Cliopatria's Appendices

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(Click here for Part 1)


  • Carnivals
  • Art, Literature, Culture
  • Historians who write about Many Things
  • Academic Lives
  • Contemporary Commentary
  • Ideas and Beliefs
  • Digital History, Science & Technology
  • Material Culture & Public History
  • World History
  • Women's History
  • Ancient History
  • Medievalist Weblogs
  • Pre-Modern History
  • Modern History
  • United States History
  • Regional Histories
  • Military History
  • Institutional
  • Museums
  • K-12
  • News and Links
  • Primary Sources
  • Other

  • Primarily Non-English Language
  • Blogosfera de historia
  • Clioweb
  • Wissenschafts-Café
  • News and Links

  • Cincy's Philly Historian
  • Commonplace Book
  • Crime Notes
  • Cronaca
  • Gleeful Gecko
  • History Librarian
  • History News (Oregon)
  • History News (Temple)
  • The History Ring
  • Matt's Today in History
  • On This Day
  • PhiloBiblos
  • Plep
  • Plep NY
  • Reading Archives
  • Steve Goddard's History Wire
  • The Virtual Stoa
  • This Day in Mythstory
  • World of Royalty
  • back to top


  • AHA Today *
  • Alcohol & Drugs History Society*
  • ArchivesNext
  • Arkansas Press
  • Brookings Press
  • California Press
  • Cambridge Press
  • Chicago Press
  • Columbia Press
  • Cork Press
  • Cornell Press
  • Duke Press
  • Exploring Our Archives*
  • Georgia Press
  • Harvard Press
  • if:book*
  • Hawai'i Press
  • History Compass
  • Ignatius Press
  • Indiana Historical Society Press
  • Indiana Press
  • Intute *
  • Jonathan Edwards Center
  • Learning at the National Heritage Museum
  • Library of Congress
  • LSU Press
  • McGill-Queen's Press
  • MIT Press
  • Mississippi Press
  • National Coalition for History
  • Nebraska Press
  • Niagara Falls Museums
  • North Carolina Press
  • The Oriental Institute
  • Oxford Press
  • Pennsylvania Press
  • President Lincoln's Cottage
  • Princeton Architectural Press
  • Society for the History of Technology
  • Society for the Study of Disability in the Middle Ages
  • Stanford Press
  • Tennessee Press
  • Washington Press
  • Yale Press
  • YSU Archives
  • back to top

    Primary Sources

  • 9th Btn Y & L Diaries
  • The Complete Works of W. N. P. Barbellion
  • BibliOdyssey
  • Curiosities of Literature by Isaac D'Israeli
  • Daily Chronicles of the American Civil War
  • Daily Dickinson
  • David Brainard's Blog
  • Diaries of a Lady of Quality
  • The Diaries of Franz Kafka
  • The Diary of Samuel Pepys
  • Dracula Blogged by Bram Stoker
  • Giornale Nuovo
  • The History Movies
  • Thomas Jefferson
  • Ralph Josselin's Diaries [1617-1683]
  • Modern Mechanix
  • Mysteries of London
  • The Natural History of Selborne, 1768-1793
  • George Orwell Diaries
  • stwallskull
  • Shorpy
  • Spurgeon Collection
  • The Blog of Henry David Thoreau
  • This Date, From Henry David Thoreau's Journal
  • War Diary of the 8th Battalion, AIF
  • Weido Video
  • John Wesley's Journal
  • Winter Evenings by Vicesimus Knox
  • WWI: Experiences of an English Soldier
  • back to top

