Corbyn’s Labour party should promote more moderation, less extremism in UK foreign policy

by Mark Curtis Labour’s manifesto pledges several clear breaks from current UK foreign policy which could be seen as radical given the present extremism. I recently outlined seven such policies which the UK establishment will fight bitterly.[1] But if the

Update: A London attacker’s links to UK covert operations in Syria and Libya

Evidence suggests that one of the London attackers, Rachid Redouane, was part of the broad UK-backed covert strategy to oust Syria’s Assad, following his similar role in Libya in 2011. It is distinctly possible that Redouane was trained by Qatar

A London attacker and UK covert operations in Syria and Libya

The Telegraph reports that London attacker Rachid Redouane fought in the 2011 British/NATO war against Qadafi  – as did Salman Abedi, the Manchester bomber – and joined a militia which went on to send jihadist fighters to Syria. In Libya,

The Manchester Bombing as Blowback: The latest evidence

A Briefing by Mark Curtis[1] and Nafeez Ahmed[2] 3 June 2017 (This briefing will be updated as more evidence emerges. Sources are overwhelmingly from mainstream media, except where clearly stated). A PDF version of this briefing is available here **

The British establishment is putting our lives at risk: Our state’s key ally is a major public threat

by Mark Curtis   The country is in shock after the worst terrorist attack in 12 years. The deranged extremist who detonated the bomb bears sole responsibility for the outrage and is not a soldier – for Islam or whoever

UK General Election: What are the foreign policy implications?

by Mark Curtis Published in New Internationalist, 18 May 2017 The upcoming election has two key features. One is that voters have a genuine choice for the first time in a generation. But the other is that media disinformation backing

Seven moderate foreign policies in Labour’s manifesto that are unacceptable to the extremist British elite

by Mark Curtis “We will put conflict resolution and human rights at the heart of foreign policy, commit to working through the UN, end support for unilateral aggressive wars of intervention and back effective action to alleviate the refugee crisis”.

40 UK foreign policies to remember in the UK election

Our special relationship with Saudi Arabia Our war in Yemen Our seven covert wars (Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Somalia) Our role as a massive arms exporter, to anyone who wants them Our increased military training programme to

The mass production of ignorance: The media’s propaganda role

This is an edited extract from Web of Deceit: Britain’s Real Role in the World by Mark Curtis   “The news is not a neutral and natural phenomenon; it is rather the manufactured production of ideology” (Glasgow University Media Group).

A dangerous new era in British foreign policy: Talk at Stop the War annual conference

by Mark Curtis What an extraordinary time this is: Surely the most dangerous era since the new cold war of the early 1980s when the US elected a neocon madman as President. How times change. I’ve been studying British foreign