Sydney, Adelaide, Melbourne: antifascist events

Sydney, Saturday July 26
11am-1pm, Woolworths, Illawarra Rd Marrickville

Racist scum are trying to intimidate & drive out religious minorities from Marrickville, while promoting white nationalism.
They have decided to target the Woolworths (Illawarra Road) for the grievous crime of wishing its customers ‘Happy Ramadan’.
We are standing up against these hateful people to let them know their views are not welcome.
(Facebook event link, includes link to event organised by “Patriots Defence League”)

Sydney, Saturday July 26
1pm, IKEA, Princess Highway, Tempe

The extreme right wing Australia First Party are holding a public forum at 1:30 on the 26th July, at their Tempe headquarters. They are Australia’s most notorious and prominent Neo Nazi sect with a violent agenda. They will be operating in conjunction with the fascist Greek organisation, Golden Dawn. Their forum is titled ‘End the Ethnic Cleansing of Australians from our Education Institutions’.
This is targeting all foreign influence & presence in Australia, with an exclusively euro-centric view.
We need to send a clear message to these groups that they are not welcome.
Attendance is paramount to make our opposition to a divided community known.
We are meeting underneath the IKEA clock (730 princes highway, Tempe) on Princes Highway, at 1pm, and from there marching to the AFP bunker down the road.
(Facebook event link)

Adelaide, Sunday 27 July
The Adelaide franchise of the Patriots Defence League (a splinter of the Australian Defence League) is planning on holding a BBQ at Bonython Park/Tulya Wodli. Joining the Patriots will be some anti-fascists:
Racists are organising a recruitment BBQ to create a network of fascists in SA. We’re organising a counter-meeting on the same day where people who are motivated by inclusiveness and compassion can meet, share food, listen to music and participate in a group discussion on how to tackle issues relating to racial division in SA. Bring friends and confront hatred with humanity.
(via Slackbastard)

Melbourne, Sunday 27 July
On the same day in Melbourne the Melbourne Anarchist Club is holding a benefit gig for imprisoned anti-fascist Jock Palfreeman. Kick-off is 3pm, entry is $10 and all proceeds are going to the Bulgarian Prisoners’ Rehabilitation Association. See also : Continued Assaults on Asylum Seekers in Sofia Central Prison (July 21, 2014) | Free Jock Palfreeman : July 2014 Update (July 4, 2014).
(via Slackbastard)

Indonesia: Chronology of Resistance in Rembang City, Jawa Tengah: Street and community conflict against military & police in struggle against the construction of a cement factory

This is a news report from one of our comrades in Rembang City, Jawa Tengah. Via 325

People in Rembang City in Jawa Tengah, Indonesia make a protest because the company PT. Semen Indonesia will build a factory in Rembang City. Why the farmers and people protest to that capitalism is because Jaringan Masyarakat peduli Pegunungan Kendeng (JMPPK) and Semarang Caver Association [farming and local community groups in Rembang City] found 109 springs, fountains or wells, as well as 49 caves and 4 underground rivers that make a great amount of pure water there.

And this is different news from Analisa Dampak Lingkungan (AMDAL) which is an organisation, or an ‘Non-Government Organisation’ that is a bullshit organisation that belongs to the government and PT. Semen Indonesia. They say they only found 20 fountains.

If PT. Semen Indonesia still make their factory and cement production in Rembang City, it will destroy nature and the water supply in Rembang City, because that water is directly produced from Watuputih mountain.

That’s why we must boycott PT. Semen Indonesia and AMDAL.

Feed the fire… burn baby burn….!!!! Continue reading “Indonesia: Chronology of Resistance in Rembang City, Jawa Tengah: Street and community conflict against military & police in struggle against the construction of a cement factory”