Indonesia: Billy released from prison

From 325: 22 November: Comrade Billy has been released from prison after serving a jail term for burning an ATM bank in solidarity with Luciano Tortuga in Chile. We welcome Billy back on to the streets with our raised fists and a salute to continue the fight. Billy had been imprisoned for a little over a year. His comrade, Eat, who is also a member of Long-Live Luciano Tortuga Cell – FAI/FRI, is still detained inside the prison.

Long live anarchy – Death to the state and the corporations.


Sydney: cops shoot man dead in Redfern

23 November: Police have launched an internal investigation after a man was shot dead during a pursuit at Redfern in inner Sydney.

Police have confirmed a senior officer opened fire, sending a stolen truck crashing into a pub in a thoroughfare off Regent Street just before noon (AEDT).

Witnesses said they saw police fire up to four gunshots at the truck before it smashed into the Railz Hotel.

It is thought police were chasing the truck up busy Gibbons Street when it turned into a thoroughfare next to the police station. Continue reading “Sydney: cops shoot man dead in Redfern”

Philippines: 1 killed, 2 hurt in Marikina jail riot

19 November: An inmate died while two others were injured in a riot inside Marikina City Jail, Manila, on Sunday afternoon.

The lone fatality was identified as Roel Diaz, who died from a gunshot wound during the scuffle at around 4:30 p.m. at the jail, located on the 5th floor of the Marikina City Justice Hall.

Police said the riot sparked during the inmates’ protest against some of the jail’s policies, including the requiring of visitors to take off their clothes during inspection. A police report said jail guards responded to the riot by firing rubber bullets. However, Diaz and two other inmates, identified as Jayson Malicdin and John Cariño, sustained gunshot wounds. Continue reading “Philippines: 1 killed, 2 hurt in Marikina jail riot”

Manado, Indonesia: actions, call, from International Conspiracy for Revenge

A the start of November, the Informal Anarchist Federation – International Revolutionary Front released claims taking responsibility for placing an explosive package and, a week later, for burning down a school. A call was also released for international direct action.

1. 325: On 11 of November 2012, covered by the night and with desires of revolutionary solidarity to the imprisoned anarchists from around the world, we burnt one state elementary school in Paniki, Manado. We salute our action to all of our brothers and sisters from Informal Anarchist Federation – International Revolutionary Front(FAI – IRF).

Maybe, many of the comrades will be asking why we put a fire in a school? It’s a simple answer.

First, school is a prison. And there’s no other excuse to defend the school and write it out from the list of targets of revolutionary actions. In school, we can’t learn about freedom, bravery, uniqueness and revolutionary solidarity. We learn nothing but the situation of society that imposes on our dignity as a human being. Continue reading “Manado, Indonesia: actions, call, from International Conspiracy for Revenge”

An open letter to anarchists (and others) in Melbourne (and other places) who feel under attention from the state; or, “Please Don’t Talk To The Cops”

source: The Golden Barley School

Dear comrades,

First of all: you have our solidarity. We know that feeling surveilled and monitored can be a very real trauma, and we know that those feelings don’t just disappear though the ‘correct’ political analysis or through macho bravado.

We have no interest in singling out anyone or any group for condemnation. However, these recent events, and the conversations around them, have emphasised to us the importance of creating a strong collective culture in which we refuse to speak with ASIO or the cops: not matter how innocent the circumstances might seem. Even when we’re under pressure – and we’re always under pressure – we need to be able to deal with debates and conflicts without creating unnecessary divisions between ourselves.

It’s precisely because things don’t seem to have gone too badly on this occasion when people chose to speak with ASIO that it’s important to raise a critique of ever talking to them and to point out the dangers of becoming complacent around this. It seems necessary to re-iterate why ‘don’t talk’ should be a general political principle. Continue reading “An open letter to anarchists (and others) in Melbourne (and other places) who feel under attention from the state; or, “Please Don’t Talk To The Cops””

Melbourne: protesters support grand jury resisters at the US consulate

November 17, Anarchist Affinity: Yesterday about 40-50 people gathered outside the US Consulate in Melbourne to protest the imprisonment of grand jury resisters Matt Duran, Katherine Olejnik and the likely detention of Matthew Pfeiffer who has said they will again refuse to speak to the US inquisition on December 14.

Two cards were circulated for Matt and Katherine, with protesters writing messages of support on them. Continue reading “Melbourne: protesters support grand jury resisters at the US consulate”

Melbourne: Solidarity with grand jury resisters and response to coffee with ASIO

“I must not fear.
Fear is the mind killer.
Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain.”
-Frank Herbert, Dune

Indymedia: As part of the days of solidarity with grand jury resisters in the US, on the morning of Friday 16th November we hung a banner on the Merri Parade train overpass which read “SOLIDARITY WITH GRAND JURY RESISTERS IN THE USA, ACAB”.

In addition to that and in reference to this article we wrote “DON’T TALK TO ASIO” on the front of the Melbourne Anarchist Club, [which didn’t talk to ASIO: see their statement here – disaccords] and a huge “SHH! DON’T TALK TO COPS” on the Merri Creek bike path. Continue reading “Melbourne: Solidarity with grand jury resisters and response to coffee with ASIO”