Mutiny zine 69 out now.

Greetings, Mutiny 69 has been printed and is available online!

It is available on Scribd.

Articles are also available in an easy-to-read format on our blog.

For Sydney folks hard copies can be found at Jura Books and at the Black Rose space.

We hope you enjoy it.

In solidarity, Mutiny

Kuala Lumpur: interview with Pustaka Semesta infoshop

Interview with Arip, who runs, with four other people, the Pustaka Semesta infoshop (Pustaka Semesta means something like « universal library »), in Rumah Api (means « lighthouse » and « uprising house »), Ampang, KL.

Interview made in Kuala-Lumpur on March 28th, 2012, sent to Disaccords by a traveller.

What is Rumah Api ? Besides the infoshop, what activities can we find here ?

Rumah Api is a rented two-story building, it’s a shop-lot. Upstairs we have the infoshop, and on the ground floor we have two rooms, one for concerts, gigs and everything (screenings, discussions, etc.), and one for kitchen used by Food Not Bombs.

Some people do live here as well, right ?

Yes, five people live here, upstairs. And most of the time, other people are visiting, and on week-ends we sometimes have twenty people staying here, always lot of people on week-ends. Continue reading “Kuala Lumpur: interview with Pustaka Semesta infoshop”