In Memoriam: Emeritus Prof. Colin Hughes
It is with sadness that SPIR notes the passing of Colin Hughes. » read more
New staff at SPIR
Meet SPIR's newest arrivals » read more
Conference: the interpretation of global politics
SPIR to host the international conference » read more
Innovation, Science, and Business
A majority of Australians want politicians to rely more on science & experts. » read more
2016 Australian Election Study
Read the 2016 Australian Election Study report. » read more
Taiwan Public Policy Internship Program
A six-week research internship for academic credit. » read more
APSA Workshop on Gender Innovation in Political Science
Workshop on Gender Innovation in Political Science held at ANU on 10 and 11 November. » read more
ANU experts and Brexit referendum
Europe experts on Brexit and implications » read more
SPIR ranked 8th in the world and 1st in Australia
Introducing the Bachelor of Political Science
The only dedicated political science degree in Australia » read more
SPIR’s take on Brazil
ANU academics comment on the situation in Brazil » read more
ANU signs MoU with the International Foundation for Electoral Systems
ANU Arts alumnus appointed High Commissioner to Ghana
Students return from first ANU internship in Taiwan
ANU Spanish language student bound for Chile
Graduate gets a snapshot of the world
Bachelor of International Relations graduate Sam Davies. » read more
It is with sadness that SPIR notes the passing of Colin Hughes.
Meet SPIR's newest arrivals
SPIR to host the international conference
A majority of Australians want politicians to rely more on science & experts.
Read the 2016 Australian Election Study report.
A six-week research internship for academic credit.
Workshop on Gender Innovation in Political Science held at ANU on 10 and 11 November.
Europe experts on Brexit and implications
The only dedicated political science degree in Australia
ANU academics comment on the situation in Brazil
Bachelor of International Relations graduate Sam Davies.

Welcome to the School of Politics & International Relations

The School of Politics and International Relations has a long history of excellence in research, in undergraduate education and in postgraduate supervision. The ANU was the only university in the country to receive a score of 5, denoting an “outstanding performance well above world standards”, for political science in both the 2010 and 2012 Excellence in Research in Australia assessment. In the 2017 QS Top University rankings of the world’s top 200 universities, ANU was ranked 6th for politics and international relations.

Located in the national seat of government, Canberra, the ANU is Australia’s premiere research university. Students and researchers in the School enjoy easy access to Australia’s national political institutions, to the associated lobby groups, and to the National Library.

The School of Politics and International Relations has produced path-breaking work on political parties, public administration, trade unions, pressure groups, elections and political behaviour. For many years the School has also focused on Australian and international public policy and public sector management and in 2002 was a foundation member of the Australia and New Zealand School of Government (ANZSOG). The School contains the ANU Centre for European Studies, the Australian National Centre for Latin American Studies, the Australian Centre for Federalism, the Centre for the Study of Australian Politics as well as housing the innovative Australian National Internships Program, which includes the successful Washington Internships Program.

The major areas for research, teaching and postgraduate supervision in the School are:

  • Australian politics
  • international relations
  • comparative politics
  • political theory
  • human rights
  • globalization
  • Europe
  • Latin America, and
  • public policy.

A copy of the School handbook can be found here.

A copy of the School Business Plan can be found here.

We welcome enquiries from potential undergraduate and postgraduate students, and possible academic visitors.

Updated:  27 July, 2017/Responsible Officer:  College Dean/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications