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Man dies after falling from hotel balcony

Phil Hickey

Published: July 16 2017 - 3:45PM

A man has died after falling from the balcony of a Fremantle pub overnight.

Police are investigating the death of the 28-year-old man from West Perth, which happened at the Sail and Anchor pub on South Terrace about 8.30pm.

Police say the man was sitting on the back of a sofa chair on the balcony on the second storey of the pub.

It is believed the man lent back, before falling through a plastic café blind to the pavement below.

A witness who helped perform CPR on the man was alerted to the incident by screams from women outside the venue.

"My mate and I went outside and saw two nurses giving CPR," the man, who did not want to be identified, said.

He helped the nurses until the ambulance arrived.

The injured man was taken to Fiona Stanley Hospital but later died. 

Police will prepare a report for the Coroner.

This story was found at: http://www.watoday.com.au/wa-news/man-dies-after-falling-from-hotel-balcony-20170716-gxc3qa.html