Monthly Archives: February 2014

Casual Labour, Agency Work & Unemployment

This is the PDF download for the previous 3 part long article on the experience of casual work and unemployment. Copyright free. Casual Labour

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On the Protests In Bosnia

The following is a post on the current protests in Bosnia written by by a participant.  Sarajevo at the height of the violent protest last Friday. Photo copyright: Jim Marshall. Since last week, Bosnia and Hercegovina has been gripped by … Continue reading

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Tommy The Movie!

Not on release for 18 months! And here are the last few remaining EDL fighting each other!

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Far Right Far From Unity

Crivvens! Jings! And Help Ma Boab! Not only was there a dismal turnout for the EDL demo in Slough last weekend but an even tinier contingent turned out for the latest attempt to ‘unite the right’ (which appears to be … Continue reading

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RIP Tommy Robinson!

‘Rumours of his death are greatly appreciated.’ Mark Twain. Crivvens! Jings! And Help Ma Boab! It is with no great sadness that we mourn the passing of ‘Tommy Robinson’ and the death of his political career. It ended ignominiously, not … Continue reading

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