Indonesia: Electricity pylon destroyed by villagers in Paniki Atas

325, rough translation from Negasi: Wednesday, July 12, 2012, a High Voltage Electricity Pylon was destroyed by villagers of Paniki Atas, North Minahasa regency, North Sulawesi. This action of destruction is a manifestation of the attitude of rejection of the establishment of facilities for the residents in the surrounding residential area. The facility itself is a project of the State Electricity Company. As a result of this action, the pylon in the village was totally destroyed and until now (August 2, 2012) can not be operated. Nine Paniki Atas villagers have been named as suspects and are required to undergo a series of inspections and investigations at the office of Police – North Minahasa. The investigations were scheduled for July 31, 2012, but only two residents who received the demand complied.

Meanwhile the North Minahasa district police have set their sights on one person as the mastermind of the destruction of this action. Jiston Sinurat, a resident of Paniki Atas is accused by police as being the mastermind behind the sabotage. Sinurat himself refused to attend the examination and considers that the establishment of the pylon is illegal. Continue reading

Greece: Banner over the Aegean Sea, in solidarity with the fisherfolk’s fight in the Manado Bay (Indonesia)

Contra Info: In the context of Contra Info call for propaganda actions against repression, in the first days of August we placed a banner close to a coast and a crossroad on Kalymnos, an island where the traditional way of fishing and sponge diving has been performed for too many decades. This was our small token of solidarity with the ongoing struggle of the Malalayang traditional fisherfolk, who proudly resist a mega-project along the Manado coast, in Indonesia. We thus wanted them to know they are not alone.

Read and spread the call for solidarity and resistance against the mega-project of Coastal Reclamation in Manado (June 2012): in English / Spanish / Indonesian

The banner reads in Greek-English-Indonesian:

From Greece to Indonesia, sabotage against Capital/Power
Strength, fisherfolk of Manado
Solidarity with the fight in Manado-Indonesia
Long live sporadic direct action

Indonesia: Crowd attacks prosecutor’s office after man dies in custody

August 7: A crowd on Monday went on the rampage at the Pancur Batu District Prosecutor’s Office in Deli Serdang, North Sumatra, following the death of a detainee who was allegedly prevented from receiving treatment for his illness because his family could not afford to pay a sum of money to prosecutors.

Members of the crowd, most of them relatives of the victim, vandalized the prosecutor’s office, smashing a number of glass panes, searching for prosecutors, and chasing a number of them who were passing through the office.

The victim’s relatives were enraged with the prosecutors because they were deemed responsible for the death of Rison Ginting, alias Icon, 30, who was found dead in his cell at the Pancur Batu District Prosecutor’s Office on Sunday.

Relatives and a crowd of hundreds carried Rison’s body to the prosecutor’s office on Monday. He was being detained for a drug-related case.

Before he died, he was reported to be ill and requiring medical attention. Continue reading

Indonesia: child shot dead by police in demonstration over land dispute

(Edit: Letter of solidarity with farmers in Ogan Ilir on Indonesian anarchist website Membakar Senja)

(Indonesian-language report at Kokemi)

 July 29: On Friday afternoon, a child was shot dead and at least two other residents were critically injured during a clash between police and residents of the village of Limbang Jaya in South Sumatra.

The incident took place close to the grounds of the Cinta Manis ["Sweet love"] sugar factory, and was said to have occurred as part of an ongoing land dispute in the area.

A demonstration over a land dispute at the Cinta Manis sugar plantation in South Sumatra earlier this month.

National Police spokesman Sr. Comr. Boy Rafli Amar said that the violence was provoked by residents hurling rocks at a police vehicle following up on a case regarding stolen goods that belonged to [Cinta Manis].”

The Mobile Brigade (Brimob) vehicle was passing through Limbang Jaya when residents began to hurl rocks at it. Police say they fired a warning shot and tear gas, then fired into the crowd when residents became more violent.

