TOTW: Sign of the Times

  • Posted on: 23 July 2017
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

If the latest controversies have taught us anything it is that the newest generation of anarchists (and anarchist-adjacent) deal with political disagreements differently than we have in the past. The story is likely apocryphal but it is said that when Johann Most (German anarchist who immigrated to the US in 1882 to join the labor movement here!) talked shit (generally implying that the Berkman assassination attempt against Frick was not what was claimed by Goldman) Emma whipped him across the face.

North Carolina social worker defies grand jury subpoena

  • Posted on: 27 July 2017
  • By: thecollective

From Triad City Beat (NC)

Katie Yow, a 31-year-old social worker and anarchist, has been called to testify before a federal grand jury in Greensboro on July 31.

She won’t be complying. Instead, supporters from across the state will hold a rally in front of the federal building at 9 a.m. to express encouragement for her act of resistance.

From Inclusion to Resistance

  • Posted on: 27 July 2017
  • By: thecollective

From CrimethInc.
Neither Trump's Trans Ban nor Assimilation, but Total Liberation

Well-meaning allies and earnest trans activists responded with dismay to Trump’s announcement that transgender people are to be banned from military service once more, recognizing it as a rollback of LGBT inclusion. Behind the scenes, however, some of us reacted with relief: at least we don’t have to worry about being drafted for some rich man’s war. Do we really want to legitimize the US military in return for the forms of legitimacy that are now being taken from us? How does this question sit in the decades-long history of LGBT struggles? And what does it mean that this question is returning to the fore right now?

Book Review: The Day the Country Died — A History of Anarcho Punk 1980–1984

  • Posted on: 27 July 2017
  • By: thecollective

From Freedom UK

There are many great things about Ian Glasper’s The Day the Country Died: A History of Anarcho Punk 1980–1984. First, it’s convenient and persuasive to be able to read about a number of related bands in the same book. Don’t have to search here and there for information. Second, it’s solid seeing an emphasis just on anarcho punk. Just like nothing can replace holding hard copy of a zine in your hands, nothing can substitute for a substantive book. Third, back in the day, if you were on the fringes of multiple scenes or were really localised, then there was no way to know all these bands. Yeah, you nodded your head, but there’s a difference between knowing names and knowing the sound and history.

TFSRadio: Radio98FM Athens on Repression

  • Posted on: 27 July 2017
  • By: Bursts

Download This Episode

In this podcast special, Bursts spoke with L.A. & Hawaii, collective members at the Radiozones Of Subversive Expression, Radio98fm, a squatted pirate radio station on the campus of Athens University & the Polytechnic School in the Zografou suburb in the capitol of Greece. During the chat, L.A. & Hawaii talk about the radio station, about recent threats of repression at the hands of the university, telecommunications ministry & the police, and about collusion between those agencies and a commercial pirate radio station. You can find the station's website at

22-29 July – Solidarity week for anarchist prisoner Davide Delogu (Italy)

  • Posted on: 27 July 2017
  • By: thecollective


Appeal for solidarity against the punitive isolation of anarchist prisoner Davide Delogu

On July 18, a hearing was held at the Cagliari Court of Appeal for a complaint made by Davide against the conditions that he is being subjected to at the prison of Augusta.

Via the details of the complaint we learned that Davide, who is already subjected to the Article 41-bis prison regime, is undergoing a very extreme torture, he was ‘sentenced’ to six months of punitive isolation.

Americanism Personified: Why Fascism Has Always Been an Inevitable Outcome of the American Project

  • Posted on: 27 July 2017
  • By: thecollective

"When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." This quote, which has often been misattributed to Sinclair Lewis, is wise in its recognizing the authoritarian potential of both nationalism and organized religion. In slight contrast, Professor Halford E. Luccock of the Divinity School of Yale University said in a 1938 interview , "When and if fascism comes to America it will not be labeled 'made in Germany'; it will not be marked with a swastika; it will not even be called fascism; it will be called, of course, 'Americanism.'" Luccock's view was that of a Christian theologian during the height of Nazi Germany, likely meant to not only downplay the role of religion but perhaps more so warn against the false idolatry of nationalistic reverence.

G20 in Hamburg: These were days of revolt

  • Posted on: 27 July 2017
  • By: thecollective

During the days of the summit of the G20, thousands of people flooded the streets of Hamburg with their anger about the cops` violence and the world that they protect. Already during the week before, there was no uncertainty around the cops’ will to confront every sign of protest or resistance with zero tolerance. During the demo on Thursday evening, they made their position clear once again, attacking the front of the demo from the first minute it started. The cops obviously and viciously embraced the possibility of potentially even lethal injuries, when they pushed and kettled the front block of the demo into a very narrow, canyon-like part of the Hafenstraße, bordered on the sides by brick walls. They caused panic, hitting, kicking, pepper-spraying, firing tear gas and shooting water canons from the front and the sides. Many people sought to flee over the walls on the sides, a lot of people got hurt – but you could also see impressive moments of solidarity, people helping each other up the wall, whilst others attacked the cops from above and brave and calm front rows defended the demo from the cops attacks, taking a serious beating.

Anarchy Radio 07-25-2017

  • Posted on: 25 July 2017
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)


Check out '80s movie "Cutters Way", Laura Dassow Walls' new Thoreau biography,
Affluence and Abundance by James Suzman, and Layla at Revolutionary Left Radio(!). Major drought, disease reports. China goes for astrology. Nihilism expanded. True Companion: an AI robot one can buy and simulate rape. Action news, one call.