    World History

  • 3 Quarks Daily
  • Antiquarian's Attic
  • Areas of My Expertise
  • Axis of Evel Knievel
  • boingboing *
  • Britannica Blog *
  • Cabinet of Wonders
  • Curious Expeditions
  • Damn Interesting*
  • Déjà vu
  • The Diary Junction Blog
  • Executed Today
  • The History Blog
  • History Guy
  • History of the World
  • History Podcast
  • History Podcast Network
  • History's Mysteries
  • Ideas
  • It Is Time for History*
  • Kottke
  • Language Hat
  • Language Log
  • The Long Now*
  • The Long View
  • Meine Kleine Fabrik
  • Neatorama *
  • Not in WorldCat
  • Obscure History
  • Oddee
  • Paleo-Future
  • Paper Trails
  • Pastyme with Good Companye*
  • Project History
  • Reading Room
  • Sapiens Tribune
  • Strange Maps
  • Today's History Lesson
  • The Toynbee Convector
  • World History
  • You're History
  • Zoom
  • back to top

    Women's History

  • Carla Nayland Historical Fiction
  • FaMiss
  • Historiann
  • History and Women
  • History Hoydens
  • History is a Bitch
  • History Undressed
  • Living the History
  • Madame Royale
  • Philobiblon
  • Reading, Raving, and Ranting
  • Scandalous Women
  • Warrior Women, Inc.
  • Women in Science
  • Women of History
  • Women's History
  • Writer of Queens
  • back to top

    Ancient History

  • A Don's Life
  • Aardvarchaeology
  • Abnormal Interests
  • Ad Montem Heliconium
  • Ancient/Classical History
  • Ancient History Ramblings
  • Ancient Standard
  • Ancient World Bloggers Group*
  • Apocryphicity
  • Archaeoastronomy
  • Archaeoblog
  • Archaeology in Europe
  • Archaeology of the Mediterranean World
  • Archaeoporn
  • Archaeozoology
  • ARLT, The Association for Latin Teaching *
  • Atriades
  • audio video disco
  • Awilum
  • Blogographos *
  • Busybody *
  • Campvs Mawrtivs*
  • Classics in Contemporary Culture
  • Classics Reloaded
  • Curculio
  • Current Epigraphy
  • De Grypsis
  • Earliest Christian History
  • Egyptology News
  • Errantry: Novak's Journal
  • Famous Pharaohs
  • Gates of Egypt
  • Glaukopidos
  • History Vandal
  • Horothesia
  • Iconoclasm
  • kenodoxia
  • Latin
  • Laudator Temporis Acti
  • Looting Matters
  • Mediterranean Archaeology
  • Memorabilia Antonina
  • Muziris
  • New at LacusCurtius and
  • NT Gateway
  • PaleoJudaica
  • Persepolis Tablets
  • PhDiva
  • Portable Antiquities Scheme
  • Religions of the Ancient Mediterranean
  • Rogue Classicism
  • Roman Archaeology
  • Roman History Books
  • Roman Times
  • The Stoa Consortium
  • Thoughts on Antiquity*
  • Tropaion *
  • What's New in Abzu
  • What's New in Papyrology
  • Zenobia: Empress of the East
  • back to top

