Readercon 26

Help Wanted at Readercon!

Readercon is entirely volunteer-run. Our at-con volunteers help with Registration and Information, keep an eye on the Programming, staff the Con Suite and Green Room, and perform a multitude of other tasks that are essential to keeping the con running smoothly. Volunteering is fun, offers the opportunity to meet new people, and earns cumulative incentives including a free membership to the next Readercon when you work 8 or more hours.

Please contact us if you would like to volunteer at Readercon. Here's an overview of the core volunteer jobs:

Con Suite & Green Room: These are Readercon's hospitality suites. Con Suite serves all attendees while Green Room is restricted to participants and panelists. Restocking of snacks and beverages and cleaning up are the fundamental tasks in both rooms. Working in the Con Suite is a great way to connect with the folks of Readercon while providing much needed help. The Green Room is where the pros go to recharge and relax between their professional duties so volunteering involves responsibility for helping to maintain the room's status as a haven from the bustling fandom outside its doors.

Registration: Registration requires a lot of volunteer support to hand out badges and packets to pre-registered attendees, process at-con registrations, manage lines during peak times, restock materials, and sell advance memberships to the next year's con. Plenty of opportunities exist for both experienced and new volunteers!

Track Management: Track managing is one of the best ways to help out and still see lots of the great literary programming that is our raison d'etre. Track managers do the following:

  1. See that the sound and recording setups are correct and ready to function for the next item and that the stage is correctly set up for the participants.
  2. Record the panel.
  3. Make sure the panel begins and ends on time.
  4. Respond to any problems that arise during the panel.
  5. Get things ready for the person who is managing the next item.

Training is provided

Runner/Kaffeeklatsches: This job involves checking on the set-up and schedule of the Kaffeeklatsch room at the beginning of each time block and then with each work station supervisor to identify unmet needs and keep things running smoothly. This is the ultimate "gopher" job.

Information desk: This job involves fielding queries from attendees, contacting the appropriate concom to address needs or problems that arise, and restocking hand-outs. Essential information is provided!

Sound Tech assistance: Our sound equipment specialist requires help with setting up, monitoring, maintaining, and taking down his equipment. Please contact us if this is an area where you think you can offer valuable assistance.

Set-up/Take down: These tasks range from schlepping boxes to and from vehicles, packing and unpacking, setting up signage, organizing/collating materials, handling equipment, errands, etc. Not everything is heavy lifting –there are a variety of tasks that need to be done.

Blood Drive Support: Readercon has hosted a Heinlein Society Blood Drive since 2009. At-con assistance is needed with recruiting donors and in making the donor experience enjoyable. Whether or not you are able to donate blood, you can have fun helping to make the blood drive a success!

Let us know you're interested in volunteering, and we'll contact you about scheduling you in the areas you'd like to work—or you can just volunteer at the con (although the most interesting jobs may be taken by then).