FH057 Andreas Brandal – Murmurs and Echoes

RIYL: late-era Talk Talk jamming with Calexico, the unfulfilled life that flickers on the eyelids at night

Weary, cold, and alone but not dead, we soldier on under the half-light to some place on the horizon, anyplace really, as the sky and ground remain unbroken, seemingly forever. It has been a real pleasure watching Andreas Brandal evolve from his early roots in experimental noise & drone to this current incarnation as a post-indie/post-rock chamber orchestra Hemingway: Murmurs and Echoes sounds like a Western set on an ice field at the nadir of winter.

Andreas Brandal lives in Bergen, Norway.

limited edition of 75

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Andreas Brandal Murmurs and Whispers

1. Restoring Darkness
2. The Factories Divine
3. Undertone of Rivers
4. Within Ashes and Filth
5. The Day Erased
6. The Burial Clouds
7. A New Moon
8. Murmurs and Echoes