    Pre-Modern History

  • 18th Century Blog
  • 18th c. Cuisine
  • 18th Century Historical Trekking
  • 18th Century Reading Room
  • Airs, Waters, Places
  • Ancrene Wiseass
  • Anglo-Saxon Aloud
  • Antiquarian's Attic
  • Atol is Þin Unseon!
  • Berkbeck's Early Modern Intelligencer*
  • Blogging the Renaissance
  • Cardinal Wolsey's Today in History
  • A Chapter Upon Chapters
  • Chronologi Cognitationes
  • A Commonplace Book
  • The Conventicle*
  • A Corner of 10th Century Europe
  • A Cuppe of Newes
  • The Cynic Sang
  • Dante Explorer
  • Diapsalmata
  • διαθήκη
  • Digital Medievalist: Scela
  • Early Modern Grad
  • Early Modern News
  • Early Modern Notes
  • Early Modern Rambler
  • Early Modern Whale
  • Edward II
  • Edward Vallance
  • Eighteenth-Century Graduate Student Reading Group*
  • Elisabeth Carnell
  • Equus Pallidus
  • Eulistes
  • Everything Early Modern Women
  • Geoffrey Chaucer Hath a Blog
  • Gilbert Mabbott
  • Got Medieval
  • Grail Code
  • Heavenfield
  • The Heroic Age
  • Hwaet? Medieval Studies*
  • Hyde Collection Catablog
  • In the Middle*
  • Ink and Capability
  • Isaac Newton Also
  • Light Reading
  • LOL Manuscripts
  • The Long Eighteenth*
  • Medieval and Renaissance
  • The Medieval Club of New York*
  • Medieval Cripples, Crazies and Imbeciles
  • Medieval History
  • Medieval Material Culture
  • Melissa's Medieval History
  • Mercurius Politicus
  • Michael Meckler
  • The Middle Ages Get Medieval
  • Modern Medieval
  • Moyen Age
  • Muhlberger's Early History
  • News for Medievalists
  • Notes of a Neophyte
  • Old English in New York
  • On Boundaries
  • Oxoniensis
  • Paternosters
  • Per Omnia Saecula
  • Premodern Economic History
  • Prima La Musica
  • Progrediens Regredior
  • Quid Plura
  • Quod She
  • Renaissance Lit
  • Renaissance Weblog*
  • Sceopellen
  • The Scriblerus Memoirs
  • Senchus
  • Sententiae et Clamores
  • Serendipities
  • Serendipitous Wanderings
  • Slawkenbergius's Tales
  • Sound and Fury
  • Sybilla Oritur
  • Tea at Trianon
  • Textual Studies
  • This Gaudy Gilded Stage
  • Trade Routes Resources
  • Tudor History Blog
  • Twofold
  • Unlocked Wordhoard
  • Wormtalk and Slugspeak
  • Wraetlic
  • Wynken de Worde
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    Modern History

  • 20th Century History
  • Adam Smith Lives!
  • Andrew P. Keating
  • cafe historia
  • CLEWS: The Historic True Crime Blog
  • Clio and Me
  • Conservative History*
  • Country Standard
  • Darwiniana
  • Disney History
  • The Dispersal of Darwin
  • The Earthly Paradise
  • Edwardian Promenade
  • Finance: History and Policy
  • Hayes Peoples History
  • Historiographically Speaking
  • History of Economics Playground*
  • The History Lab*
  • History of the British School at Athens
  • History on Trial
  • Hoghee
  • Holocaust Controversies*
  • How It Really Was
  • Jane Austen's World
  • Light Reading
  • The Modern Historian
  • News from Anywhere
  • Photo-Sleuth
  • Pre-Raphaelite Sisterhood
  • Respectful Insolence
  • Secondat
  • Smashing the Window
  • The Times Traveler*
  • Transcribing Tyndall
  • The Vapour Trail
  • The Victorian Era
  • Victorian History
  • Victorian Peeper
  • Victorian Times
  • back to top

