Children walk through the ruins of their neighborhood in Mosul (European Commission DG ECHO | flickr)

The U.S. destroys Mosul in order to not save it

The U.S.-led drive to eradicate ISIS forces in Mosul has succeeded--but at a terrible price to the people who live in what was once Iraq's second-largest city.

A stealth legislative assault

Democrats say they're standing up to Trump, but they won't challenge anti-immigrant bills being passed quietly in Congress.

Combahee's 40th birthday

A panel discussion at Socialism 2017 looked at the groundbreaking contribution of the Combahee River Collective to the struggle.

The not-so-great reunifier

Helmut Kohl, the former German chancellor and architect of reunification, left a legacy that defenders of social justice still battle.

Views in brief

Another world is possible | The price of working for UPS | A Marxist approach to religion | Haitian rights in the Dominican Republic

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Series: The Russian Revolution

In 2007, Socialist Worker marked the 90th anniversary of the Russian Revolution of 1917 with a yearlong series outlining its course and consequences. Get started with the first article in the series here.

A new left for the future

For the first time in decades, the left has a chance to become a force in the U.S. This weekend's Socialism conference is a place to discuss how.

The Trumponomics agenda

A quarrelsome alliance of economic nationalists, China-fearing industrial bosses and some prominent bankers are forging a new U.S. economic strategy.

Democrats kill single-payer

Leading Democrats in California stepped in at the last minute to kill their own proposal for statewide single-payer health care.

The speech they tried to stop

Protesters take to the streets of Baltimore (Elvert Barnes | flickr)

Faced with death threats, a left-wing author had to cancel an appearance in Seattle--but she gave the speech you couldn't hear then at Socialism 2017.

We don't need Urban Shield

Some 500 people turned out to tell the City Council that a SWAT-training convention and weapons expo has no place in Berkeley.

How to be like the filthy rich

Being rich is all a matter of having a "Tiger Mentality," according to one writer--in other words, the ability to steal candy from kids.

Which train goes to socialism?

Jacobin's Bhaskar Sunkara proposes that the future of the left may lie with a return to Finland Station, circa 1917. But how are we going to get there?

Monument to white supremacy

As Confederate monuments come down in several Southern cities, it's a good time to look at why they went up in the first place.

Trinity abandons its own prof

After enduring threats and smears, Trinity College professor Johnny Eric Williams was placed on forced leave by the administration.

On the line with Tufts nurses

Striking nurses on the picket line at Tufts Medical Center (Massachusetts Nurses Association | Facebook)

Registered nurses at Tufts Medical Center are demanding that a profitable hospital prioritize patient safety and decent salaries.

How to turn the union around?

West Virginia's history shows the potential for teachers to take action to better their conditions, rather than waiting on elections.

Fighting for trans civil rights

Transgender activists continue to demand civil rights in New York, as their legislators fail to make good on promises to take action.

Trump retrocede con Cuba

La decisión de Trump sobre Cuba va a hacer un daño incalculable a la población cubana y sólo fortalecerá a las fuerzas antidemocráticas en la isla.

La migra detiene más activistas

El gobierno continúa haciendo guerra contra los inmigrantes que luchan por sus derechos laborales. Otros dos activistas fueron detenidos en Vermont.

Taking on the right

San Diego stands with Nabra

San Diego was one of several cities where vigils were held against Islamophobia after the murder of Nabra Hassanen in Virginia.

Strategies to stop the far right

On the march in Oakland, California (Annette Bernhardt)

Since Trump's election, the far right has become more aggressive than at any time in the last 25 years. An organized response is urgently needed.

The right can't stand our ideals

We publish the interview that a right-wing website tried--and failed--to distort in an attempt to smear socialists and socialism.

We defended left-wing speech

When the right wing went after a Syracuse University professor, supporters organized successfully for a statement in her defense.

Start of Turkey's hot summer?

A rally by as many as 2 million people in Istanbul is the latest sign that Turkey's discontent can't be crushed out by the regime's crackdown.

Being honest about Venezuela

As Maduro government and the right wing struggle for power, ordinary Venezuelans are watching the gains of Chavismo slip away.

Morocco takes to the streets

A Moroccan activist describes the political climate in the country as protests have mounted, threatening the corrupt regime.

Gaza reels from electricity cuts

The open-air prison of Gaza

Israel's siege of Gaza has already created a dire humanitarian crisis, but now, Gaza only receives two hours of electricity per day.

Why Socialism was a big deal

Some 2,000 people packed into a Chicago convention center for the four days of discussion and debate at Socialism 2017.

Your Socialism cheat sheet

If you're trying to squeeze in some reading before Socialism 2017 next weekend, here's an SW gamers' guide to the conference so you can level up.

Every cook can govern

The director of a new documentary on the 20th century Marxist C.L.R. James describes what it took to bring the project to fruition.

Series: The Russian Revolution

Read SW's series on the Russian Revolution, which began 100 years ago today.

The revolution gains strength

After the February Revolution, two powers existed in Russia--the Provisional Government and the workers' councils.

Repression and resurgence

The period of reaction that followed the July Days was relatively short-lived, with the movement reviving in a matter of a month.

Find a list of articles from the full Socialist Worker series on Russia 1917.

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