• Wednesday, July 5th, 2017

    Wednesday, July 5th, 2017

    Trentino, Italy: TV, Radio, and Telephone Repeaters Sabotaged

    from Act for Freedom Now!

    Trentino – From the local media we learn that during the night between 6th and 7th June several repeaters and management cabins were set on fire on the Finonchio Mountain. Radio and TV (RAI) plants, mobile phone structures (Telecom, Vodafone and Wind) and a couple of repeaters used by the armed forces were burnt out. The damage was massive, over a million euros, and State TV stations stopped functioning over the whole area for several hours. “Stop censorship against the comrades in AS2. With Fran and the comrades in Aachen.” and “Today we are silencing you. (A)” was sprayed on the spot.

  • Wednesday, July 5th, 2017

    Wednesday, July 5th, 2017

    Camp White Pine Blockades Mariner East 2 Pipeline in Central Pennsylvania

    by Unicorn Riot / It’s Going Down

    After receiving all necessary permits from state regulatory agencies in February, Sunoco Logistics has been pushing ahead with construction of the Mariner 2 East Pipeline. Sunoco Logistics Partners and Energy Transfer Partners, announced the completion of their corporate mergeron April 28.  President Donald Trump is an investor in the company.

    Mariner 2 follows the route of Mariner 1, a repurposed oil pipeline which carries natural gas liquids (NGLs) to the east coast for export.  Mariner 2 would follow roughly the same route, stretching over three hundred miles across the state of Pennsylvania from frack fields in Scio, Ohio to bring propane, ethane and other fracking byproducts to Marcus Hook, a refinery and export hub just south of Philadelphia. While Sunoco/Energy Transfer Partners promotes the pipeline with rhetoric about American energy independence, the natural gas liquids transported by Mariner East 2 are primarily for export to the European plastics industry.


  • Wednesday, July 5th, 2017

    Wednesday, July 5th, 2017

    Australia: Adani Coal Protesters Shut Down Commbank Bank Branches

    from Front Line Action

    Newcastle — At least seven Commbank branches have been shut to customers because of peaceful protests organised due to Commbank’s refusal to rule out funding the Adani coal mine. Over 300 people are participating in today’s decentralised action – with more branch locations targeted.

    Protesters are undertaking protests at branches across greater Newcastle, calling on the bank to reveal whether it will continue to fund new coal projects, including the proposed Adani coal project in north Queensland – the largest coal mine proposal in Australia’s history.

    At the Junction Commbank, 95 year old Kokoda veteran Bill Ryan said, ”Opening new coal mines is a direct threat to the future of today’s youth and generations to come. The Adani mine holds enough coal to spell disaster for the climate and would bring more frequent and severe weather events, and devastation to the Great Barrier Reef. I feel morally compelled to do whatever I can to help stop this tragedy occurring.”


  • Tuesday, July 4th, 2017

    Tuesday, July 4th, 2017

    India: Protesting Iron Ore Mining in Sonshi

    By Ashok Shrimali / CounterView

    There is no end to misery of 45 tribals of a small Goa village, Sonshi, who were arrested in April this year for protesting against air and noise pollution which villagers say is caused by thousands of trucks running via the small road in the village.

    Kept in judicial lockup for nine days in April, pressure began building when they refused to sign the bail bond and their school going children protested before the Police Station. However, even today, they remain behind bars.
    While the High Court of Bombay at Goa and the Goa Children Rights Commission took up suo motu cognizance of the incident, the matter is still pending, even as the authorities have admitted in their report to the court that there was serious violation of law and pollution was at a much higher level than the permissible limit.

    A police report to the Goa administration, a copy of which is with Counterview, admits that daily 800 to 900 trucks ply through this route covering about 4,000 trips, transporting iron ore of six mining companies.


  • Tuesday, July 4th, 2017

    Tuesday, July 4th, 2017

    Honduras: Two Members of COPINH Attacked

    from IE Network

    Berta Isabel Cáceres Flores was an environmental activist, indigenous leader of her people, and co-founder and coordinator of the Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras (COPINH).

    On Friday, June 3oth, at approximately 2:36 pm, Bertha Zúniga and a friend were on their way back home after visiting in the community of Cancire of the Municipality of Santiago Puringla in the department of La Paz, when they were attacked by four men wielding machetes and throwing rocks at them while they were in their vehicle. As reported, the driver of their vehicle was able to avoid a deadly accident with defensive driving skills and evading future incident by taking a detour. These kinds of attacks are all too frequent and many times deadly. Bertha’s mother Berta Caceres was murdered last year as a direct result of her work to bring justice to the Indigenous Peoples of Honduras. Berta Isabel Cáceres Flores was an environmental activist, indigenous leader of her people, and co-founder and coordinator of the Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras (COPINH).