    United States History

  • 125 M to B
  • 1692 in America
  • 1947 Project
  • Abraham Lincoln Blog
  • American Creation
  • American Revolution & Founding Era
  • All Things Maine
  • American Heritage*
  • American History
  • American Presidents Blog
  • American Revolution Blog
  • Another History Blog
  • Appalachian History
  • bald blogging, ...
  • Baltimore History Examiner
  • Bay Radical
  • The Bell Rang
  • Boston 1775
  • Boston History
  • The Bowery Boys
  • Breach of Peace
  • Bridging Differences*
  • Bughouse Square
  • Chatham Rabbit
  • Chicago History
  • Conelrad
  • Cow Hampshire
  • The Edge of the American West*
  • Elektratig
  • Ex Post Facto
  • Finding America
  • This Game of Games
  • Genealogy Blog
  • The Greased Pig
  • Greater New York
  • hillbilly savants
  • Historic Pelham
  • The Historic Present
  • History and Education*
  • History is a Weapon
  • History Enthusiast
  • History of American Women
  • History of Business
  • History of Science in America
  • History Rhymes
  • History Sideshow
  • Holdingford, MN
  • I Remember JFK
  • Inhistoric
  • John Brown, Abolitionist
  • Kinetic Carnival
  • Lampi's Election Notes
  • The Late Adopter
  • Legal History Blog*
  • Lewis and Clark Trail Watch
  • A. Lincoln Blog
  • Lincoln Studies
  • Lite Strabo
  • Local History
  • Lost City
  • Mason-Dixon Wild West
  • Millard Fillmore's Bathtub
  • My Florida History
  • My History Can Beat Up Your Politics
  • My Strange New Mexico
  • Mystic Chords of Memory
  • Native America, Discovered and Conquered
  • The New Nixon
  • New York History
  • New York Traveler
  • NYC Snapshot
  • Northwest History
  • Old Virginia Blog
  • On Bunker Hill
  • Outposts
  • Page in History
  • Past in Print
  • Patriots and Peoples
  • Peter Richardson
  • Philly History
  • Poplar Grove Project
  • Publick Occurences
  • Religion and American History*
  • The Roots of Modern America
  • Rustbelt Intellectual*
  • St. Vincent Memories
  • Small-Leaved Shamrock
  • Sandusky History
  • Soe Noble a Worke
  • South Dakota Politics
  • Sparkletack
  • Square America
  • SuperHero Historians
  • Tattered Fabric
  • US History Blog
  • U.S. Intellectual History*
  • Urban Oasis
  • Vanishing New York
  • The Virtual Dime Museum
  • Walking the Berkshires
  • Washington Decoded
  • The Way of Improvement Leads Home
  • Weapon of Class Instruction
  • Wells Fargo: Guided by History
  • What Would Lincoln Do?
  • Whig Hill
  • Whitman's Brooklyn
  • Within Empire
  • Writing with Tony
  • back to top

    Regional Histories

  • 1169 and counting
  • Abu Aardvark
  • Across the Bay
  • Afghanistanica
  • Africa
  • African History
  • Aluka Blog
  • Ancient Japan
  • Antihistory
  • Artificialia
  • Australia Felix
  • BazBlog
  • Bhopale
  • Brian's Study Breaks
  • Brockville History Album
  • Burma Review
  • Burma-Yunnan-Bay of Bengal
  • Canadian Studies
  • Chapati Mystery*
  • The China Beat*
  • Christopher Moore's Canadian History
  • De Rebus Antiqua et Novis
  • Early Tibet
  • Europe Endless
  • European History
  • Exploring the Heart of Asia
  • Far Outliers
  • Frog in a Well: China*
  • Frog in a Well: Japan*
  • Frog in a Well: Korea*
  • From Out of the Azure Main
  • The Great Green North
  • Hidalgo
  • History of Africa
  • His-Story
  • Iraq Blog Count
  • Jewels in the Jungle
  • Jottings from the Granite Studio
  • Kamat's Potpoutti
  • Kate Merkel-Hess
  • Katheder Blog
  • kotaji
  • Land of Lime
  • Looking at Sussex Churches
  • Martin Kramer
  • Middle East Strategy at Harvard*
  • Missing Links
  • Mutant Palm
  • My London Your London
  • My Paris Your Paris
  • Napoleon's Egypt
  • Otto's Random Thoughts
  • Our Great Southern Land
  • Pink Tentacle
  • Posthegemony
  • Quests of the Dragon and Bird Clan
  • Ramblings of a Russian Historian
  • The Russian Front
  • Sean's Russia Blog
  • Shunya's Notes
  • South Africa
  • Sumir-History
  • Sydney Line
  • SyriaComment
  • Tang Dynasty Times
  • Varnam
  • zunguzungu
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    Military History