An elementary school student, Angga Fadli bin Mawan, 13, was shot in the head, and died immediately, according to the Commission for the Disappeared and Victims of Violence (Kontras). Continue reading

Indonesia: They Fight for the Forest

Hidup Biasa, translation from Serum #3

The Iban Dayaks from Semunying had always lived simply alongside their natural environment. Then in 2005 an oil palm plantation company appeared, wanting to take over the ancestral forest that had been the backbone of people’s livelihoods for generations.

One year previously the company had obtained permission from the regency government for a 20,000 hectare plantation in Jagoi Babang district. Included in the permit area were 1,420 hectares of land for which the Iban Dayaks were the customary landowners. At first, PT Ledo Lestari, a subsidiary company of Duta Palma Nusantara Group, only built a road which passed close to the ancestral forest. But as time passed, they continued to take more of the land, taking space from the people without permission and eventually clearing their ancestral forest.

While this was going on, the people were fighting for their rights to the forest by conveying their grievances to the local, provincial and national governments. Through their testimony and complaints they even tried to raise the issue at an international level.

On the 15th December 2009 the Bengkayang regency leader designated the 1420 hectares as the ancestral land of Semunying Jaya village, later reinforcing this designation with an official decision (SK 30A/2010). However, it is in the nature of all governments to support the rich and business interests, and so the people’s cries were not listened to and Ledo Lestari was free to fell the forest and replace it with oil palm.

Now aware that the corrupt government, side-by-side with the greedy company, was not going to release their land, on the 7th April 2012 the people of Semunying commenced a week-long occupation where they sealed off the company’s office, seized various items of heavy machinery and operational vehicles, closed the nursery for young trees, and put a stop to the ongoing logging work. “On Monday morning we stopped their ongoing attempts to fell our ancestral forest. Since that Monday, we have continued step-by-step, eventually taking over three excavators, three trucks, three motorbikes, two chainsaws, one bulldozer, as well as closing down PT Ledo Lestari’s offices and tree nurseries. We are demanding our rights back!”, said Abupilah, the Semunying Jaya village secretary.

The people explained that the reason for their resistance was that they knew that as new oil palm plantations were created, they would lose their forests, their land, their forest gardens, their hunting grounds,space to clear for fields and building materials for their houses. Local customs and culture would also be extinguished. Aside from this, the company had closed off the stream which was the source of clean water for the village, making it difficult to obtain clean water.

The company was still determined to keep operating, giving the reason that it had obtained permission from the government. The company also argued that since the forest had only been declared as protected ancestral land five years after they started production, they could not just stop work on the plantation. In the end PT Ledo Lestari kept working because the office and vehicles which the people had seized were only a small part of the company’s equipment and supporting facilities.

Indonesia: Six years on, and still fighting Lapindo

Translated by Hidup Biasa, original from Serum #3

Recently, 3000 victims of the mud volcano created by the Lapindo company’s drilling operations, whose homes were in the affected area, once again demonstrated their feelings outside the East Java Governor’s office in Surabaya. They were asking the provincial government to lend money to PT Minarak Lapindo Jaya so the company would be able to pay the compensation money it owed. The demonstrators came from places inside the designated affected zone, for example Renokenongo, Siring, Jatirejo and Glagah Arum villages in Porong district, and Kedungbendo and Ketapang in Tanggulangin District.

The people were demonstrating because they felt the government’s actions had been discriminative. People living outside the designated affected area had already been awarded compensation, but they had not. That’s why they were urging Governor Soekarwo to agree to loan PT Minarak Lapindo Jaya (MLJ) 600 billion Rupiah.

