Narrm / Melbourne: Attempt to evict homeless family successfully resisted


Insurrection News

02.08.16: For the second time in as many days victoria police have attempted to illegally enter the home of a formally homeless family now residing in one of over a dozen formally empty state government owned houses acquired for the East-West link.

Twice police arrived unannounced at the home, applying physical force to the door, drilling the door lock and threatening to release “dogs and gas” into the family’s home. Neighbors, passers by and supporters surrounded police, forcing them to back down.

Police, security and the managing real estate agent then met in a neighboring house before police left the area. The Andrews government have hired private security to occupy the neighboring apartments and houses in the area to spy on residents. Security have threatened and assaulted residents several times.

The incidents have all been captured on film and document the shocking way the andrews labor government is treating homeless…

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Naarm / Melbourne: LGBTQI community blockade of Australian Christian Lobby event

Insurrection News

On the evening of 27.08.16. the far-right religious conservative, transphobic, queerphobic hate group the Australian Christian Lobby (ACL) held an event at Scot’s Church in Naarm / Melbourne CBD.

The ACL have been running a hateful campaign in conjunction with the ruling Liberal National Party (LNP) that has resulted in the LNP cutting vital aspects of the Safe Schools program, a program that was set up to stop bullying of LGBTQI kids in schools. In Tasmania, the ACL are attempting to block changes to Equal Opportunity legislation which would remove obstacles that currently prevent Transgender people from changing the sex indicated on their birth certificates. The ACL are also campaigning to repeal abortion laws in Victoria and to block change to laws affecting sex workers in South Australia.

One of the speakers at the Naarm / Melbourne event included Eric Metaxas, a conservative bigot from the USA who is infamous for…

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Boorloo / Perth: First Nations People lead action for the homeless at WA Parliament

Insurrection News

14.04.16: Boorloo/Perth, The Illegally Occupied Colony Australia – Some people from Matagarup/Heirisson Island led a march and sit in at Western Australia’s Parliament House for the homeless today.

The Noongar Sovereign Tent Embassy has been known as Matagarup Refugee Camp since the government started forced closures of remote communities of First Nations Peoples. It serves as a camp for the people displaced by the genocidal policies of the racist government. Despite the island being a registered Aboriginal Heritage Site the racist cops and council have evicted them and stolen their belongings countless times.

Today’s action was for all homeless people wherever they may live.

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Day 18 of protests at the Australian government’s refugee camp on Nauru

Insurrection News

Video allegedly from inside Nauru refugee camp, 06.04.16: Day 18 of protests.
Australian guards have beaten children and women in RPC3. (video and update via an anonymous source on Nauru).


via Refugee Action Coalition Sydney:

Protests Escalate on Nauru

Daily protests continue at the RPC 3 family compound despite increasing efforts by Immigration and the Nauru police to stifle them.

More protests are expected today as the asylum seekers were promised a response, by today, from Australia’s Border Force following tent-top protests by children detained in the RPC 3 camp, over two nights on the weekend.

Border Force agreed to send a letter written by the children to Canberra outlining their concerns. In particular the letter highlights that some people who were on the same boat as others who arrived after 19 July 2013 have been allowed to make protection applications and will be resettled in Australia.

The letter…

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Australia: Fascists humiliated by antifa outside Halal expo in Melbourne

Insurrection News

Sent in by some friendos who spent the April 4 anniversary getting shit done. Good hustle, go team. Also carn the pies (bottom left), att:@ndy.

Posted by Melbourne Antifascist Info on Saturday, April 2, 2016

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Melbourne: Day four of #EWLinkHouses occupation

Insurrection News

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Melbourne: Second day of the #EWLinkHouses occupation

Insurrection News


As Melburnians wake to one of the chilliest mornings this year, and a trail of pretty hot-air balloons floats across the city skyline, over 1,000 homeless men, women, children and families have faced a night exposed to the elements or in their cars.

Standing in solidarity, members of the HPUV and homeless community have begun occupying another empty residential property on Bendigo St, Collingwood, overnight. They continue to demand clarification on the ownership and management of six long-term vacant residential properties on this street.

It was revealed to the demonstration late yesterday afternoon that a commercial relationship exists between the state government and Noble Knight Real Estate concerning property numbers 16 and 18 on Bendigo St, Collingwood.

Today the demonstrators once again call on the Andrews government for transparency regarding their relationship with Noble Knight Real Estate as it pertains…

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Melbourne: Homeless Person’s Union Victoria take action against state owned empty homes

Insurrection News




Early this morning a coalition comprising members of the Homeless Persons Union Victoria and Melbourne’s homeless community began demonstrating at a number of empty properties on Bendigo St, Collingwood. The properties are among those that were compulsorily acquired by the former Napthine government for the now defunct East West link.

The demonstration seeks clarification on issues surrounding the ownership, management and occupancy of these empty, publicly-owned properties. The lack of transparency has led to confusion within the homeless community.

Six months ago there were media reports that 20 properties were transferred to the Collingwood Football Club’s ‘Magpie Nest’ program, a partnership with The Salvation Army, to house the homeless. A spokesman from Magpie Nest claims that all properties transferred to their management have been filled.

In light of this, the demonstrators call on those responsible to immediately provide clarification on…

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Melbourne, Australia: Banner in solidarity with vegan anarchist prisoner Osman Evcan

Insurrection News

Melbourne, Australia, 29.03.16: Banner at Richmond railway station in solidarity with vegan anarchist prisoner Osman Evcan, on hunger strike since 22nd February in Turkey for the right to receive vegan meals as well as improvements to basic living conditions and communications with the outside world.

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Australia: Updates from onshore & offshore refugee detention centers

Insurrection News


Refugee Action Coalition


Nauru asylum seekers in the family compound RPC 3 have protested their long-term detention for the tenth day in a row. Despite the fence erected across the main detention road to prevent the protesters actually reaching the gate of the detention center, women, men and children march to the fence to hold their protest.

(via Refugee Action Coalition Sydney)

Immigration panic as Manus court challenge looms

Meetings in the Manus Island detention centre compounds this morning (Tuesday 29 March) have outlined a series of moves by Australian and PNG Immigration attempting to resolve the detention and resettlement issue before the Supreme Court challenge to the Manus Island detention centre, scheduled for the end of April.

Asylum seekers and refugees were told (i) that all refugee processing will end by 31 March; (ii) those with negative determinations will…

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