Zine: Monkeywrench Downunder

energy crises – social war – ecological crises  – capitalist crisis

Monkeywrench Downunder 1: Claim of responsibility for graffiti attack on coal magnate’s home – Environmentalism of the Poor – A multiple crisis – Indigenous communities asserting themselves across the Americas – Of Energy Struggles, Energy Transitions and Energy Democracy (extract) – Sabotage Against Shell’s Pipeline in Erris, Ireland – Tensions escalate in New Brunswick, anti-fracking protest – Statement from the Black & Green Forum & 2nd Solidarity Eco-Camp in the Philippines – Revolutionary Ecology: Biocentrism & Deep Ecology – Catastrophism: The truth won’t set you free – Continue reading “Zine: Monkeywrench Downunder”

Zine: Sydney Uni on strike

Communiques from the Campus: March – June 2013

Download .pdf

This zine was put together to provide a comprehensive account of the strike through the voices of those who participated in it. It is intended to provide a counter narrative to not only the lies of the university administration, police and corporate media, but also to the claims of union bureaucrats and political sects who seek to control, limit and claim ownership of the struggle. Continue reading “Zine: Sydney Uni on strike”

NSW: “Fuck The Police” zine

Download .pdf here or here

This project was initiated as a response to NSW police propaganda regarding their 150 year history, specifically their release of a NSW police history book titled ‘True Blue’ and their 2012 annual report (available on their website). The report celebrates their many ‘accomplishments’ this year, in particular their ‘public engagement’ events.

As there are already a number of decent books written on the history of resistance in this territory, we decided to put together a short compilation of anti police actions throughout 2012, that would mirror the style and format of the NSW police annual report. Continue reading “NSW: “Fuck The Police” zine”

Indonesia: Kulon Progo – Farm or Die

Hidup Biasa: Faced with the threat of their land being taken from them and turned into a vast iron mine, 20 kilometres long, the farmers of Kulon Progo on Java’s South Coast have resisted with cries of “Bertani atau Mati!” “We farm or we die!”. Farm or die is a compilation of articles and interviews reflecting their struggle.

If you want to read or download Farm or Die as a pdf you can do that here (to read online) or here (to print). Otherwise, you can read a selection of the articles here:

  • Interview with Widodo: A chilli farmer gives his views on the will farm, the struggle, solidarity and autonomy.
  • Chronology of Struggle: Some key moments in the struggle from 2007 to 2011
  • Interview with Suratinem: In 2011 Suratinem’s husband Tukijo was abducted from his field by police, and sentenced to three years in prison. Suratinem tells her story.
  • SG and PAG: At the root of the land dispute is the local sultanate, who claim the Kulon Progo land despite the farmers clearly having land title. Feudalism may exist informally in other parts of Indonesia, but only here is it protected by law.

For a general background on the Kulon Progo struggle, see A Tale of Sand, which we published in 2009. Continue reading “Indonesia: Kulon Progo – Farm or Die”