- published: 01 Jul 2017
- views: 12014
DMC may refer to:
DMC - Dacă mă simți (Doamna)
dmc HD live | البث المباشر
DMC a.k.a. Babloki feat Mery - Pa fjale (Official Video HD)
DMC - "d i s c u t i i" featuring Arghio (Lyrics Video)
مساء dmc - حلقة الأربعاء 5-7-2017 مع أسامة كمال عادل حمودة .. إلى أين تصل الأزمة العربية القطرية"
البث المباشر لقناة dmc SPORTS
DMC - Intr-o zi... (feat. Alessander) | Lyrics Video
DMC - Mama,odihneste-te in pace !
DMC - "Nu te mai caut" (Official Video)
DMC - "b a l a d a" (Lyrics Video)
Actors: Richard Portnow (actor), Chaz Smith (actor), Joe Pantoliano (actor), Joe Piscopo (actor), Geoffrey Gould (actor), Billy Slaughter (actor), Jamie Kennedy (actor), Lee Majors (actor), Donny Boaz (actor), Erik Estrada (actor), Donny Boaz (actor), Robert Davi (actor), John Goodman (actor), Pason (actress), Morgan Fairchild (actress),
Genres: Comedy,Interpretare:DMC Text:DMC Orchestratie:DMC Productie si post-productie:DMC Mix/Master:Sacadat Records Imagine:Sacadat Records Versuri : Ai aparut atunci cand eu am renuntat la tot Am simtit fiori pe spate atunci cand te-am privit in ochi Si-am inceput sa te descopar parte cu parte Si nu aveam sa stiu ca povestea merge mai departe N-am avut vre-un interes,stii si tu ca-s mai de piatra M-ai schimbat,iti multumesc,esti cea mai tare fata Dar stiam ca esti deja luata... Ai o relatie pe bune,vre-o 8 ani si ceva parca Si nu am fost niciodata de acord sa-ti tradezi partea Dar am calcat pe principii c-am simtit ca-mi esti jumatatea Ma completai perfect,ma intelegeai perfect Si ma priveai perfect si imi zambeai discret Si ne scriam mesaje dupa ce adormea Si te voiam atat de mult incat sa te fac a ...
إشترك الآن: https://goo.gl/NQkcZ5 فيسبوك: https://www.facebook.com/dmctveg تويتر: https://twitter.com/dmctveg إنستاجرام: https://www.instagram.com/dmctv.eg #dmcTV #dmctveg #dmcHD
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ArkivaShqip
Aboneaza-te : https://www.youtube.com/user/MrDMCOfficial?sub_confirmation=1 Artist - DMC,Arghio Interpretare - DMC, Arghio Text - DMC, Arghio Mix/Master - Sacadat Records Aranjamente vocale - Sacadat Records Muzica - DMC Instrumental - Darius Alexandru Pordusa de@Sacadat Records Imagine - Sacadat Records (c) Sacadat Music Company contact http://www.facebook.com/mrdmcofficial http://www.facebook.com/dmcofficialpage http://www.youtube.com/mrdmcofficial https://www.facebook.com/RobertArghio Licesing sacadactrecords@gmail.com
مساء dmc - حلقة الأربعاء 5-7-2017 مع أسامة كمال " الكاتب الصحفى الكبير عادل حمودة يكشف إلى أين تصل الأزمة العربية القطرية" إشترك الآن: https://goo.gl/NQkcZ5 فيسبوك: https://www.facebook.com/dmctveg تويتر: https://twitter.com/dmctveg إنستاجرام: https://www.instagram.com/dmctv.eg #dmcTV #dmctveg #dmcHD
البث المباشر لقناة dmc SPORTS تابعوا جميع مباريات الدوري المصري أونلاين على dmc SPORTS Follow us: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dmcsportstv twitter: https://www.twitter.com/dmcsportstv Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dmcsportstv G+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/108630909048872491880/108630909048872491880/about تردد: 11449 أفقي معامل تصويب الخطا: 5/6 معدل الترميز: 27500
(c) & (p) Sacadat Records Licentiat la sacadactrecords@gmail.com Artist:DMC & Alessander Interpretare:DMC & Alessander Text:DMC & Alessander Mix/Master:Sacadat Records & Maxim Sounds Productie & post-productie:Sacadat Records Imagine:Sacadat Music Comapny contact https://www.youtube.com/user/AlessanderOnline www://www.youtube.com/user/mrdmcofficial pagini http://www.facebook.com/dmcofficialpage - DMC Page https://www.facebook.com/AlessanderOnline http://:www.facebook.com/mrdmcofficial - DMC
Verusrile sunt in descriere ! Acesta este un omagiu adus mamei mele,persoana care mi-a dat viata si a facut din mine omul pe care voi il stiti azi.. Mama,te iubesc..odihneste-te-n pace,cu lacrimi in ochi.. al tau baiat,Darius Alexandru! Artist:DMC Interpretare:DMC Text:DMC Mix/Master:Sacadat Records ArtWork:DMC Contact http://www.facebook.com/mrdmcofficial http://www.youtube.com/mrdmcofficial versuri Strang din dinti ca parca nu mai pot Plang zi de zi si simt cum ma sufoc Ca absenta ta n-o compenseaza nimic Iti scriu d-aici de jos mama,sper sa auzi ce zic Nu cunosc o durere mai mare Sa iti vezi mama in pamant,sa iti vezi mama cum moare Si toti au pretentia ca eu sa fiu tare Doar tu m-ai inteles,dar este departe-n zare Mama... imi pare rau pentru tot Pentru cat am gresit,pentru cat am ...