  • 48th Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteer Infantry
  • A Student of History
  • Ahoy
  • Airminded
  • American Civil War Stories
  • Anglo-Dutch Wars
  • Armchair General
  • Australian War Memorial Blogs
  • Avia-Corner
  • behind AotW
  • Blog4History
  • Blog Them Out of the Stone Age
  • The Blogger Will Always Get Through
  • Break of Day in the Trenches
  • bull runnings
  • The Cannon's Mouth
  • Cenantua
  • Charge! Civil War wargaming
  • Civil War Book News
  • Civil War Books and Authors
  • Civil War Bookshelf
  • Civil War History
  • Civil War Librarian
  • Civil War Literature
  • Civil War Medicine
  • Civil War Memory
  • Civil War Navy
  • Civil War Women
  • Civil Warriors *
  • Cromwell's Warts
  • Crossed Sabers
  • Draw the Sword
  • Faces of War
  • "Fighting Them Over"
  • Gary Smailes
  • The Great War Archives
  • Great War Fiction
  • Hardtack and Hard Times
  • Historic Battlefields
  • Historicus
  • The History Man
  • Hoof Beats and Cold Steel
  • Horses and Swords
  • Investigations of a Dog
  • Kings of War
  • Living on the Field
  • Marine Historian
  • Michigan Civil War
  • Military History
  • Military History Blog
  • Military History and Warfare
  • Military History Podcast
  • My Civil War Notes
  • North Carolina and the Civil War
  • Of Battlefields and Bibliophiles
  • Osprey
  • Out of Battle
  • Pinstripe Press
  • Plugstreet
  • Private Papers (VDH)
  • Rantings of a Civil War Historian
  • Second World War Forum
  • Seeing the Elephant
  • Strange Engines
  • Student of the Civil War
  • Third Michigan Infantry Research Project
  • This Intrepid Band
  • Thoughts on Military History
  • TOCWOC -- A Civil War Blog
  • Toons at War
  • Touch the Elbow
  • Trench Fever
  • UK National Inventory of War Memorials
  • US Army Combined Arms Center
  • USS Monitor Center
  • Victoria's Cross?
  • The Wapenshaw
  • War and Game
  • War in the Mediterranean
  • The War Reading Room
  • War Starts at Midnight!
  • wig-wags
  • Wild Goose Chase
  • With Sword and Pen
  • World War II History
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  • A History Teacher
  • A Shrewdness of Apes
  • Adam's Brag Book
  • Betsy's Page
  • Black History
  • Frumteacher
  • History is Elementary
  • A History Teacher
  • History through Children's Literature
  • History with Mr. Shepker
  • Outside [the Cave]
  • The Proletarian
  • Socrates' Classroom
  • Speaking of History
  • Trials and Tribulations in Texas
  • Worcester Academy
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    Primarily Non-English Language

  • Actualites de la recherche en histoire visuelle
  • Ahora... y en la historia
  • Amautacuna de Historia
  • Archivalia
  • Los Archivos de Justo Serna
  • Arquitectua prehispanica del peru
  • Art roman, art gothique, art médiéval
  • Autour de la Liberté
  • Be Virtual
  • BITcentenario
  • Breve Tempus
  • Cartularios Medievales
  • Catedra Raul Porras Barrenechea
  • Catedra Jorge Basadre
  • CJTP en linea
  • Les Clionautes*
  • Commentariola Hispaniae
  • Cultura e historia de Peru
  • Det Perfekta Tomrumet
  • Digitale Regionalgeschichte
  • Dutchblog Israel
  • Ensen-Arte
  • Enzo David
  • GEHA Blog
  • Geschichtsweb
  • Grand Tour
  • Hagio-historiographie médiévale
  • Hist/*
  • Histori@
  • Historia clasica
  • Historia de Guipuzcoa
  • Historia en Presente
  • Historia i Media
  • Historia, política y autores
  • Historiador
  • Historiantes
  • Historias con Historia
  • Historische Weblog
  • History of Macedonia
  • Histucation
  • Idolatrica
  • Lunettes Rouge
  • Medievizmes
  • Memoria Volatilis
  • Mondo Archeologia
  • Pasajes de la historia
  • Patrimonios
  • Personajes de la historia
  • Les Petites Cases
  • El Reportero de la Historia
  • Rua da Judiaria
  • Soleil en tete
  • Tapera
  • Tentativas de Mitologia
  • Terrae Antiquae
  • Theo Makarios
  • Tradicion Clasica
  • universo.Babel
  • Uturunco
  • Vita Vu
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    * - group blog

