Indonesia: Squatted district Pandang Raya in Makassar is evicted after clashes

On the poster written about Pandang Raya inhabitants who are now living in the shelter, they need help. It can be read on the poster. The slogan said “Pandang Raya Haven’t Lost!” They need donation such as money, medicines, clothes, bed, etc. Contact person is written on the poster.

14 September (via 325) Pandang Raya (Makassar) has been demolished to the ground.

Friday 12 September, at 5 o’clock in the morning. Pandang Raya inhabitants and other rebels, build a barricade across the street with wood, tires, and rocks. At 6am, there’s appearance of pigs without uniform watching the blockade. Two of them watching the blockade close by. About an hour more, police vehicles filled with 600 pigs in uniform, including 365 the notorious Brimob (special police–my ass).

Not long after that the battle began: Pandang Raya combatants throw molotovs, rocks, and other traditional weapon (such as arrows). The resistance were responded by huge blows of water canons and after that, large numbers of gangsters, who claimed that they got orders from Court of Law tried to entered the fights but were denied by the pigs because they don’t carry their ID’s.

At 8.30 the pigs have successfully break the resistance. Other combatants have successfully fled from police arrest. But 9 person were arrested.

Afterwards, several years of organizing side by side with anti-authoritarians, leftist, and other organisations; creating library and meeting place; in which Pandang Raya have already become their own ‘Cinema Paradiso’, have been destroyed to the ground entirely using big excavators and other heavy machines. The last stand and they were lost.

Ps: Rich people and their politicians, and also with their dogs or pigs in uniform, wanted Pandang Raya to be developed for their business purposes due to its strategic geographical location in the city.

In need of solidarity! Not money. Not banners.

But full frontal attacks of every political institution abroad and every fucking developer. Continue reading “Indonesia: Squatted district Pandang Raya in Makassar is evicted after clashes”

Sydney: Hat Factory Social Centre evicted by riot police

The Hat Factory Social Centre just before the raid on Thursday afternoon.1 August: The group evicted from an iconic Newtown squat and community hub this week have vowed to find a new base.

Dozens of police donned riot gear to search the premises after smashing in the now boarded up doors of the Hat Factory Social Centre shortly after 3.30pm on Thursday afternoon. Many were wearing helmets and several in white police jump suits.

Two Aboriginal flags and several home-made banners had been unfurled along the property earlier in the week. One declared the property “reclaimed community space”.

Police on the lookout at the Hat Factory eviction on Thursday afternoon.

Reading from a statement prepared by the group, resident Jack Summers-Webb said the eviction was difficult for residents, who intended to continue to reclaim unused buildings.

“This has been devastating for all of us, for the community and the people who live here,” Mr Summers-Webb said. “This is not the end for us; we’ll continue to do community spaces wherever we can.” Continue reading “Sydney: Hat Factory Social Centre evicted by riot police”

From Sydney to Nantes, resistance & sabotage

Indymedia: On the evening of the 22nd of Feburary we vandalised the local headquarters of VINCI and their subsidiary company ‘Advitam’ in the Seven Hills industrial zone in western Sydney.
Some windows were cracked, and the slogans: “AGAINST VINCI AND ITS WORLD” &
“THE ZAD IS EVERYWHERE” were painted.

This small act was made in response to a call for actions in solidarity with the monumental struggle in Notre-Dame-des-Landes, France, against an airport which Vinci has been contracted to build. Continue reading “From Sydney to Nantes, resistance & sabotage”

Melbourne: riot at anarchist solidarity party and real estate agent smashed

Anarchist News: On the evening of friday 26th of april, cops raided a solidarity party for anarchist prisoners at a squatted warehouse in Clifton Hill. Upon entry the pigs were immediately pelted with bottles and forced to retreat. However backup was called, and shortly after the warehouse was surrounded by riot squad, regular cops, and dogs. The occupants were forced out of the building and on to the street where the cops were attacked a second time with bottles, rocks, and other projectiles while the party goers chanted “A.C.A.B!”

A police radio was stolen and used to taunt and verbally abuse the bastards. The cops responded with baton charges, pepper spray, and mauling people with their dogs. At this point the revellers disappeared into the night to party elsewhere. Many were heard to comment “best party ever!”

As a response to this police attack, and as an act of solidarity with this small rupture and an attempt to broaden its horizons we went to North Fitzroy and smashed up a real estate agent.

We also express our solidarity and warm regards to anarchist Felicity Ryder who is still on the run, and to Jock Palfreeman, antifascist prisoner in Bulgaria.


– Corey Delaney Brigade

(A Channel 7 news report can be seen here)

Sydney: solidarity with the Maracana Village

Indymedia: On Friday the 22 of March, Brazilian riot police evicted dozens of indigenous squatters from an abandoned museum in the centre of Rio. For over a decade indigenous people from across the territory had occupied the large building and the surrounding area, renaming it the ‘Macanara Village’ as it sits besides the large Maracana football stadium.

As a minimal token of our solidarity and complicity with those who defended the village, some anarchists in Sydney entered a large office building on Clarence St (which houses the Brazilian consulate) on Tuesday March 26 and dropped a banner from a balcony on the second level which read:

LONG LIVE THE Maracana Village Continue reading “Sydney: solidarity with the Maracana Village”

Solidarity campaign for liberated spaces and anarchist comrades worldwide

Fight Now: We call for a worldwide campaign of direct actions in solidarity with liberated spaces from the 2nd to the 12th of February 2013.

But we don’t want to stop after a couple of actions, because this is much more than just a reaction to repression. This is a call out to all anarchists and anti-authoritarians to fight now across the world.

Even though the recent onslaught of the Greek State against the anarchist/anti-authoritarian spectrum was the initial spark for writing this call, several examples around the globe show us that the police and municipal authorities along with giant corporations are cooperating excellently with each other, attacking solidarian structures and pacifying societies at a transnational level. During the past few weeks and months, in parts of the world, where people suffer from the systematic impoverishment and extended gentrification plans, it increasingly came to State/Capital’s attacks on radical movements, including repression against concrete forms of resistance such as land occupations, autonomous projects, company headquarters’ occupations, or strike actions. It thus deems important that we also connect our struggles worldwide, and fight back in the here and now. Action in response to attacks on squatted spaces at your location could be the spark for you. Take action on the streets and let your imagination run wild to spread the message of active resistance. Continue reading “Solidarity campaign for liberated spaces and anarchist comrades worldwide”

Burma: police break up copper mine protest

Several demonstrators have been injured after Burmese security forces launched a crackdown against protesters who’ve been occupying part of a Chinese-owned copper mine.

Riot police in Burma have moved to end a three-month protest against a large copper mining project run by the Burmese military and its partner, a subsidiary of a Chinese arms manufacturer.

Authorities say riot police used tear gas and water cannon to break up the protest against the expansion of a copper mine near the north-western town of Monywa.

Activists say incendiary devices, such as phosphorous bombs, were thrown into the protest camps, injuring at least 50 people.

For months, thousands of locals have been protesting against the expansion of the mine, which they fear would damage the environment. They’ve also accused Burmese authorities of forcibly evicting residents and confiscating almost 8,000 acres of land. Continue reading “Burma: police break up copper mine protest”