Artist:DMC Interpretare:DMC Text:DMC Mix/Master:Sacadact Records Aranjamente vocale:Sacadact Records Regie:Damian Adrian (SHADE) Imagine:Damian Adrian (SHADE) Montaj:Sacadact Records https://www.facebook.com/shadowlover.raziel https://www.facebook.com/mrdmcofficial
Versurile sunt in descriere! Artist:DMC Interpretare:DMC Text:DMC Muzica:DMC Mix/Master:Sacadat Records Orchestratie:Darius Alexandru Instrumental:Sacadat Records Productie:SACADAT MUSIC COMPANY Video:Sacadat Music Company Contact http://www.facebook.com/mrdmcofficial http://www.facebook.com/sacadatrecords Boocking: sacadactrecords@gmail.com (+40)728599811 Visele noastre-s departe de realitate Ne-am promis atatea fapte,nu te vad,esti prea departe! Te simt in piept,hai vino te rog Nu ma lasa de dorul tau sa ma sufoc .. ca nu pot Degeaba mint pe toata lumea ca-s puternic,ca duc Sunt cu moralul la pamant , am obosit sa mai lupt Atunci cand ai plecat din viata mea ai zis c-o sa treaca In creierul meu e haos,in inima debandada! Hai sa ne asezam putin,hai sa nu mai fim copii Nu te ascunde ...
Interpretare:DMC Text:DMC Orchestratie:DMC Productie si post-productie:DMC Mix/Master:Sacadat Records Imagine:Sacadat Records Versuri : Ai aparut atunci cand eu am renuntat la tot Am simtit fiori pe spate atunci cand te-am privit in ochi Si-am inceput sa te descopar parte cu parte Si nu aveam sa stiu ca povestea merge mai departe N-am avut vre-un interes,stii si tu ca-s mai de piatra M-ai schimbat,iti multumesc,esti cea mai tare fata Dar stiam ca esti deja luata... Ai o relatie pe bune,vre-o 8 ani si ceva parca Si nu am fost niciodata de acord sa-ti tradezi partea Dar am calcat pe principii c-am simtit ca-mi esti jumatatea Ma completai perfect,ma intelegeai perfect Si ma priveai perfect si imi zambeai discret Si ne scriam mesaje dupa ce adormea Si te voiam atat de mult incat sa te fac a ...
إشترك الآن: https://goo.gl/NQkcZ5 فيسبوك: https://www.facebook.com/dmctveg تويتر: https://twitter.com/dmctveg إنستاجرام: https://www.instagram.com/dmctv.eg #dmcTV #dmctveg #dmcHD
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ArkivaShqip
Aboneaza-te : https://www.youtube.com/user/MrDMCOfficial?sub_confirmation=1 Artist - DMC,Arghio Interpretare - DMC, Arghio Text - DMC, Arghio Mix/Master - Sacadat Records Aranjamente vocale - Sacadat Records Muzica - DMC Instrumental - Darius Alexandru Pordusa de@Sacadat Records Imagine - Sacadat Records (c) Sacadat Music Company contact http://www.facebook.com/mrdmcofficial http://www.facebook.com/dmcofficialpage http://www.youtube.com/mrdmcofficial https://www.facebook.com/RobertArghio Licesing sacadactrecords@gmail.com
مساء dmc - حلقة الأربعاء 5-7-2017 مع أسامة كمال " الكاتب الصحفى الكبير عادل حمودة يكشف إلى أين تصل الأزمة العربية القطرية" إشترك الآن: https://goo.gl/NQkcZ5 فيسبوك: https://www.facebook.com/dmctveg تويتر: https://twitter.com/dmctveg إنستاجرام: https://www.instagram.com/dmctv.eg #dmcTV #dmctveg #dmcHD
البث المباشر لقناة dmc SPORTS تابعوا جميع مباريات الدوري المصري أونلاين على dmc SPORTS Follow us: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dmcsportstv twitter: https://www.twitter.com/dmcsportstv Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dmcsportstv G+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/108630909048872491880/108630909048872491880/about تردد: 11449 أفقي معامل تصويب الخطا: 5/6 معدل الترميز: 27500
(c) & (p) Sacadat Records Licentiat la sacadactrecords@gmail.com Artist:DMC & Alessander Interpretare:DMC & Alessander Text:DMC & Alessander Mix/Master:Sacadat Records & Maxim Sounds Productie & post-productie:Sacadat Records Imagine:Sacadat Music Comapny contact https://www.youtube.com/user/AlessanderOnline www://www.youtube.com/user/mrdmcofficial pagini http://www.facebook.com/dmcofficialpage - DMC Page https://www.facebook.com/AlessanderOnline http://:www.facebook.com/mrdmcofficial - DMC