    †- retired to the hall of fame

    Posted on Monday, September 29, 2008 at 2:12 PM | Comments (0) | Top

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    Cliopatria's Alumni

    Here is a list of former members of Cliopatria. Each name links to all of their posts at Cliopatria.

    Posted on Thursday, July 26, 2007 at 2:34 AM | Comments (0) | Top

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    Cliopatria's Hall of Fame

    Invisible Adjunct (February 2003 - August 2004)

    Despite its name, the Invisible Adjunct’s weblog was not defined by its attention to the problem of adjuncts in higher education. Or more properly, its interest in the plight of adjuncts was not reducible to a list of specific and narrow grievances suffered by the Invisible Adjunct herself.

    The Invisible Adjunct held up a mirror to higher education and asked whether it liked what it saw. She drew in readers who had thought their own alienation from and disappointment with academia was only a private and personal feeling. In her postings and in the discussions that followed, they discovered that they were not alone. Whether they were currently suffering the trials of adjunct employment, had left academia as ABDs, or were struggling to make sense of life as a tenured professor, many readers found that they shared common dissatisfactions with academic life.

    However, Invisible Adjunct’s site was not for whiners, or axe-grinders with primordial grudges against the professoriate. She also pushed readers to consider what was valuable and precious about higher education. She consistently elevated the tone and substance of the conversation as a writer and as a host. The Invisible Adjunct’s site brought together many readers and many issues under a single roof, in a shared dialogue. When the site ended, many of those conversations fractured and became far more divisive.

    Maybe that was inevitable. Certainly no one faulted the Invisible Adjunct for shutting down her site, as she had promised, once she decided to give up on the quest for a regular tenure-track position. I think that one of the signs of academia’s underlying problems is that someone like the Invisible Adjunct wasn’t able to find a regular position, and that in some small but crucial way, academia has suffered for it. Because I like to think that had she found the position she was seeking, and kept her site going, that perhaps some of the most frustrating contemporary debates about academic politicization and similar issues might have been less divisive, less captive to the larger fractures in the body politic. One host, and one writer, really can make all the difference, and for an important time, the Invisible Adjunct did.
    -- Timothy Burke

    Mode for Caleb (July 2004 - August 2006)

    I discovered Mode for Caleb, Caleb McDaniel's brilliant blog about history, academia, religion, politics, culture, and jazz, in September or October 2004, right around the time I was launching my own blog on a few of those subjects. Every post Caleb wrote made me realize that I'd have to work a lot harder than I'd planned. What Mode for Caleb showed me was that this new medium we're improvising need not be flimsy or disposable. Like the jazz music Caleb loves, blogging and history blogging in particular can be deep and rewarding and complex. With all due respect to the instapundits and daily link harvesters (we need them too) Caleb showed how well the history blog works in the long form. Call it "smartblogging"--or don't, that's pretty awful--week after week, Caleb delivered sustained intellectual solos, extended virtuoso riffs on teaching and writing, American and transnational history, nuclear weapons and the abolitionist mind. Each of his posts claimed to be "improvised," but if that's true, he's an even more terrifying genius than I think he is. They all struck me as meticulously crafted, and worthy of serious thought and time. They're worth rereading, too: do yourself a favor and spend some time with his series on transnational history, or his case for nuclear abolitionism, or his essay on the origins and meanings of Memorial Day. It doesn't matter that these posts were written by some graduate student somewhere you'd never heard of. If anything, that makes it cooler. Those posts represent a powerful mind at work, and you got to see it in action (or else you get to now), in your browser or RSS reader, for free. If the story of Invisible Adjunct, our other inaugural Hall of Famer, exposed a failure--not a personal failure, by any means, but a collective failure of the academic profession--Mode for Caleb represents a glowing success. It's Caleb's success--he's got his PhD now, a tenure-track job, and a new baby on the way. We envy his students and wish him well. But it's a success for the medium of academic blogging, too.
    -- Rob MacDougall

