Melbourne: Co-ordinated attack on Transfield and Toll buildings March 2014

Anarchist News: In the early hours of the 28th of March we co-ordinated an exhilirating attack on both the Melbourne St.Kilda road headquarters of Transfield, and a South Melbourne branch office of Toll.

Paint and glass was hurled, sprayed, thrown all around, and the words ‘Burn the Prison Industrial Complex’, ‘Fuck Transfield’, ‘Get out of Nauru’ and so on were painted on the walls of the buildings.

We have specifically targeted these corporations and workplaces because we think its fucked that anyone can profit off the indefinite detention of human beings in Australia and offshore.

We refuse to accept the Australian government, and the private companies contracted by them, can get away with crinimalising, detaining, torturing and killing people who are trying to seek refuge.

We believe that people have the right to cross any border anywhere to seek refuge from war, oppression, colonialism and economic hardship. We understand that Australia has, and continues to play a leading role in creating those same conditions of war, oppression, colonialism and economic hardship that many people are fleeing from.

With this point we also say to the Australian Government : You do not have the authority to refuse people entry and refuge on a land that was never ceded. You cannot refuse people refuge on land that you stole!

Solidarity to all people in detention centers and prisons everywhere!!

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