Sydney: (more) Invasion Day vandalism

via Indymedia

Let no one say the past is dead.
The past is all about us and within
– Oodgeroo Noonuccal 1970

On the night of January 26th, while drunken nationalists celebrated the 226th anniversary of a British military invasion, some unaustralians vandalised the facade of the Ryde electoral office of Victor Dominello, the state minster for Aboriginal affairs and for citizenship.

On the same day in 1938 Aboriginal activists demonstrated for citizenship rights in their stolen lands, rights which were not granted until 1967. Yet citizenship has done little protect aboriginal people from poverty, prisons and police persecution. It has not recovered their stolen lands, and neither will the new Abbott approved call to recognised indigenous people in the constitution, another empty gesture like Rudd’s cheap apology.

When politicians talk of reconciliation, they seek to silence those who call for land rights and autonomy, to put an end to Koori resistance with some hollow words and ceremonies, while leaving the sovereignty of the state untouched.

From the White Australia Policy to Operation Sovereign Borders, citizenship itself is mechanism of state oppression, where politicians and bureaucrats grant select privileges to some while excluding and criminalising those deemed unworthy or ‘illegal’. Continue reading “Sydney: (more) Invasion Day vandalism”

Perth: Party youths riot in Peppy Grove

27 January: Police in riot gear were called to a party in Peppermint Grove overnight amid reports 500 youths were creating a disturbance.

More than 200 youths pelted police with beer bottles at Manners Hill Park on the Swan River foreshore about 10:00 pm last night.

Officers using riot shields moved in to disperse the crowd. No arrests have been made and no-one was injured.

Sydney: ‘Invasion Day’ graffiti at Botany Bay

24  January: Graffiti denouncing Australia Day as ‘Invasion Day’ has been daubed along the foreshore at Sydney’s Botany Bay.

Anti Australia Day slogans were painted on retaining walls, toilet blocks and other structures along an 8km foreshore stretch overnight, prompting a council clean-up on Friday.

Melbourne: Captain Cook’s Cottage vandalised again with anti-Australia Day message

26th Jan Australia's Shame

24 January, ABC: The historic Cooks’ Cottage, on the outskirts of Melbourne’s CBD, has been graffitied with anti-Australia Day slogans again.

The building in the Fitzroy Gardens was vandalised overnight, with slogans including “26th January, Australia’s shame” and another containing profanity.

Vandals sprayed fluorescent-coloured paint across the historic cottage and smashed a window in.

Police believe light globes filled with paint were also used to vandalise the second storey of the cottage.

It is the third time the building has been vandalised in a year; it was sprayed twice in the days after Australia Day last year.

Continue reading “Melbourne: Captain Cook’s Cottage vandalised again with anti-Australia Day message”

Christmas Island: detainees on hunger strike

16 January: Family groups have joined a hunger strike on Christmas Island as protests spread to three separate compounds.The hunger strike began last week in the single adult male compound at north-west point, where some detainees also sewed their lips together.

A second hunger strike began at the Aqua family compound on Tuesday, according to detainees at the centre. The detainees have put up a banner bearing the word “freedom”. It is not clear whether children are also involved in the protest.

A third group are also protesting in the Lilac facility, which houses men and women. The protesters there staged a sit-in protest and wrote a letter to the Department of Immigration complaining about their treatment and expressing their fears of being sent to Nauru.

The protest was initially sparked by the separation of some asylum seekers from family members. Continue reading “Christmas Island: detainees on hunger strike”

Philippines: more on anarchist solidarity with victims of Typhoon Haiyan

The Solar Guerilla Autonomous Response Team of the Mobile Anarchist School is launching a third mission to the typhoon hit region of Leyte in the  Philippines and is calling for any donations to help them out in this task. They have been distributing food, providing health care wherever they can, childcare and have set up solar powered generators to help people recharge mobile phones and torches, all completely free of charge. The Brisbane Solidarity Network have produced a pamphlet covering the first two missions with details on how to support this campaign.It can be downloaded here.

See also Leyte Mission One and Leyte Mission Two.

Donations can be sent to
Account Number: 2719 0543 77
Account holder: Jocelyn R. Zalueta / Crisanto D. De Vera
Account holder address: 157 Ilaya E. Mendoza St. Buting, Pasig City Philippines
Bank address: 99 A. Sn.guillermo Ave. Buting, Pasig City, Philippines
Zip Code: 1600
Swift Code: BOPIPHMM
Any queries or donation related to this initiative please OR the Etniko Bandido Infoshop at Continue reading “Philippines: more on anarchist solidarity with victims of Typhoon Haiyan”