Home / 10 Sure Signs that You Have Great WCM

10 Sure Signs that You Have Great WCM

Web Content Management, or WCM, isn’t just about “content management.” It’s the center of the online experience. The web used to be an optional part of your organization or business. Your web content management system is now the primary source of engagement between the public and your organization–whether you’re enterprise class, or a small business, whether you are in life sciences, consumer goods, high tech, higher education or financial services.

Your WCM is where your organization not only makes contact with the public, but builds a relationship with them over time.

Your Challenges:
Here are some challenges your organization may currently be facing with its current Web Content Management system–or systems:

  • You probably have too many of them.
  • Your WCM may be lacking the functionality you need to accomplish key business goals.
  • If you have more than one, they may not be capable of sharing content or data with each other.
  • It may not integrate with other vital systems, including CRM, commerce and marketing systems.
  • Your Web Content Management system may not meet some or all of today’s stringent security standards.
  • It may not be easy to maintain or update.
  • File formats may be proprietary, making content repurposing and syndication difficult.
  • It may require IT intervention for content updates.
  • Especially if you have more than one, they may be built on a variety of technologies, requiring a team with many different skills–or many teams with different skills.
  • Your current WCM is not cloud-based.

Your WCM is vital to accomplishing your business goals and organizational mission. If your Web Content Management system isn’t a place where you can bring content, community and commerce together, you will face significant hurdles in creating the digital experience you desire, and in keeping that great digital experience relevant. To be successful in today’s hypercompetitive marketplace, you need great WCM.

10 Sure Signs Your Organization has Great WCM:

  1. It’s cloud-based and so empowers your organization to concentrate on its primary mission, rather than investing resources in managing IT infrastructure.
  2. Allows for a single system, with a single administration dashboard while allowing for individualized designs for each of your many sites.
  3. Can share content and data to all sites and devices, without requiring multiple instances of your content.
  4. Incorporates responsive design.
  5. Is easy to maintain and upgrade.
  6. Allows content creators to maintain the site without the intervention of IT.
  7. Utilizes a small set of core technologies.
  8. Stores content in an open, non-proprietary format and so can integrate easily with other existing systems, such as CRM, commerce or marketing.
  9. Delivers functionality updates rapidly as new technologies and platforms emerge.
  10. Allows your teams to work together on a single platform, with common workflows that enable sharing and teamwork.

Using a single, powerful web content management system–a true platform for your business goals and organizational mission–allows you to marry the strategy of your corporate management with the content, functionality and a personalized digital experience to accomplish those goals. A powerful, platform built on open source technology such as Drupal that allows you to integrate any of the many systems necessary to your business, so your site can drive audience growth. It also enables you to provide a common digital experience through all devices and channels, from smartphones, to tablets, laptops and new social channels. This cross-channel, or omni-channel experience is now the expectation of your consumer.

Acquia provides the leading cloud platform for building, delivering, and optimizing digital experiences. We harness open source Drupal to provide customers with greater agility, at a dramatically lower cost than archaic software products of the past. Drupal is much more than a content management system providing WCM. It is a framework for content management that allows the rapid development and innovation that is crucial to remain competitive. Drupal open source technology provides the platform that brings WCM into the time when everything must be digital-first, because your success is dependent on your online experience. Great development tools, and an emphasis on security, performance and scalability...those are the aspects of WCM that are crucial. Since the digital world is rapidly changing, having a support team of world-class experts to help guide you through the challenges is a crucial aspect of successful WCM. Finally, a comprehensive set of tools and solutions to personalize the customer journey and provide effective engagement is how you will build your long-term relationship with your customers.

And the online world is global.

Global organizations use the massively scalable and highly secure Acquia Platform to unify content, community, and commerce. You can deploy and manage one, dozens, or even hundreds of sites at breakthrough speed, without compromising brand or creating chaos. Real-time customer analytics and personalization let you deliver the right experience, at the right time, to the right device. We automate your complex app development and system operations tasks so you can optimize your team's velocity
Choose the right platform for meeting the needs of the ever-evolving, sophisticated consumer. The Acquia Platform supports the dynamic and increasingly complex requirements for the delivery of great digital experience.

With the Acquia Platform and Drupal, your organization won’t just manage content but will master content.