Verusrile sunt in descriere ! Acesta este un omagiu adus mamei mele,persoana care mi-a dat viata si a facut din mine omul pe care voi il stiti azi.. Mama,te iubesc..odihneste-te-n pace,cu lacrimi in ochi.. al tau baiat,Darius Alexandru! Artist:DMC Interpretare:DMC Text:DMC Mix/Master:Sacadat Records ArtWork:DMC Contact http://www.facebook.com/mrdmcofficial http://www.youtube.com/mrdmcofficial versuri Strang din dinti ca parca nu mai pot Plang zi de zi si simt cum ma sufoc Ca absenta ta n-o compenseaza nimic Iti scriu d-aici de jos mama,sper sa auzi ce zic Nu cunosc o durere mai mare Sa iti vezi mama in pamant,sa iti vezi mama cum moare Si toti au pretentia ca eu sa fiu tare Doar tu m-ai inteles,dar este departe-n zare Mama... imi pare rau pentru tot Pentru cat am gresit,pentru cat am ...
Artist:DMC Interpretare:DMC Text:DMC Mix/Master:Sacadact Records Aranjamente vocale:Sacadact Records Regie:Damian Adrian (SHADE) Imagine:Damian Adrian (SHADE) Montaj:Sacadact Records https://www.facebook.com/shadowlover.raziel https://www.facebook.com/mrdmcofficial
Versurile sunt in descriere! Artist:DMC Interpretare:DMC Text:DMC Muzica:DMC Mix/Master:Sacadat Records Orchestratie:Darius Alexandru Instrumental:Sacadat Records Productie:SACADAT MUSIC COMPANY Video:Sacadat Music Company Contact http://www.facebook.com/mrdmcofficial http://www.facebook.com/sacadatrecords Boocking: sacadactrecords@gmail.com (+40)728599811 Visele noastre-s departe de realitate Ne-am promis atatea fapte,nu te vad,esti prea departe! Te simt in piept,hai vino te rog Nu ma lasa de dorul tau sa ma sufoc .. ca nu pot Degeaba mint pe toata lumea ca-s puternic,ca duc Sunt cu moralul la pamant , am obosit sa mai lupt Atunci cand ai plecat din viata mea ai zis c-o sa treaca In creierul meu e haos,in inima debandada! Hai sa ne asezam putin,hai sa nu mai fim copii Nu te ascunde ...
What's wrong with this world today (what's wrong with this world)
Check it out now
12 years old and I'm smokin on weed
I want a lot of stuff that I don't really need
14 years old and I'm drinkin on beer
What my parents gotta say I don't wanna hear
16 years old and I'm takin ecstasy
Girl next to me is gonna have sex with me
18 years old and I'm sniffin cocaine
Don't really care what it's doin to my brain
Don't understand, why all the fuss
Why the grown-ups keep messin with us
I'm not gonna die just because I smoked dust
Smack me in the face just because I said a cuss
Treat 'em like kids, we should leave them alone
But they don't understand (I'm 12 and I'm grown)
At the age of 12 I was probably sellin weed
Seein the same things that DMC seen
Was a young cat that'd love to see you bleed
But what's goin on with this world tell me
Kids in the street eatin meals off the streets
Take me off the streets but can't stop the streets
At the age of 3 they got shot right in front of me
My moms and my daddy, shoulda never had me
16 years old my balls got swoll
Heart got cold and them glocks got load
Take it back to 15, pops was on the scene
Took me out the hood, showed me how to stack cream
Take it back to my breddern, age 11
Khadafi, the head brother, of Makaveli
Wasn't for you, the streets woulda failed me
Napolean, Outlaw, give 'em hell DMC
Check it out
Today is the day that I bring a gun to school
The teacher dissed me and he played me for a fool
Tryin to play the role, tryin to be cool
Being {?} well I make the rules
If I pull the trigger, I figure if he die
I say that I'm crazy, you know that's a lie
Just gotta act like I'm out of my mind
To be on the news, on the cover of Time
Shoulda known I would do it, shoulda seen the signs
Been lovin guns ever since I was 9
I played PlayStation
And Nintendo too
And love all the games
When I'm shootin at you
When my dad was young he used to go out and hunt
It doesn't really matter man, I came to front
It doesn't really matter as a kid or a man