be to bring people together to hold discussions on our conditions and experiences as workers; to devise strategies for improving our lives; and to build support for all sectors in struggle, whether worker, unemployed, local or refugee.

Our initial call-out was a general call to action, and for those who would wish to, or are interested in, an encouragement to organise their own events wherever they are. Here, in so-called Australia, yearly we see a sombre march made up of political parties, bureaucratic trade-unions walking the same set-out route with no feeling, inspiration, or general opposition to the status-quo. What is worse, is that at the end, it usually culminates in a speech from a labor party leader.

From many anarchists/anti-authoritarians/anti-capitalists, we here the same arguments year after year: that is is a great opportunity to get our information out, that we need to be involved with those who are already involved in a union or want to take part in a march. While this may be true in the smallest way, the fact we walk passively behind a contingent of labor, liberal and greens party members is really enough to chuck any argument in defence of this misery out the window. How can we really demonstrate a shift from the perspective of beautifying an exploitative system when we are only tagging along to a procession that has long forgotten the need to struggle against capital and state? We do not condemn those who take part in these rallies, we just envision and hope for more; we desire a movement that can point to, and address the disasters of capitalism. This one day won’t amount to that, but it can highlight so much more than a march made up of political parties/supporters of this cruel system.

We take inspiration from our comrades in Montreal – as well as those throughout the world – who have in determined fashion continued to remember and demonstrate the anti-capitalist and subversive spirit May Day emanates from.

It may not be much, it may not be taken up everywhere or even elsewhere, as we desire, but it will not prevent us from trying. To start somewhere is all we can attempt.

May 1st is a day of solidarity with other exploited people across the world and within our communities. This is a call to reclaim and rebuild the history and struggle against oppression with an anti-capitalist gathering, celebration and resistance.

This year we will commemorate those who fought with their lives for an 8 hour workday in Chicago over 100 years ago, and the innocent anarchists who lost their lives at the hand of the law. On May 1st 2017 we will stand against capitalism, colonialism, borders and the state; we will stand for freedom, community and self-determination as we continue the struggles of workers started so many years ago.

Capitalism continues to steal land, life, culture and language from in the name of profit. The empire it has built on stolen land keeps workers under the boot of the bosses, the unemployed under the boot of the state, as our labour increases their profit margins and we merely survive and dream of the lives we can live in our worn-out bodies come retirement.

On May 1st, 2017 we will gather as anti-capitalists against the systems of oppression that commodify our basic needs and force us to work for our daily bread. The food from the fields and trees and the houses on the streets have all been packaged into marketable products and fenced off from all who cannot pay the price. We are forced into work to feed, clothe and shelter ourselves, our families and loved ones. We are left to beg, steal, squat, and be put in a cage if our survival offends.

But our lives belong to us! Let’s live them in dignity! From popular education to direct action, all tactics are good for reclaiming our freedom from the powerful! It’s time to turn our demands and mobilisations up a few notches!

As long as there are workers that can be exploited for less, here or abroad, wages will be pushed down. As long as our struggles do not include all those suffering under capitalism, the governments will keep cutting down other oppressed folks to give crumbs to the rest, while keeping the biggest part of the cake for itself. This is why class war requires an understanding of how our interests oppose those that are getting richer every year because of the increasing gap between rich and poor, whether locally or internationally. Let’s celebrate a May Day of real solidarities! Let’s not become divided! Lets attack together those who benefit from these conflicts, and overthrow capitalism while we still have time!

We invite all who face oppression to stand up wherever you are; workers, students, carers, unemployed, and undocumented. Through self-determination and mutual aid, we can make our dreams a possibility!

For a world without bosses.
For life without exploitation.

Let’s smash capitalism!

Athens: List of needs of Themistokleous 58 squat

The banner reads “Death to patriots (A)” in Albanian

After more than a year of existence, Themistokleous 58 anarchist squat and housing project for people with and without papers in Exarchia, downtown Athens, still needs some very practical solidarity to stay functional. Here goes our current list of needs.

Food supplies: Oil (olive oil/corn oil), rice, pasta, tomato sauce, beans, lentils, chick peas, eggs, potatoes, canned milk, dog-food.

Cleaning supplies: Bleach, dish soap, laundry detergent, sponges, trash bags, mop-heads.

Personal hygienic: Shampoo, shaving cream and razors, toilet paper, toothpastes and toothbrushes.

General stuff: Light bulbs (screwing and bayonet type), paint, chairs.

We also welcome financial support (not by NGOs and State/Capital institutions) to cover the squat’s structural needs and occasional medical care expenses. For those who want to contribute from abroad our bitcoin wallet address is: 1aXVM16soZt4ZisC8ZttuqvzztVKFBCMz

We take the opportunity to thank all those who have helped out so far in every way they could.

Love, rage and solidarity!
Themistokleous 58 Squat

in Portuguese, French, Italian, German