Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Police raid anarchist space Ruma Api

On 28th August (Friday), over dozen police with automatic weapons and K-9 unit attack Rumah Api (social center/house project in Kuala Lumpur) during concert on that night. The police raid the house project and raid everybody during the concert and also trash into living room of people who live there without any warrant and solid reason of the raid.

We all believe the raid were conducted due to the connection of Bersih 4 Rally which happen on the next days (29 and 30th) in which totally insane since the organizer of the concert, participants, and Rumah Api have little interest to join or even support the rally, due to our political stance on the issue of election and voting system.

The state use Rumah Api as the scapegoat of recent event of attack on banks and multinational corporations in KL for the past 2 years. So far, they found nothing to link us with that events. The police seize all the musical equipments at the concert hall, seize 2 computers of people who live there, one smart phone, artwork, and books belongs to people who live there. The police said they search the building for any weapons or explosives that can link us to terrorism.

All 160 people who got arrested were remand for 3 days. Among of the arrestee, there are friends from United States, Germany, Spain, Phillipines and Indonesia who attend the concert. According to the detainees, during the interrogation, the police ask about their participation with Rumah Api and how far the knowledge they had about Rumah Api and terrorism. They all been given little food and source of water and there are issue of mistreating the detainees, especially womyn detainees.

The police released all of the detainess on 31st August except two friends, one for Manila and one from Bandung. The police mention that they still under detention due to the process of checking their status in Malaysia and both of friends have records that they are entering this country with legal permit.

At the moment, they still held the computers and a smartphone until further notice to help their investigation. 2 friends were now facing court charges of Section 143 of the Penal Code, Section (4)(1)(b) of the Sedition Act and Section 6 of the Selangor Entertainment and Places of Entertainment Enactment which facing fine and prison sentence of 20 years.

We asking for solidarity from all over the world to spread the news. This is a brutal tactic use by the state to clamp down the movement. With current political and economic unstable in this country, and also the uprising of the anti-government sentiments, they trying to put down any action or any lifestyle that doesnt go along with what they want.

On Rumah Api side, the gig that night titled is Party Tonight, Revolution Tomorrow is nothing more than just a normal friday night gig with no intention to relate it with Bersih 4 rally. We at Rumah Api are hypocritical with the popular struggle in Malaysia. Bersih 4 which is a demonstration for free and clean election is a so called first world problem and it is a middle upper class agenda. Bersih 4 is being supported and joined by liberals and Islamist with their partisan politics that we are all against. We focus more on the grassroot level and more interested to put our energy on strengthening our own and surrounding community. We see, by supporting Bersih 4 and it’s agenda, we are on the wrong side of our struggle. In Malaysia, by changing the government, it will not make the problems goes away. Issues of xenophobia, homophobia, racism and religion are still the serious problems the politicians failed to address.

Now, people still gathering outside of Ampang Police Station to pressure them to released two of our friends. Please spread the words and reply if you need more infos, updates and so on.

Never Surrender

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International Week of Solidarity with Jock Palfreeman – 22nd-28th April

From Brighton Anarchist Black Cross, via Slackbastard

“We are urgently calling all anarchist, anti-fascist and other anti-authoritarian left wing groups to act in solidarity with Jock Palfreeman… Jock has already served several years of his 20 year sentence in Bulgaria. He actively works towards organising his fellow prisoners and highlights cases of repression by the prison authorities. He is one of the founders of the Bulgarian Prisoners Association. In the last few years, the response to his imprisonment and calls for solidarity with him from the anarchist and anti-fascist movement have been underwhelming. He needs more groups and individuals to join the campaign for his freedom. His family and some liberals have been organising support for him and trying to raise money for his fine; but Jock was always asking for a more direct kind of solidarity other than just politely asking the authorities to be nice. He needs people to not only constantly put pressure on the Bulgarian authorities in the form of letters and emails, but also organise demos and pickets outside embassies and/or any other Bulgarian institutions, generally spreading awareness about his case.

Please keep publishing information about Jock on your blogs, websites and social media. We hope you will all join the upcoming International Week of Solidarity with Jock Palfreeman on 22nd-28th April, and use your creativity and imagination to express solidarity.”

Continue reading “International Week of Solidarity with Jock Palfreeman – 22nd-28th April”

Bulgaria: Anti-fascist prisoner Jock Palfreeman ends his hunger strike – but still needs your support

Indymedia, 27 February: Australian Anti-fascist prisoner Jock Palfreeman, serving 20 years in Sofia/Bulgaria for defending two Roma boys from a racist mob, was on hunger strike from the 13th January 2013. The Director of the Central Sofia Prison had ordered another punishment measure because of Jock´s activist work as chairman of the Bulgarian Prisoner´s Association. Due to this punishment Jock is now not allowed to finish his studies which is very important to him.

