
Protest! Stories of Resistance edited by Ra Page - my afterword on the 1817 Pentrich Rising

I've written a historical afterword to a short story by Andy Hedgecock on the 1817 Pentrich Rising. It's for a collection of short stories edited by Ra Page, published now by Comma Press. The other writers include Alexei Sayle, Kit de Waal and others, on many different historical protests.

As it's almost exactly the 200th anniversary of the rising, it's great timing.

Buy direct from Comma Press:

Blackstone Edge, Chartist commemoration gathering, 30 April 2017

Ian Parks reading 'Ode to the Chartist Poets'  Clarion choir sing 'On Blackstone Edge'

revising my attitude to Scarfolk

Following a brief twitter conversation with @langrabbie and @owenhatherley about an old blog post I wrote on here :, I'd like to revise what I said about Scarfolk, the fictional world invented by Richard Littler, 

At the time (Jan 2015), I complained that it was a little too obvious in its satire, and that it didn't seem to have a political purpose. What has happened since that date and today has made me rethink this - now, each new post by Littler is deliberately and often sharply political. And a few times, the news breaks and you're left thinking 'this is too bizarre/cruel/shocking, even for Scarfolk'.  

It's still perhaps not as perceptive and deep as the 'fakelore' of Hookland, but Scarfolk has indeed become much more relevant and topical.

York civic and election procession routes 1830s

Yorkshire Gazette, 29 July 1837 - York city election
York Herald, 24 June 1826 - Yorkshire county election
Yorkshire Gazette, 23 June 1838 - Coronation procession

report on my Luddite Lecture at Huddersfield, April 2017

Here's a lovely write-up of the lecture I gave at the University of Huddersfield as their annual Luddite Lecturer:

comparison of Goad's insurance map with Google Earth 3D

Manchester St Peter's Square, Goad's insurance map 1886, overlain on google earth with 3D buildings

comparison of Ancoats maps

lower bit of Great Ancoats, 1849, 1934 slum clearance, and today.