    We demand that the authorities investigate and punish these aggressions. It is the responsibility of the State of Honduras to protect the physical integrity of COPINH members and to take all necessary measures to ensure that the organization carries out its work in defense of the rights of the Lencas communities and their territories.

    We call on the international community to be vigilant and demand the protection of the members of COPINH to the Honduran authorities. […]

  • Tuesday, July 4th, 2017

    Tuesday, July 4th, 2017

    The “Aymarazo” Protests in Peru, Six Years Later

    by Real World Radio / Posted on Inter Continental Cry

    It’s been six years since the socio-environmental conflict known as the ‘Aymarazo’ in Peru, a mobilization that happened in the province of Puno in 2011, against the mining project ‘Santa Ana’, owned by the Canadian company Bear Creek Mining Corporation.

    The project proposed is an open-cast mine near the border with Bolivia, which had planned to extract more that 63 million ounces of silver over a period of 11 years, beginning in 2012. The local population rejected the project because of the potential exploitation and contamination of water sources in the area, including the important Desaguadero River and Lake Titicaca, which Peru and Bolivia share.

    As a consequence of the suspending of the project, 18 community leaders are facing criminal charges. They are accused of the alleged crimes of obstruction of public services, disturbing the peace, and aggravated extortion. Among them is Francisca Sarmiento, the only woman leader who is being charged. The public prosecutor is asking for the accused to face 18-28 years of prison and pay over 2 million dollars in compensation. The trial is now in its final stages.


  • Monday, July 3rd, 2017

    Monday, July 3rd, 2017

    Thirteen-Person Lockdown at Fracking Site, Lancashire, UK

    by Press Association / The Guardian

    Protesters at Preston New Road in Fylde, Lancashire, on Monday. Photograph: Kristian Buus

    Protesters have blockaded the entrance to a fracking site as part of a month of action to resist the controversial drilling process.

    The group of 13 protesters, including three local councillors, arrived at the site on Preston New Road in Fylde, Lancashire, in the early hours of Monday morning and locked themselves to objects in an attempt to prevent vehicles entering the site.

    Lancashire county councillor Gina Dowding said: “It’s abundantly clear that when it comes to fracking, local councils have been rendered weak and helpless. I feel I need to be here with the community to say that we won’t roll over and accept this. We are putting our bodies on the line because our voices haven’t been heard.”

    Kirkham town councillor Miranda Cox said: “When your community and family is threatened, you are often left with little choice but to take direct action. As a councillor and member of this community, I have been left with no more alternatives.


  • Sunday, July 2nd, 2017

    Sunday, July 2nd, 2017

    Anti-Fracking Group Runs 80 Miles in NM Heat

    from KOB

    Read the letter delivered to BLM at http://www.wildearthguardians.org/site/DocServer/6.26_FrackOffChaco_Awareness_Run_BLM_Letter.pdf?docID=17552

    June 26, 2017 08:26 PM

    FARMINGTON, N.M. – A group in the Four Corners area is on an environmental mission. Members went on an 80-mile run in the June heat to deliver a message to federal authorities.

    “They said it was about 103 yesterday. It was rough, but it wasn’t rough enough to keep us away,” runner Kendra Pinto said.

    Kendra Pinto was one of about a dozen runners that ran the 80 miles, relay-style, from Counselor, New Mexico to the Bureau of Land Management Farmington Field Office in three days. The group wants people to know about the effect they say fracking has on the land and people who live in it.

    “These health issues we are having, all these people that are having to deal with (it) without any punishment going to any of the corporations that are causing harm to our people,” said Lauren Howland, another runner.

    The group delivered a letter to Bureau of Land Management officials asking for an immediate moratorium to fracking in the greater Chaco Canyon area.


  • Sunday, July 2nd, 2017

    Sunday, July 2nd, 2017

    Georgia Town Fights Becoming Coal Ash Dumping Ground

    by Georgina Gustin / Inside Climate News

    JESUP, Georgia—Peggy Riggins remembers standing against the wall of a windowless meeting room on a January day last year. Dozens of people sat in folding chairs, others crowded the aisles and more packed the hallway outside, tilting their heads to hear.

    The Wayne County commissioners were unaccustomed to a big audience. But over the previous weeks, the local newspaper had uncovered plans by an out-of-town waste hauler to expand a rail line leading to the community’s landfill. County residents were getting more and more concerned with each story. This new rail spur would enable the company—later found to be Republic Services, a $9-billion firm based in Phoenix whose biggest shareholder is Microsoft’s Bill Gates—to haul 10,000 tons of toxic coal ash through the county’s swampy forestlands and into the dump every day.

