NZ: Hundreds of GM trees cut down Rotorua

April 13: According to the media, hundreds of genetically modified trees have been destroyed at the Crown Research Institute Scion site near Rotorua. The same place was already the target of a successful attack in early 2008 when 19 GM pine trees were cut down.

The field trial site contained 375 radiata pines trees planted last year following approval from ERMA (now the Environmental Protection Authority). Set inside Scion’s perimeter fence, the 1-hectare field trial site was secured by a double fence, one of which was electrified and monitored. Similarly to 2008, no group or individual has claimed responsibilty for getting rid of the GM trees. One can expect a large police operation to track down any fingerprints or DNA left at the ‘crime scene’. Continue reading “NZ: Hundreds of GM trees cut down Rotorua”

Indonesia: four anarchists arrested and investigated for solidarity actions, website shut down

Negasi: On the night of Friday, April 20, 2012, four comrades in Malang, East Java, were arrested by police while performing acts of vandalism as a form of solidarity against a variety of asymmetric struggle against the State, Capital and Society and as a form of solidarity with the revolutionary combatants in jail (Billy & Eat, Tukijo and Hidayat). These four comrades were arrested and had a long interrogation for 17 hours without stopping before it is released though still under police surveillance and investigation.

During the investigation, the police force four comrades to mention Faebook address each considered a “communication tool” internal “group of trouble makers and bullies the social order”.
They were also asked about their relationship with the combatants in the jail (Billy & Eat, Tukijo and Hidayat-recently released from prison at the moment), then how do they communicate with their comrades in prison (whether via phone, email or other medium ), the name of the group or network of which alleged that they were involved and how these groups communicate, and other silly things related activities each captured comrades. Continue reading “Indonesia: four anarchists arrested and investigated for solidarity actions, website shut down”

Manila, Philippines: One person killed as squatters clash with police

April 23: At least one resident was killed and many injured as squatters clashed with heavily-armed riot police in Paranaque, a suburb of Manila.

Hundreds of people burned tyres, hurled rocks, bottles and bags filled with fish innards at the police. Authorities wanted to demolish a market place and squatters were told that they would also be moved out of their homes. Continue reading “Manila, Philippines: One person killed as squatters clash with police”

ANZAC Day Statement from Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group

WAR IS HELL. Galllipoli, 1915. On 25 April, 1915, Australian, British and other imperialist troops landed on a Turkish beach. It was the beginning of a horrendous waste of human life in the Gallipoli campaign, which was itself a minor part of the larger waste of human life during World War I. Both sides in this war were reactionary imperialist alliances, fighting to re-divide the world in the struggle for colonies, resources and markets. It was ended, not by enlightened statesmanship, or by military victory on the field, but by revolutions – first in Russia in 1917 and then in Germany in 1918. The new German government realised that to fight on was to risk a repeat of what had happened in Russia the previous year.

Afghanistan, 2012

United States, Australian and other imperialist troops are fighting an unwinnable war in Afghanistan. The President, a long-time US stooge, retained office in the 2009 election by means of massive fraud. His authority, though, scarcely runs further than the capital. Outside Kabul, the country is ruled by warlords (nominally allies of the President) or by the Taliban. Both are brutal religious zealots, the former somewhat more brutal and the latter somewhat more zealous. The population hate the occupation – they have never submitted to a strong central government and aren’t about to start now. Everyone knows it is only a matter of time till the imperialists leave, so further military operations are pointless cruelty. Continue reading “ANZAC Day Statement from Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group”

Sydney: Tuesday April 24: protest over police shootings


Koori Mail: A RALLY is being planned for Sydney tomorrow, to protest the circumstances of a dramatic car chase in Kings Cross early on Saturday morning that saw two pedestrians struck and ended in police shooting two Redfern teenagers. The 14-year-old driver of the stolen car and an 18-year-old passenger remain in hospital. Video footage has emerged of an officer repeatedly punching the heavily bleeding passenger after he was dragged from the car. A police investigation into the incident is underway, amid calls for a separate one into the level of force involved in the arrests. Tomorrow’s rally outside NSW Parliament House will start at 1.30pm.


1.30pm Tuesday April 24

NSW Parliament House

"Police violence is business as usual" banner from Portland, OR, USA, February 2012


see also “Our NSW police are just way too deadly

Sydney: police shoot two Aboriginal teenagers

April 22: Two young men from Redfern, aged 18 and 14, are in a serious condition in hospital after being shot by police early Saturday morning. They were said to have been in a stolen car which mounted the footpath in Kings Cross, hitting a pedestrian.

A video on a news website shows police dragging 18 year old Troy Taylor, who had been shot in the neck, from the car and punching him as they arrested him.

Stills from video on Daily Telegraph website

Police are said to be calling for calm, in fear of unrest in Redfern similar to the riots in 2004, when 17 year old TJ Hickey died after being chased by police.

Four others in the back of the car, a man aged 24 and three youths aged 13, 14 and 16 were charged late Saturday with being carried in a conveyance, or joy riding. The group were allegedly fleeing from two police officers who had recognised them.

Perth: police and police cars attacked by party-goers

April 22: A policeman was assaulted and police cars pelted with rocks and bottles as officers were forced to respond to another spate of out-of-control parties across Perth overnight.

In Spearwood, a teenager allegedly punched a policeman in the face as officers tried to disperse brawling revellers at Beale Park. A 17-year-old youth was arrested and charged with assaulting a public officer.

Rocks and bottles were thrown at police cars when they attended a disturbance in Middle Swan just after midnight. Police received reports about 100 youths, in separate groups of about 15 people, were causing trouble on Dickson Drive after leaving a party. One group pelted police cars with rocks and bottles after gathering at the intersection of Dickson Drive and Holding Road. Three police cars received minor damage. No-one was injured and there were no arrests made.