Perth: Riot police pelted with bricks at wild party

Several police cars were damaged as police tried to break-up an out--of-control party.Several police cars were damaged as police tried to break-up an out–of-control party.

19 April 2017 – Police officers called to break-up a party in Perth’s south have been pelted with bottles and bricks.

The officers were called to a home on Murchison Road in Waikiki around 11.25pm on Tuesday night after receiving reports of several men fighting.

It will be alleged as police went to assist one group of people, bottles, bricks and wooden stakes were thrown at them.

Several police cars received minor damage as an out of control gathering was declared.


Riot squad officers attended to disperse the crowd, with bricks and other items thrown at their shields.

A 22-year-old Baldivis man has been charged with criminal damage and a 16-year-old Caversham boy will be summonsed to appear in court at a later date for trespassing.


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