    Riggins, like a lot of her neighbors, had never thought much about the Broadhurst Environmental Landfill, as it is formally known, and had barely heard of coal ash. But as the news unfolded, Wayne County learned that it could become one of the biggest coal ash dumping grounds in the South, thanks to a loophole in federal regulations.


  • Sunday, July 2nd, 2017

    Sunday, July 2nd, 2017

    Direct Actions for Animal Liberation: June 2017 Recap

    from Bite Back

    The ALF hacked the foie gras producer La Ferme Schmitt; anonymous report:  “……. A.L.F …….Morality vs Legality
    la ferme schmitt ==> foie gras & others -client list [RELEASED…]

    On June 4, the website (www.boucherie-bretagne.com) of the Breton Federation of Butchers was taken down.
    In addition, anonymous activists dumped the mailing lists from several French hunting federations […].


    June 21, 2017 – Chile:  LOCKS GLUED AT BETTING SHOP
    “Members of the Anonymous Band for Sabotage in the early hours of June 18 sealed two padlocks at a Teletrak betting office in Santiago. Previously we harassed their customers with an undesirable noise, this time we went for their locks. ‘…We will continue smashing your windows, we will continue painting your walls, we will continue screwing with your locks, we will continue shouting in your faces… We will continue on the warpath!’ –Ekkaía.
    Anonymous Band for Sabotage
    Animal Liberation Front / Earth Liberation Front”

    “Noise bombs coordinated by the ALF and ELF in Santiago and Arauco Province Embracing the struggle for Total Liberation, we continue on …From our perspective and praxis we want to generate like-minded actions and informal coordinations for attack. Anti-authoritarian attack with accomplices, which have been demonstrated for some time in Chilean territory with low-scale sabotages.
    Of course we want more brothers and sisters to take word and action in the name of the ALF and the ELF, it’s just a matter of deciding to do it, nobody here owns anything, we can all do it. Today we claim new actions for Animal and Earth Liberation. Coordinated noise bombs on June 11 in front of a butcher’s shop in Santiago and the Forestal Arauco company, more propaganda in Arauco Province. […]”

    On June 4, the website (www.boucherie-bretagne.com) of the Breton Federation of Butchers was taken down.
    In addition, anonymous activists dumped the mailing lists from several French hunting federations […].

    According to a report on frentedeliberacionanimal.net, the ALF destroyed traps used to catch wild boars at a farm in Fondotoce Di Verbania. A message, “Keep your hands off the boars” was left behind.

    June 10, 2017 – France: ZOO PRIVATE NETWORK HACKED
    Anonymous activists hacked a private network for the Zoo and Botanical Garden of Branféré; [AND RELEASED] extranet user list: […]

    “From Birmingham, UK: A few months ago we slashed the tyres of every single meat truck at Pak Mecca slaughterhouse in Digbeth. Last night we did the same at A J Meats slaughterhouse. We slashed the tyres of the meat trucks with a hardware-store braddle, and put a brick through one of their windscreens. Above ground, the animal rights movement in Birmingham (UK) is gaining momentum – with constant outreach, slaughterhouse ‘vigils’, and demonstrations. Although we personally choose not to take part in these things, we think that it will take a variety of tactics to bring down the animal industries, and respect whatever tactic others choose, as they should respect ours. […]

    We encourage and we incite everyone who has ever thought of using these tactics, who has idolised the ALF of the 80s and 90s but thought that it was a thing of the past, to consider it, to plan it and carry it out – to physically attack one of the many targets in Birmingham and anywhere else. Damage to property is not ‘violence’. As we carry the ALF torch forward, we pledge never to hurt a living being, human or otherwise.
    If not you, who? If not now, when?”

    During the night of June 7-8, “fur is murder” and other slogans were painted on the windows and walls of the Johnells department store in Södertälje. Click [above link] to view video from the scene.

    “The ticketstoros.com web site was recently hacked by Anonymous and a large quantity of personal data belonging to bullfight supporters was taken. The site is operated by a company called Teyci which is one of the main promoters of bullfights in Madrid, Spain. […]  the site was actually very insecure and gaining access to the customer database was trivial. Customer data was not protected with any care at all and so all those people who thought they could support and engage in animal torture with impunity are now known to us. We know who you are, which bullfight you attended and even how much you paid for the ticket. […]
    We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget.
    Expect us.


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