After 30 days Jock ended his hunger strike because he got an answer from the Bulgarian authorities. The prison administration responsible for his case answered that he can only study in a Bulgarian University, and not in a foreign one. But, if he wants to study in a Bulgarian Unviersity he cannot do this from prison, so he is not permitted to continue his studies. This ‘official’ answer means that he can now apply in the courts against the decision. After losing 20 kilos in weight he ended his hunger strike and will continue his protest by legal ways.

Jock is very thankful for the support he received. But the issue of being able to continue his studies is not resolved, so it is still useful for friends and supporters to write letters to the Ministry of Justice in Bulgaria. Continue reading “Bulgaria: Anti-fascist prisoner Jock Palfreeman ends his hunger strike – but still needs your support”

Call for Actions in Solidarity with Fugitive Comrade Felicity Ryder

New York City Anarchist Black Cross: We recently received this from comrades in Mexico City Anarchist Black Cross.

A call for two weeks in solidarity (February 21st- March 7th) with Felicity Ann Ryder, an anarchist comrade on the run.

Greetings in Solidarity to all anti-authoritarian hearts who read this wherever they may be. To everyone who, with conviction and strength, combat, in whatever manner they see fit, every institution and symbol of the apparatus of capitalist patriarchy, oppression, domestication and the farce of power.

Comrades, we put this call out from inside of the beast to howl our solidarity with our sister and comrade Felicity Ann Ryder, who remains fugitive from the claws of the state after more than 7 months.

In the early hours of June 27th, 2012 an unfortunate event occurred: an explosive device detonated leaving our comrade Mario “Tripa” López injured (and behind bars for 6 months). Mario is now “free” on Conditional Release and has an ongoing case against him. After police and government forces found Felicity’s passport, and facing the risk of also being put in jail, our comrade began life as a fugitive. Continue reading “Call for Actions in Solidarity with Fugitive Comrade Felicity Ryder”

Sydney: Rally for Jock Palfreeman, March 14

Rally for Jock Palfreeman!
Thursday, March 14, 12.30-1.30pm
Outside Bob Carr’s electorate office
4-6 Bligh St, Sydney CBD
Infos : Pip 0412 139 968

Source: Slackbastard. See also : Jock Palfreeman : February 2013 Update.

Indonesia: Solidarity Call for Ryo (1986-2012)

325: February 5th, 2013

Here follows a letter from the ex-members of Negasi, about the murder of our comrade Ryo. They are making public a situation that has hit them. War against the existent.

To all comrades,

On 25th November 2012, we lost our comrade named Ryo. He was killed by a coward in the morning when trying to go back to his place after looking for breakfast. Ryo is a member of the first generation of NEGASI and was active in counter-info projects, translation and publication to support the anti-authoritarian movement in Manado.

Ryo also involved in local autonomous struggles in North Sulawesi. He took a position as a campaigner and published infos related to the struggles. Stubborn but humble and always being the first one who would care about his comrades problems. Ryo left a wife and a four years old son. Continue reading “Indonesia: Solidarity Call for Ryo (1986-2012)”

Solidarity campaign for liberated spaces and anarchist comrades worldwide

Fight Now: We call for a worldwide campaign of direct actions in solidarity with liberated spaces from the 2nd to the 12th of February 2013.

But we don’t want to stop after a couple of actions, because this is much more than just a reaction to repression. This is a call out to all anarchists and anti-authoritarians to fight now across the world.

Even though the recent onslaught of the Greek State against the anarchist/anti-authoritarian spectrum was the initial spark for writing this call, several examples around the globe show us that the police and municipal authorities along with giant corporations are cooperating excellently with each other, attacking solidarian structures and pacifying societies at a transnational level. During the past few weeks and months, in parts of the world, where people suffer from the systematic impoverishment and extended gentrification plans, it increasingly came to State/Capital’s attacks on radical movements, including repression against concrete forms of resistance such as land occupations, autonomous projects, company headquarters’ occupations, or strike actions. It thus deems important that we also connect our struggles worldwide, and fight back in the here and now. Action in response to attacks on squatted spaces at your location could be the spark for you. Take action on the streets and let your imagination run wild to spread the message of active resistance. Continue reading “Solidarity campaign for liberated spaces and anarchist comrades worldwide”