Disturbances broke out during the demonstration. Furious that Soekarwo would not meet with them, they pulled at the barbed wire fence and bombarded the police with sandals, sticks and stones. The police then broke up the demonstration by firing a water cannon and tear gas towards the mudflow victims. Continue reading

Indonesia: Call For Papers – Jurnal Kontinum

Jurnal Kontinum
An Indonesian-based Biannual Anti-Authoritarian Journal
Year IV No # 06, September 2012

Jurnal Kontinum, an Indonesian-based biannual anti-authoritarian journal, is seeking submissions around anti-authoritarian discourse and movement.

There is no specific theme on this volume. You can write the papers, interdisciplinary studies, research result, reporting, interviews, reviews and in-depth analysis of the revolutionary movement through anti-authoritarian approach.

What we mean as anti-authoritarian is a range and tendency such anarchism, libertarian Marxism, anti-state communist, radical ecology, indigenous movements, and ideas and practices that, in principle, reject the capitalism exploitation, and the use of state as tool of liberation. Continue reading

Indonesia: Anarchists and Traditional Fisherfolk Resist Land Reclamation

Hidup Biasa (translated from Negasi): [a note from NEGASI: Since 2009, the resistance to coastal reclaimation in Manado Bay has escalated. On the front line of these actions are the traditional fisherfolk from different communities along Manado Bay. After the actions of fisherfolk from Sario Tumpaan and people from Kalasey beach, now the fisherfolk of Malalayang II are also showing their resolve to resist.]

4 May 2012

At around 08.00 am, fisherfolk received news that mounds of earth on a piece of land owned by a doctor called Awalui were being moved towards the shoreline. Fisherfolk that gathered at the site realized that hired thugs and police from the Malalayang station had been stationed there to guard the work.

A call for solidarity went out to other friends involved in similar struggles at around 11 am. Several anarchists also got involved.

At the site, they saw that giant boulders had been placed right at the shoreline. The Malalayang fisherfolk, together with those who had come in solidarity, then went to stop the earth-moving work. Feeling outnumbered, the men hired by the owner chose to keep their distance from the fisherfolk and instead it was the police who confronted the masses. The police offered to negotiate, but this failed because the fisherfolk had one sole demand: that the work should stop. Continue reading

West Papua: police shooting sparks riot

14 June: Police have shot dead an pro-independence activist in Indonesia’s restive Papua province, angering people who set homes and cars ablaze.

Mako Tabuni, the deputy head of the West Papua National Committee, was gunned down in the street by security forces near the town of Jayapura.

Papuan independence activists say the force was led by members of the Australian-trained counter terrorism unit Detachment 88, but the unit’s role could not be confirmed independently.

Police say Tabuni was killed while resisting arrest but they offering differing accounts of whether he was armed at the time.

News of the death sparked riots in Waena, officials and residents said.

“People were angry after they heard that their leader or friend was arrested and burnt several motorcycles, cars and three houses,” security minister Djoko Suyanto said. Continue reading

Indonesia: letter from Eat (Reyhard Rumbayan) in prison

Eat (Reyhard Rumbayan) is serving a 1 year 8 month jail term for burning down an ATM  along with Billy Augustan.


325: Dear comrades, proud ‘members’ of FAI/IRF Global, our imprisoned friends of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, and all the groups, individuals, who dedicate their lives to end the mega-machine of control and domination and to all the anarcho-heretics.

It’s been quite long since I wrote an open-letter. I don’t know, all the circumstances here were sometimes too hectic to even try to focus on writing something. A mixture of personal-feelings for my loved ones, the process of the trial, and millions of ideas that sometimes came like a rain of stars. And I’m sure that we all miss the stars, the overwhelming feelings of our unlimited universe, possibility and it’s nihilistic essence. I must say that I’m still fortunate that they kept me inside a cage in this ‘Non’ maximum security prison. But my purpose here is not to tell ‘boring’ stories about the prison conditions I am in, for I know it only too well, it is merely a physical prison, a miniature of our modern society. But one cannot say that there’s no difference between here and outside. A physical prison is still the most worst place for a free person to be in. No one—no matter what crime they done — should be kept in prison. Continue reading