    Posted on Wednesday, September 6, 2006 at 9:53 PM | Comments (0) | Top

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    Posted on Saturday, October 8, 2005 at 7:04 PM | Top

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    The Cliopatria Symposium is an irregular/monthly feature here at Cliopatria -– monthly to remind us to do it periodically and irregular so we won't necessarily do one just because the calendar says so. Manan Ahmed has agreed to keep the agenda for the symposia. We'll need worthy articles to discuss: If you come across an article that appears to be a likely candidate for attention here, please recommend it to him: manan*at*uchicago*dot*edu.

    The list of symposiums held to date:

    Valérie Rosoux's "Foregiveness: Grandeur or Political Slogan" (April 2008)

    Gregory Clark's A Farewell to Alms (August 2007)

    Responses to In Dusty Archives, A Theory of Affluence Gregory Clark's Response and Further Discussion:

    Jamestown 2007 (May 2007)

    A Historian for the People (March 2007)

    British and American 'Imperialisms' Compared (July 2006)

    Transnational Histories of America (April 2006)

    Wilentz on Bush's Ancestors (October 2005)

    Empires: Beyond Imperialism (August 2005)

    America's Unfinished Revolution (July 2005)

    Forget the Founding Fathers: American Historiography (June 2005)


    Posted on Wednesday, June 8, 2005 at 6:45 AM | Top

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    (Click here for Part 2)


  • Carnivals
  • Art, Literature, Culture
  • Historians who write about Many Things
  • Academic Lives
  • Contemporary Commentary
  • Ideas and Beliefs
  • Digital History, Science & Technology
  • Material Culture & Public History
  • World History
  • Women's History
  • Ancient History
  • Medievalist Weblogs
  • Pre-Modern History
  • Modern History
  • United States History
  • Regional Histories
  • Military History
  • Institutional
  • Museums
  • K-12
  • News and Links
  • Primary Sources
  • Other

  • Primarily Non-English Language
  • Blogosfera de historia
  • Clioweb
  • Wissenschafts-Café
  • Carnivals

  • Art History Carnival
  • Asian History Carnival
  • Biblical Studies Carnival
  • Carnival of Bad History
  • Carnival of Genealogy
  • Carnivalesque
    pre-modern history
  • Four Stone Hearth anthropology/archaeology
  • The Giant's Shoulders
    history of science
  • History Carnival
  • History Carnivals Aggregator
  • Indian History Carnival
  • Military History Carnival
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    Art, Literature, Culture

  • Acephalous
  • Art History
  • Art History Newsletter
  • Dial "M" for Musicology*
  • In Search of the Miraculous
  • Little Professor
  • Modern Art Notes
  • Paper Cuts
  • Quick Study
  • The Rest is Noise
  • Steamboats are ruining everything
  • wood s lot
  • Workbook
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    Historians who write about Many Things

  • The Agonist*
  • Air Pollution
  • Alterdestiny
  • Amiable Dunce
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  • And gladly wolde
    (s)he lerne
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    * - group blog

    †- retired to the hall of fame


    Posted on Tuesday, January 18, 2005 at 10:28 PM | Comments (54) | Top