
Trump's Syria policy

On the campaign trail Donald Trump repeatedly made it clear that under his leadership America would no longer pursue regime change operations abroad and expressed a commitment to work with others to destroy Islamic State. His election therefore led...

Importing jihadi terrorism

The political-media elite have made much of Monday's terrorist attack in Manchester. However, the dominant narrative is highly partial, to say the least.   The suicide bomber, Salman Abedi and his family, was well known to the British...

Former White Helmets member confesses

A former member of the jihadist terrorist group, the White Helmets, appeared on Syrian television and confessed to the organisation's role in fabricating false propaganda.   Walid Hendi claimed that whilst he was a part of the White Helmets, he...

McCain is mad

On Thursday, Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson and Nikki Hayley, the US Ambassador to the UN, both announced that the overthrow of Syria's President Assad was no longer a priority. This change in US foreign policy is entirely consistent with President...

US foreign policy in question

One of the bright moments of the US presidential election was Donald Trump asserting that he wanted the US and Russia to get along. This is a sane and sensible policy position. Yet virtually the whole of the American establishment vehmently opposed...

Hollywood politics

The so called documentary, White Helmets, was awarded an Oscar last night. The smart Hollywood people are either wilfully blind or are knowingly supporting Islamic terrorism. There really is no other possibility.   The White Helmets are a...

kulturist no.707

A couple of days ago,worldwide mainstream media platforms were alive with the " news " that the European Union's " Parliament "  called for the suspension of EU membership talks with Turkey. 479 in favor, 37 against, 107 abstentions. Scary. The...

Good Muslim, bad Muslim

When police interrogate a suspect they sometimes use a technique called “good cop,bad cop.”  The “bad” cop questions the suspect harshly and accused him of being guilty and refusing to cooperate.  Then the “good” cop takes his turn with the suspect,...